MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

I voted for Hillary. Basically a democrat. But I do agree with somethings with republicans say. Like drugs are bad mmmkay? And people gotta calm down with all their craziness about how 'unique' they are.

But mostly about guns. I mean EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY TIME there is a shooting Dems are all like 'we gotta ban guns, at least some guns etc..." And I'm like, what's the point? They will obtain them ILLEGALLY. And then leave innocent people in a bad position.

Funny how the Dems are 110% OK with legalizing weed. Their 'reasoning' being "well they will do it anyways, we might as well tax and regulate it." But guns OH NO! Destroy them all!!! Huh?

LOL you know, you can PRINT 3D guns. I mean, you can't ban sh!t. If anything people need to START arming themselves. Imagine if a lot of the people WERE armed, when our latest dear shooter, lol, decided to shoot up the place? Would he not *ucking think twice? You know WHY he shot up the place so FREELY? Cuz he COULD. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. No one can defy him.

Reminds me of bullies, why do they do it, cuz they can. IF most people had guns he would not even ATTEMPT this sh!t. He would just be like 'I'd get shot by the person in the room next to me.' It's like when they scared parents of letting their kids play outside. Kept them in. THEREFORE CREATING THE PROBLEM. If there are a bunch of people/witnesses in the streets no one would dare pull some sh!t. Yes there are whack jobs out there. But really, they made it worse. Now the one kid that plays out side is really in danger.

It's stupid really. I also notice people in southern gun loving states are more polite. In the gun hating blue states, people are so crass and quick to run their mouth. Why? One idea I have is cuz they can of course. They don't have to worry about getting shot. But you better believe if someone has a gun you think twice. Maybe they will shoot you.

My last argument is look at countries have banned guns 100%. They are dictatorships. People NEED the gov to be sacred of them it's called checks and balances. No offence. Not trying to go to extremes. But just because one guy went nuts that does not mean we gotta ban all guns and sh!t. It's like that Aurora attack. People assumed anyone that likes bat man must be a shooter. People are making correlations that don't exist imo.



Yeah the 'one gun' thing doesnt work tho...
Lets say i hunt deer, own a shop, enjoy sporting clays and have an apartment in a rough neighborhood...
Im gonna need several guns to cover all that


Some people think that they can fool proof humanity and that just is not going to happen.


Real talk
The 'antis' here dont seem to get that...tho they seem decent enough sorts and i generally get along with them
There will NEVER be totally safe ways to handle a few dickheads who are violent lunatics so sick of this endless stupid debate
Its like religion or politics or abortion or whatever...i dont have a dog in those fights so i dont participate
But i DO love guns, hunting and shooting we are:/



“Aside from Law Enforcement and the U.S. Military, it should be restricted to one per person. I don't see why owners have arsenals in their closets. That's ridiculous, unless you're some sort of gun collector.”

Because that is their right. There are different weapons for different types of game. I came from a family of hunters. My dad’s were always within sight, but I never touched them. People use them for sport, target practicing. Most of us are responsible gun owners. We have different types. I don’t hunt and my husband isn’t able to anymore, but we carry for protection.

It has now come out it took 16 long minutes for LE to arrive at that lunatic’s door. A security guard was shot through the door 6 minutes before the AH started his murderous rampage. Just suppose people were in their rooms and he had the floor barricaded to prevent others from arriving. Who is going to help those people in their rooms? Could maybe a civilian with a weapon help? Could possibly a hunter with his long rifle help? I would much rather try to protect my family with my lasered weapon than to be a sitting duck just waiting for the shot.

Do you remember the Luby’s restaurant massacre in 1991? The nut ran his truck through the window and murdered 23 people. A woman who was licensed to have a weapon, but not permitted to carry saw her parents slaughtered. She said if she only had been able to confront the guy maybe some lives would have been saved. You don’t read about it, but people are saved everyday by someone having a gun on them.


Excellent post and thank you for being the ONE other hunter on here...the 'antis' and Europeans amongst us dont seem to get it...guns are tools we use to perform specific jobs...
Hunting, protecting the shop, defending hearth and home...i feel terrible for the tragedies that happen but wow...people are cluless and would rather let Big Daddy Government rule them...sad
Not here...not EVER


I mostly agree with both Utpe's point and your added point about licensed hunters.


Hunters in the US don’t have to be licensed. No reason to be.


What if a person hears somebody walking around their kitchen at 2 or 3 a. m., goes downstairs or whatever to the kitchen, shoots the person and finds out that s/he has shot and killed their spouse, friend or one of their kids who just went down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack or a drink of water?


Or indeed if they get into an argument with their unhinged gun loving partner who then shoots her , and *Claims* he thought it was an intruder. ring a bell?


Yup. That's something that also happens, mark.

Another common occurrence is when somebody comes home from work, sees his/her spouse in bed with the milkman, or whatever, and shoots him/her.


We live in the age of paranoia and gun violence. I get your overall point regarding gun related issues. There's no real solution to come out of this controversial matter. It also all boiled down to the safety of small children around guns the most, which is why the Sandy Hook shooting sparked a conversation to address gun regulations. Sadly, there may be really no way of getting around something like that either unless we chose to live in a complete police state. Or have armed guards at every corner even around recreational and residential districts. Some schools actually have armed guards in place from violent past for instance.


There was a rather horrific incident not that long ago in Indianapolis, IN, where a family who kept their loaded and unlocked handgun on a high shelf in their bedroom closet had a death in the family due to their stupidity and carelessness regarding their firearm. Their 4 year old kid climbed up to the shelf in the bedroom closet, got hold of the gun, shot himself in the head, and killed himself. Because the parents were in another part of the house taking care of their younger kid, who was only 1 year old, they didn't see or hear their 4 year old kid go into their bedroom. This tragedy, like other gun tragedies, was totally preventable. It did not have to happen.

The parents should've known better, first of all because babies and small children are curious. They run around, they climb, and, in general, get into things, often that they shouldn't be getting into, in the first place. Secondly, it was totally irresponsible for the parents to keep a loaded gun on just the highest shelf in their bedroom closet where a young child could get to the gun just by climbing, instead of keeping it unloaded, and under lock and key, like they should've. Had the parents used common sense, their older kid would still be alive and healthy today.


I absolutely love guns.

But they should not be allowed near any Americans!
