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Thoughts on leaving

Hi,raiders.I'm seriously thinking on leaving my country and never look back.I've seen so much corruption and stupidity from those who...rule this country...i'm sick of it.I know very well the english language,maybe not in writting,as you know...but i think i will manage.It's a shame...such a beatiful country,ruled by...idiots.Sorry for my language.


It's a shame when one hates their country and want to emigrate to another. I think you should move to England. The US isn't that tolerate of immigrants anymore.


I don't hate my country,Barclays...i will fight for it,if it's necessary.I am tired to see the stupidity of our sistem,that's all.


Oh then if you feel that way you shouldn't be thinking of leaving. I'm just saying.


I love my country and i will fight for it,but from another place...but i will not fight for this...politicians.


Then try to change things. Fight for it. I know nothing about Romania but I do know that there are citizens in other countries fighting to change the system in their country.You should do the same where you are at. Just to be clear, I don't advise violence though.

The worst thing you could do is emigrate to another country that you are not as loyal to as you are to your own country. When you emigrate to another country you make an oath to be a loyal citizen. You can't have your foot in both places. You have to make a choice. The US isn't the place for you. Besides it takes years to get citizenship here the honest way. You may as well stay where you are at or try another English speaking country to consider moving to.


Give it a rest, please! We are very tolerant (not tolerate) of LEGAL immigrants. It's illegals we are attempting to curb. Big difference! Why do you think "England" (actually the U.K.) voted for Brexit? One of the reasons is open borders don't work when the newcomers don't assimilate. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."




But, they aren't assimilating. You and others in the EU are being overrun. They develope enclaves in which they reside. In other words they want to keep the way of life they left in their homeland. By Merkel permitting so many into Germany the culture has forever changed. The EU with open borders are an open door for terrorists as you well know. It's not racist to demand the newcomers succumb to the laws of the country they are migrating to. There are plenty of Muslim countries to choose from if they wish to keep their culture....not make the new country change it's culture.

The US is fast becoming Balkanized by acquiescing to all the different cultures.



"What I know as fact is that very few terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by recent immigrants."

That's changing VERY, VERY fast, though. It also depends on the country. In the UK and France the perpretators have mostly been homegrown (although recently asylum seekers or new immigrants have been involved), in Germany and Scandinavia, not so much.


"I'm confused is it just Muslims that you have a problem with or any different cultures?"

Not at all to either question, but the Muslim culture is what most countries are dealing with. You know yourself there are areas in countries who have a large Muslim populace where law enforcement is not welcome. This results in a fracture between the laws of the said country and the Muslim culture.
I regret you took my comment as bigoted. It was not meant to be. I won't address your other points as they have no bearing on the subject. The subject being "The US is not that very tolerant of immigrants anymore." Which is a false premise! I don't know how you got from being illegal and not assimilating to the rest of your comments.
My grandparents immigrated from Poland. Out of six or seven kids my mom and her older brother were the only two born in the US. They became a part of America just as the Irish (also me), the Chinese and others did. Sure they kept their culture, language, food, etc. But, they did so among them selves. They were now US citizens adopting the culture outside of their environment. They didn't continue to wave the flag of their country of origin. They didn't demand voting ballots be printed in more than 9 languages. My grandmother never spoke English, but she didn't demand others to learn Polish as I've been told by sales clerks to learn to speak Spanish. This is the US and English is the official language. My grandfather learned English enough to "assimilate" in order to work as a carpenter. He worked on the Empire State Bldg.

The following articles illustrates the point of assimilating to the new country.



I thought you weren't going to talk me? Please keep it that way because I really didn't appreciate those comments you made about me in another thread.


America embraces immigrants
We get a ton of them here in NY...
no worries for immigrants here


There are a lot of immigrants in NY but the common attitude is that they take jobs away from us and are a burden on social services. NY is already so crowded there and the cost of living is very high. Housing is a nightmare. It's really not worth living there unless you are rich and can afford comfort.


You are not wrong Barclays
I live about 60 miles from my job in NYC...because honestly the city is terrible...
But if a person is willing to drive hard and fight all day a living can be winning but its a daily battle
I dont know where youre from Bar but trust me bro...NY sucks
High taxes and crazy gun control too!


my wife has been applying for work for some time now,
but all the jobs require you to speak Spanish as well as English


Also not to pile on you and your odd statements about the US Barclay...
But the anti-American memes and such on the internet are simply untrue!
My wonderful country embraces everyone!!
Just send your needy and hard up people here...its how its always long as a fellow wants to work we will help you out...
USA ... Everyone's new home and hope!!
Greatest country ever made by men with guns and giant balls



She needs to be put straight! As I stated "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Ditto to "Greatest country ever made by men with guns and "gonads"!

Funny isn't it...people are doing their damn best to get to this country!


Pretty sad how everybody hates the USA until they need help
We shouldnt worry tho..most of them will immigrate here soon because we are the world's last hope!!
And i will meet them with open arms


As long as they're coming in through the front door with our consent instead of breaking a basement window and sneaking in during the night, I fully agree.


Im in complete agreement
Legal/vetted people are always welcome BUT we do have security concerns and such...


Pretty sad how everybody hates the USA until they need help

Yeah that's another thing that angers half of the country (the part that voted Trump for president). Immigrants come here with all kinds of ideas in there head about this country and when they arrive all they do is complain. I heard of a guy who said that he was told as a kid that the US was so rich that their streets were paved in gold. He was very disappointed when he got here. Why would you tell a child something so ridiculous? Anyway, even though what he was told may not be the norm, the truth is that immigrants come to the US only to realize that things here don't match their expectations. It's hard here too.


Gotta work your ass off to make it here
I hope the world gets that...some seem not to...


England? Where your illustrious Muslim mayor said terrorism is "part and parcel" of living in a big city?

Good luck with that, maybe a truck of peace can pick you up at the airport on the way to its next mission.



The United States never really was that tolerant of immigrants to begin with. It's far worse now, however.


Where would you go, croft?


I don't know...anywhere i would go,i will be treated like an outcast...for obvious reasons.



Why would you be treated like an outcast? What do you feel are the obvious reasons?


Well, obviously because he's a Resident Evil fan. I mean, who doesn't hate Resident Evil???!!!


I cannot comment about Resident Evil.🤔🙄 But, I can comment to the fact I believe most of us like you, you have a good head on your shoulders, you have common sense, your English is am I doing? Did I lift your spirits?


I don't have any common sense at all, how dare you insult me like that!


I think the reply was for me,Stratego...


Hey, it's my post he replied to, so I'm taking it personally!;)


Alice appreciates that you hate her and wishes you an evil


Yeah well, I hope that stupid biotch gets eaten by a zombie!!!


Not in this life,she won't😉



I take it back! I take it back! BTW, what am I taking back? The little gray cells are misfiring....



It was meant for you. Thank you for setting me straight! 🤓


It's alright...i'm always too...protective😉


I sorry....😐 I didn’t mean to offend thee 😱or is it thou....hmm🤔 I’ll have to think about that. Now, what were we discussing?


We were discussing how wonderful I am. Please continue.



Oh, OK. I shall continue.........🤔😴😴😴😴😴


Ah, how sweet, you're dreaming about me. No wet dreams, though!



I think I remember what those are. You know, we females have.....😴😴😴😴😴


I know, I know, I seem to have this effect on all genders! Sweet dreams, girlfriend! XOXO



How did we get so far off topic? I’m quite sure others aren’t interested in our back and forth banter. So, back on the rails.


I don't know how that happened either. It must be your fault!

Croft, don't leave, your country needs you! What would Alice say!



Oh no you don’t! I replied to croft. I can’t help it if it ended up in the wrong space. This format confuses me, but it doesn’t take much to confuse me.🤓😬
Also, I just updated my iPad which installed a new blasted keyboard. I don’t like change!😡 I keep typing commas when I want apostrophes!
What were we discussing..where’s the damn question mark....😳


I think I'm going to take a nap as well! I've never been so confused in my life. I don't even know who I am anymore!:(



You too? My memory is just a memory! I hate this blasted keyboard! I can’t find anything!

All joking aside, there are so many people dealing with Alzheimer’s, I suppose we shouldn’t make light of the issue.


Who are you? Have we met before???

You're right, though. Alzheimer's tragic. I remember Louis Theroux's documentary about dementia. There was a mother in her 40s who was already suffering from Alzheimer. So sad.:(



I would like to get back on topic if I could remember what it was...

This blasted keyboard is driving me more nutso!


I seem to recall someone named kraft or something? Probably not important.

Good god, I have a new phone and the stupid keyboard won't cooperate with me either. The darn spacebar just doesn't work!


Why do you think,kspkap...let's say i'll go in another country and the moment people ask me my origins and i say romania they change the attitude.They will look at me as if i am i thief or worse.Just because some of the...compatriots can't behave themselfs,it doesn't mean that everyone us the same...that's the major problem for me or others who want only to work and mind their own bussines.



Ah....I understand. You believe people will think of you as a gypsy. Or like the Romanians who are currently in the news due to them being bereft of social graces.

I believe, dear sweet croft, you will prove them wrong!


I hope so too,kspkap...i want so much not to be looked as the others,but the damage is done...


come to Canada


Nice try bro
Dont blame you;))))


Canada, where they jail you for criticizing another the way how did that terror attack work out for Canada today? Gotta love immigration without profiling for fear of "offending" people.


Re:Terror Attack in Canada

“Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson said: "To the best of our knowledge, this was a lone wolf attack”
Lone wolf my arse! There are no “Lone Wolfs” There are cells we can’t begin to count!

Ditto to bjensen4:
“Gotta love immigration without profiling for fear of "offending" people.”


the attacker was a Somali refugee



And we are criticized for having a strict vetting policy of those who wish to enter our country!


no country is perfect but Canada is pretty good as is the USA


Really? In the USA I can criticize someone else's religion without it being branded as a hate crime.


you have too many guns down there



The guns aren’t the problem. They are inanimate objects which require a human to make them work for lawful purposes or for nefarious purposes. You could say the same thing about motor vehicles. Most are used everyday without incident, but they also can be used as a killing machine.

We just had a horrific incident in Las Vegas. We grieve yet again over the needless slaughter of human beings by a piece of evil. But, we have to blame the evil, not the inanimate object used to commit the act.

In Nice, France 86 souls were wiped out by a truck. Was the evil driver blamed....or was the truck blamed for the horrendous attack?


There's corruption everywhere. Idiots have also ruled everywhere..... It goes on.
All that you can do is to try to make things better in your own way.


It's like suicide... those who really want it, do it. If you sit around talking about it then you're no different than the "idiots"


This is a profoundly stupid comment.


I agree.

Your comment is stupid.


Brilliant comeback. Really.


Thank you!


I don't know your real situation, but Change can be energizing. If you really want to go somewhere else and do something else, I think that's exciting, especially in an intellectual sense. No one can guarantee the results, but making a major life change will definitely get your brain a-jumpin'. And that might be a good thing.


Sorry to hear it's gotten so bad there you're thinking of leaving, Croft. That sucks.


It's bad since '89,Catbookss...from a respected country we downgrade so everybody is laughing on's sad,but true...bastards.


Since 1989? That's a long time to deal with this, Croft. I'm not laughing at you. Probably there are plenty others who aren't either.


"Everybody"...i mean the other countries...


I meant that too. I'm in another country, and so are many others.



Oh,you mean the period until or after the events from '89?



Those events...well,i must say those events are controversial,from my research...i do like history,too...i've learned that it was a...coupe d'etat...hope i write correctly...


I want to move to Australia on live on Bondi Beach.


I'll buy the tickets on two conditions.

1. you pay for dinner
2. you wear that red one piece bathing suit. You've always looked good in that.
