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cinles (104)


Not HACF finest hour Gordon & Donna fight Scoot's last scene Post-mortem on episode 7 Knew his illness wasn't gone You never stop loving Joe They don't trust A lot of forgiving going on Cameron in her panties again View all posts >


It was not obvious he hallucinated in that first scene in S4E1. When he burned his journals, I thought it was because Katie brought them up & he didn't want her to think he was sick anymore because he wanted a relationship with her. He drove Donna home when she got her DUI. The writers had a continuity problem or what I call the moving of time, character and plot development and it was worse this last season. They had too much to do in a short period of time, but then for some plots, they wasted time. I am talking both - content and execution. But as far as content, Sara broke up with Joe because she didn't want to get hurt because Joe was in love with Cameron. I never saw that Joe wanted to live a life like Gordon - just because he said he wanted kids and especially since Gordon and Donna were divorced. I agree that a person's opinion about having a family is usually a deal breaker, but I don't think Joe and Cameron had "very different goals". However, not having kids was a big difference, but Joe didn't rush out and find another woman. He loved and wanted a family with Cameron. Yes, I would have liked Joe and Cameron to be happy if they weren't going to be together. He was one of the guys from IBM. I didn't remember him by his looks, but by what he said. If he was so happy with Sara, why did they break up? Because he was in love with Cameron. None of Joe's ideas succeeded? ummm I know they were talking about Joe wanting children & Cameron not last episode, but what happened to them & Comet was executed poorly. This season was disjointed and clunky. They've never been subtle at transitioning time. I'll watch the season again and probably have a more positive attitude, but for now, I am disappointed. But I'll always have season one. :-) They didn't fail at everything. Donna wasn't failing. What's an App company? A company that develops apps? You think Donna was thinking about apps in 1995 when she looked at the old-fashioned music carousal in the diner? I know there was a lot of meaning & easter eggs I will never get & know about because I don't have the myriad of input that I received from IMDb, but to me, the ending sucked. I just realized they got rid of the men. Died. Left. Relegated. So Joe is teaching school at some east coast college pining away for his former life, love, and friends while Donna and Cameron start a music streaming service like iTunes? I did want Joe and Cameron to be together, but if they were apart, at least be happy. Joe did not look happy. Again the plot movement was clunky. I still can't figure out why Joe and Cameron broke up & why all of a sudden Comet went out of business immediately when Yahoo showed up. Can someone explain how that made sense? No thank you Chrises, no thank you. If you're glad it's over, why post about it? This is the original post. [i]"Sometimes I wonder what am I doing right now if there were no Internet."[/i] What does that monologue have to do with that? lol Are you skipping school? UK, Japan, and Australia ban guns. The NRA has been in control of Congress and the number of guns in this country. Yes, it's a long road, but we have to start somewhere. But it will never happen because the Congress can't pass a law about ANY gun control. As far as pot being legal, it is the GOP who want it legal now because they are finding out what smart people knew for decades - that selling marijuana will bring in a lot of tax & fee revenue. The GOP are hypocrites. If they could find a way to make money off of abortion, their views on it would take a 180 too. I have no idea what your multiple posts mean. They have nothing to do with the original post (not written by me) & I'm not sure what they have to do with anything. View all replies >