MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

I voted for Hillary. Basically a democrat. But I do agree with somethings with republicans say. Like drugs are bad mmmkay? And people gotta calm down with all their craziness about how 'unique' they are.

But mostly about guns. I mean EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY TIME there is a shooting Dems are all like 'we gotta ban guns, at least some guns etc..." And I'm like, what's the point? They will obtain them ILLEGALLY. And then leave innocent people in a bad position.

Funny how the Dems are 110% OK with legalizing weed. Their 'reasoning' being "well they will do it anyways, we might as well tax and regulate it." But guns OH NO! Destroy them all!!! Huh?

LOL you know, you can PRINT 3D guns. I mean, you can't ban sh!t. If anything people need to START arming themselves. Imagine if a lot of the people WERE armed, when our latest dear shooter, lol, decided to shoot up the place? Would he not *ucking think twice? You know WHY he shot up the place so FREELY? Cuz he COULD. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. No one can defy him.

Reminds me of bullies, why do they do it, cuz they can. IF most people had guns he would not even ATTEMPT this sh!t. He would just be like 'I'd get shot by the person in the room next to me.' It's like when they scared parents of letting their kids play outside. Kept them in. THEREFORE CREATING THE PROBLEM. If there are a bunch of people/witnesses in the streets no one would dare pull some sh!t. Yes there are whack jobs out there. But really, they made it worse. Now the one kid that plays out side is really in danger.

It's stupid really. I also notice people in southern gun loving states are more polite. In the gun hating blue states, people are so crass and quick to run their mouth. Why? One idea I have is cuz they can of course. They don't have to worry about getting shot. But you better believe if someone has a gun you think twice. Maybe they will shoot you.

My last argument is look at countries have banned guns 100%. They are dictatorships. People NEED the gov to be sacred of them it's called checks and balances. No offence. Not trying to go to extremes. But just because one guy went nuts that does not mean we gotta ban all guns and sh!t. It's like that Aurora attack. People assumed anyone that likes bat man must be a shooter. People are making correlations that don't exist imo.


Im fine with guns:)
Love 'em in fact...i have a shitload!
Not a bad shot either ( tho probably not the best )
Gun criminals should go to prison for loooong sentences so the rest of us Americans can hunt and 'plink' and fire away...all in good , safe fun!
Guns are fun if you are sane and cautious..;)



But what if a burglar comes in the house, Dazed? You need that bazooka and that uzi for protection!

I'm thinking of getting a sea mine myself, to plant in front of the TV. Let's see you try and steal it then Mr. Robber!



All is fair in love and home protection. Stuff is some of my favourite things. I'd be damned if some fool tries to take it and live to tell the tale.

Landmines are also an excellent idea. Wish I'd thought of that when I was looking for ways to safeguard my tank. The automated machine guns would have to do for now.



I'm roaring over here, Dazed! :D

Me, I like to imagine I'm a simple man. I stuff my gun down the front of my pants, because that's the only way I finally have something big and hard down there. I don't wait for someone to come take my stuff. I go out on the street. Someone looks at me funny... BANG! Someone cuts me off in traffic... BANG! Someone says they don't like jam... BANG! I have a gun for a reason, and it's not going to collect dust in some safe box, that's for damn sure.


OMG! You and Dazed are killing me here!

I am starting to salivate.... all this talk about guns is just getting me all hot and bothered!



It's ok! I can handle a cold shower!



I like your thinking, Dazed!

We could even stand in a circle and take turns holding eachother's guns, jerking the triggers, loading and unloading them, shooting them (in a potted plant preferably). What's the point of having a gun and not playing with it (or other's)?





Landmines are also dangerous. Suppose somebody who has a legitimate reason for entering your house or going on your property accidentally steps on a landmine and gets one of his/her feet or whatever blown off?


If they enter my domicile adjacent area without a proper warning they should expect to have body parts blown off. The benefits of owning landmines far outweigh the risks.


What if it's a cop, a fireman, the milkman, the newspaper boy, or a friend or family member, or even a meter-reader who goes onto your property, for legitimate reasons? Think about that.


Fuck the Police. Fire doesn't exist. Milkmen are just calcium pushers. Newspapers are fake news. Friends and family are potential security risks. Who reads lengths? That's a useless job, ergo you get blown off.

I've though about it, and none have a legitemate reason to be on my property.

reply don't care if one of your landmines kills or permanently maims another human being? That's completely wrong. Suppose a milkman, a cop, a fireman, or whoever ends up getting permanently maimed or killed by one of your landmines, and you end up with a court date, and being involved in a major, expensive civil lawsuit, either because that person's family or the person him/herself decided to press charges against you? No homestead would protect you against that kind of expensive civil lawsuit, because a savvy attorney would have no trouble getting around that.


What if somebody in your home has a physical emergency, and the paramedics and/or the EMT's (Emergency Medical Technicians) have to come in and stabilize the person before taking him or her to the hospital in an ambulance? Don't you care about that?


If you're going to cultivate this sort of "fuck the police and everybody else" attitude, don't be surprised if you're physically assaulted, your house catches fire, or one of your loved ones gets assaulted, or seriously ill, and nobody comes to help either you or your family.


Flamethrower is best for home defense...give it a go
Trust me!


Good pal of mine died that way (cleaning his new pistol and didnt clear the chamber)
Real shame...still miss him 20 years later
Everything gets locked up...safest to keep ammo in a separate locker
Always be safe!


Hi, ShogunofYonkers. Sorry about the loss of your good friend.

Carelessness in handling a gun, whether it's through failing to clear the chamber, or just plain careless handling, can and will cause a gun to go off.

Again, I'm very sorry about the loss of your good friend, ShogunofYonkers. It must still be tough on you. An awful lot of people have little or no idea how dangerous guns really can be.

It's agreed....guns should be locked up and unloaded, and the ammo should be kept separately and also locked up.



Good point, Dazed! Regardless of what anybody says or thinks, having a gun or guns around the house is a round-trip ticket to trouble. It's all too easy to commit a murder and/or a suicide with a gun, plus all too many kids get hold of them and play games, not realizing that the gun's loaded, and killing/seriously injuring a sibling in the process.


What about for hunting?
Is that also a nasty American habit that regular people simply enjoy?
You and your net friends are really reaching on this one...
(This IS fun chat tho!)



Yes for sport, conservation, meat and to honor traditions



For hunting is use a bow😉


You are most kind
Thank you


I agree completely, critic. The Dems are idiots, and just read from their playbook. They're setting themselves up for another ass kicking in 2018.


"I Am the FBI."


That's why the Democrats at large get their asses kicked every time. They've gone in lockstep with the GOP on just about everything, for far too long.


Guns don't kill people. People kill people. But monkeys do too (if they've got a gun).

I wonder why most sensible nations don't have a mass shooting extravaganza weekly. Is it because we don't give crazy people arsenals? I think it's because we don't give crazy people arsenals. 'Murica!


You know...i'm thinking...a purge might do the trick...


We try not to let crazy people get guns either...but this is a free country so its the tragic price we pay
Patriots won this land by running European despots out...At gunpoint with their 'MURICAN' rifles...haha.. Funny joke and so original:/
And the rest of you fancy, progressive and frankly weak-kneed ingrates call in OUR sons to save your silly asses again and again from your own problems...
Respect where its due time you foreign losers start a brawl with each other that youre all too pussy to finish...please dont call for my nations children to rescue you


You went full American, man. Never go full American.


Good one kiddo!
An improvement anyway...


Who calls you,anyway😉


Nations ALL around the a few books...youll slowly put it together im sure...


I agree. The America bashing gets old after the first million occasions.



Guns do kill people. That's precisely what they're designed and built for.


I'm gonna guess, not an Eddie Izzard fan?


Eddie Izzard? I've admittedly never heard of the guy, but I probably wouldn't be a fan of his.



... Quoi?



They work on game too!
Deer, birds, rabbits...i think the 'Antis' confuse Nazi/weirdo/Rambo types with regular guys that enjoy hunting and target contests...sad that everybody is so down on some really fun sports


I understand people who have no other choice killing deer, birds and rabbits for food. That's a survival tactic, and a necessity for some people.

Killing animals for sport or for trophies, however, is totally cruel, and not understandable.


I totally agree with you as far as killing animals for sport. Disgusting if truly for sport where the game is shot and just left. Or when hunting for big game only to have a trophy to hang on a wall.

As I stated my family were/are hunters of game. But, it was and still is a food source. I have relatives whose meat source is venison prepared in many ways. I was raised with different types of game prepared for the dinner table. It wasn’t done out of “necessity” or for “survival”. The hunting with different types of weapons was done because we enjoyed the meat. I loved fried rabbit.

After reading my comments from above, you may still believe killing animals “is totally cruel, and not understandable”. If so, I want you to think about that belief the next time you pick up a steak, a package of pork chops, chicken, etc. The only difference is instead of you hunting, and God forbid killing the animal, you leave it up for others to do the killing! People raise cattle, hogs, chicken or whatever to butcher for the dinner table and to eat.


I said that I don't believe in killing animals for sport....period!!! What's there not to get?

I would never, ever kill an animal, however, who's somebody's pet. Killing a cow, a pig, or a pheasant for meat is something I'd do, but that's it.


Every bit of meat we eat was once a cute animal that was raised for the butchers block...
Some of us just enjoy chasing them in the woods every so often
Theyre Yummy too!


Target practice for sport is one thing. Killing animals for sport is atrocious.


You stated as much previously.


Oh we eat them...always!
They are yummy
No waster of fresh meat here i assure you:)


But, someone has to pull the trigger, unless a string is tied to the trigger. In either case a human was involved. Guns do not (as far as I’m aware) do not act like a Transformer. They don’t jump up, out come the legs, then the arms and hands, and start firing.


Here's another point, though: Guns can go off accidentally, either with careless handling, or even if a gun is in somebody's pocket. Not long ago, a guy's gun went off while it was in his pocket, and seriously injured him. Another person's gun went off accidentally and injured a pregnant woman in Wal*Mart who was also waiting in line.

If you think that guns don't kill people, you're dead wrong here, kskap. Guns are weapons of war, that are designed and built to do precisely that: Kill people, and kill people they do.


Some people need to be killed. The home invaders, the rapists, the assault and battery criminals, etc. I will say without a doubt if we have another home invasion while we are home, the home invader(s) will be put down!


Suppose you kill somebody and you end up with a court date? How would you deal with it?


That is what I meant when I wrote “the home invader(s) will be put down”. There would be no court date because we have “The Castle Doctrine”. Anyone who invades our home we have a right to shoot to kill.


Must be dangerous being a postman around where you live :P


I wasn’t going to reply to your asinine reply...I was just going to let it hang for others to see the absurdity. But, I will reply succinctly.🙄

Hmm? 🤔 The last I knew postal carriers don’t do home invasions!


The reason that most sensible nations don't have constant weekly mass shootings is because they have stronger, more affective and stricter gun laws, like the United States should have.

When Norway had a mass shooting 2-3 years ago, the Norwegian people didn't go out and arm themselves to the teeth the way many people here in the United States do. They called on their government to implement stricter, more affective gun safety laws than they had, which their government did, and they're better off for it.


There is literally NO DEMOCRAT who has said we need to ban guns.



Well, in so many words they have. They like the slippery slope which will lead to a ban. Some have come right out and said so, Nancy Pelosi for one. Others have stated they would like to “visit” the 2nd Amendment again. “Visit” is a euphemism to see what they can do to get around the 2nd Amendment.


No, no Democrat, not one, has proposed a gun ban, and the slippery slope argument is just a way to avoid thinking so the NRA can continue to protect gun manufacturers.


There definitely is a valid slippery slope argument to be made. The Second Amendment has little practical effect in several states. Try getting a permit to carry a firearm in New York or New Jersey. Unless you own a check cashing or jewelry business, you’re not getting one. In fact, there was a recent pro-gun decision from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that was not appealed specifically because the anti-gun lobby was afraid that the Supreme Court would affirm it and thereby end the practice of states like NY and NJ formulating “prove that you need a gun” requirements, which effectively serve to prevent 99.9% of their citizens from being able to carry one.


I am saying that just because there is a "slippery slope" does not mean thoughtful gun legislation is a no-no. I am pro gun mostly, but I do not mind background checks or some reasonable limitations on things like "bump stock". I intend on soon moving out to the rural countryside and in case of danger people need to have guns.


Well stated


I knew one guy who was able to get a gun permit here in Boston, because he owned a (now-defunct) camera repair business. He had four guns; 2 of which he kept in a drawer at his business, and 2 guns that he carried around with him. The latter was rather sleazy of him, since there's always been a law against open carrying here in the Bay State. The guy was not only a sleazy character to begin with and had a reputation for being the worse camera repairman in the city, but he was not particularly likable, to begin with. One guy who came into his store actually tried to hit him!! He also had a reputation for pissing off the winos on Boston's Boylston Street, by telling them to take off. Nobody liked bit. He's long out of business, and out of the city, and down on the South Shore. I don't know what he's up to now, but the last I heard was that he got a ruptured kidney due to some guy's having inadvertently run into him, pretty hard, I think.


They never say that out loud...they just attempt to chip away at my rights to be armed while appearing compassionate and progressive...WHILE being surrounded by armed security themselves lol...the hypocrisy is astounding...never trust our leaders... Refuse to be their fool


That aside the debate has been going on for decades. I would bet there was some Democrat and maybe one today who said in front of a reporter that we needed to ban all guns. There is no way for anybody here to follow the footsteps of 535 representatives all the time and have done so for four plus decades gun control has been an issue to know that not one Democrat has said that they do not favor a complete ban.


>> I would bet there was some Democrat and maybe one today who said in front of a reporter that we needed to ban all guns.



short story,
some years ago there was a rash of robberies and beatings of visitors at certain hospitals in elevators at night, the description of the 2 men were tall, skinny and black. At the same time my mother just happen to be in the hospital,
my wife and I went to visit her, we parked in the back parking lot, went in and got in the elevator, just as the doors were closing someone stuck his hand in and stopped the doors, that's when 2 tall skinny black men jumped in the elevator, they seemed very nervous, I knew these were the guys, I backed up against the wall and stared them right in their eyes and never
took my eyes off them, it was winter and I had my hands in my pocket, they knew, they could sense it, they were about to die, one guy pushed the second floor button, the doors opened and they RAN out the elevator, I had a fully loaded, cocked 9m pointed at them the whole time, say what you want about guns, I will always carry one.


You're right,yawkee...


As well you should!!
Good for you
We can hardly carry legally in nyc...which is exactly where you need a pistol for defense
What a ridiculous situation...ALL the creeps have handguns and the working stiffs gotta rely on pocket knives...mind boggling really!


Shogun, never bring a knife to a gun fight, (Sean Connery) ,,,, so many people have been saying (including myself) that all the strictest laws in the universe will never stop psychos from getting them and killing people, but what really gets me is the people that blame the cops for not protecting them, they don't make the laws, and they don't get called till it's too late, the damage has already been done, all they can do is catch or kill the killer, but the victim or victims are already dead, you just have to protect yourself, sorry about your friend (just read it)... you have to respect your weapons more than anything else,
You cannot carry in NYC but I'll bet every hood carries


Thx in regards to my old pal
And yes the hoods have plenty of guns
I dont mind reasonable gun laws in the least...the problem is the laws only restrict honest citizens...hoods are gonna hood no matter what


.."""hoods are gonna hood no matter what""" unfortunately, that's true no matter where you go,



Are you skipping school? UK, Japan, and Australia ban guns. The NRA has been in control of Congress and the number of guns in this country. Yes, it's a long road, but we have to start somewhere. But it will never happen because the Congress can't pass a law about ANY gun control. As far as pot being legal, it is the GOP who want it legal now because they are finding out what smart people knew for decades - that selling marijuana will bring in a lot of tax & fee revenue. The GOP are hypocrites. If they could find a way to make money off of abortion, their views on it would take a 180 too.


You could very well be right on this, cinies. Banning the little snub-nosed handguns that are easily concealed inside a pocketbook, for example, is not realistically possible, due to the omnipotency of the NRA (National Rifle Association) and the Gun Lobby, but an all-out ban on automatic assault weapons would be a big step in the right direction.


Japan has a total ban on handguns and rifles and shotguns require a licence, safety course and strict background checks. It works for them, almost no mass shootings and very low violent crime.


Japan has a very homogenous population with a narrow set of values. Comparing Japan and the US is comparing apples with oranges.


Good point
Not that most here will get it ...


how about UK or Canada ??


Canada? You've got Toronto and Montreal and then the rest of the country which is fairly homogenous in attitude even if the Quebec'ers have an attitude about culture. Montreal is fairly homogenous of itself and the social programs keep the more erratic in Toronto docile.

UK? Liberal social programs and a concentrated military. Although far from recent the government had a reputation for heavy handedness that some are probably mindful of today.
