MovieChat Forums > DreamGoddess

DreamGoddess (2)



As someone who worked in customer service for years, the girl in the mall is almost obligated to be nice to strangers while working on the clock. This would be the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone you otherwise would not have a clear opportunity to chat with. As far as what to talk about, you can never go wrong asking for reccomendation on merchandize or in this case anime or video game recommendation. Just be natural and try not to be too creepy, and she will gladly acknowledge you. Double standards are bad and they also stifle creativity. I think "White Chicks" was hilarious, but if there was movie called "Black Chicks" with two guys in black makeup pretending to be black girls, there would be boycotts and petitions to get this movie canned. As a woman of mixed race, I think its not fair. "Black Chicks" could be a funny movie but because of double standards, we may never find out. More recently, there was controversy over the "X-men Age of Apocalypse" movie. Feminists were triggered over a billboard advertisement, showing Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique, in a chokehold, by the mutant Apocalypse. I suppose the ad depicted violence towards women, as if violence towards a man would have been more reasonable. Violence should be viewed in a bad light in general, but in a fictional movie about heroes fighting villians, violence should not even be an issue. I've also heard of transgender people who believe non trans actors shouldn't play trans roles. Does that not defeat the whole purpose of acting? What next? Only gay people can play gay roles, and straight people playing straight roles. That would be discrimination. As long as double standards exist, there will never be true equality. View all replies >