MovieChat Forums > Politics > Does pornography cause harm?

Does pornography cause harm? Ted Bundy had some thoughts on it.

What do you think?


Porn is an addictive drug that will warp your brain in so many harmful ways...and it's called "Porn Sickness". Some of the stories I've been told from ladies, about their pornsick exes, are fucking insane!!

One told me she was dating this dude that was so pornsick, that he needed her to urinate on his chest or he couldn't cum.

That's batshit crazy.


I thought there would be some defenders. You know degenerates love their pornography.


I don't think the degenerates are going to admit to us they excessively beat their dicks like it owes them money.


I would love to not watch porn and be having sex instead. The problem is that actually getting with a woman is nearly impossible to obtain for many different reasons. Women are the gatekeepers of sex and only they allow some men the chance to be sexual beings.




hey dude, you should delete your post. Nobody needs to know your personal business.


It's related to the topic and no one knows who I am. I'm not saying anything wrong Im just saying I wish I could get with a woman but its not possible in today's world.




Kowalski tell him about the goat you got to solve your female dilemma.


I was sympathising for a minute , thinking maybe you're just shy , or got some deformity or something .

Then I remembered all your previous bitter incel posts about women , hinted at by the "gatekeepers" comment.
That ^ probably your issue . you need to work on that . or maybe just pay a "specialist". or just stick to porn , its a solution after all .


I'm not paying for sex only perverts, losers, and criminals do that.


fair enough , i've never been down with it myself personally , I'd rather do it with a video from pron hub than a woman who was only there for the money.


What he's saying is true.

There are less and less men having sex.

The problem here is that he has the wrong attitude. Of course it's hard to get a's supposed to be.

ANd it's not easy to get your stuff together to make yourself attractive to women. It takes a good job, good health, good personality, and more to get a girl. It takes months, if not years to be presentable.

Porn is readily available and is like the fast-food of sex. You know it's not real food and that it's bad for you, but it's cheap and you're lazy.

There is no healthy amount of porn, much like there's not healthy amount of fast food.


Agreed and women do not exist to get men off. I mean some do but not generally.


Porn is teaching you to be a cuck, Bro... you're training yourself to cum watching another man fuck a chick.


Try the blunt end of the axe.




Real world sucks, porn world is better. Porn is love, porn is life.

Your problem is actually not going out and just supplementing the time you could be out hanging at clubs to get some chick drunk back to bed.


Yes. It can lead people (not just men, but women too) down a very dark path, both psychologically and socially, particularly if they have an addiction and kinks that break the age limit laws. It can break up marriages, lead to jail time, get people fired, and even lead to human trafficking. It also ruins the bedroom experience for the addict, because they get an unrealistic image of what sex should be like, and then are disappointed when the real thing turns out to be a letdown.

I mention the human trafficking part because it's pretty common in the criminal world for illegal porn companies to pop up all the time, use adults and underage kids who have been kidnapped and/or sold into underground sex slavery, and film them in porn films against their will in warehouses to earn a profit on the web. The authorities around the world have to fight this kind of thing constantly, and it's very difficult to track down child pornography rings in particular because they have informants that alert them when they've been found by the cops, and they pack up shop and leave.

So I'd say it causes a lot of harm. But the trouble is, there are many people out there who don't care, and want their smut, so the business goes on.


There's been porn for as long as there have been etchings in caves. If there's underage people working there they should be investigated by the Dept. of Labor.


There's also been murder.

That doesn't make it okay.


Do you suggest making porn illegal? From your previous post you sound like a former porn addict (from bad luck with women) who, like many ex-addicts, now hate to illogical extremes what they once loved too extremely.


And your post sounds like you're a daily coomer that doesn't like to face his dirty private life...


No, I've got a fiancee.

I've never had bad luck with women. Quite the opposite. A big reason is because I don't have "porn sickness" like most men my age.

I would suggest making it harder to access at the very least.


Men who brag about their success with women usually... aren't all that they boast about. I hope she understands your Victorian-style attitude toward women and sex!


Saying one has a fiancee is hardly bragging.

And yeah, we are content with traditional roles. Men and women are different. We embrace that. That's actually what most get wrong about dating and why they have a hard time with it.

It's no surprise that feminist women with arm pit hair and male feminists who reject masculinity find themselves alone.


"I've never had bad luck with women. Quite the opposite."
= Loser


So the guy who defends watching porn, lol.


Porn is like masturbation. It relieves a need and prevents it from growing out of control, leading to bad consequences.


Along with teaching your brain to orgasm to the visuals of another man's penis penetrating a vagina. That's called a cuck.

It can also be a direct cause of what you just mentioned that it allegedly alleviates...


You have to expect that what it alleviates is inevitable.

And I don't like the sight of another man's penis doing whatever either, but we get hard just by seeing women by themselves in swimsuits. It's not being a cuck to just watch and settle for simple pleasures.

A hand that you keep to yourself is a hand that keeps you out of trouble. Eyes too.




Thank you... ever... so much... for that imagery...




He's making fun of the fact that I don't jerk off to porn. That's cool, I'll continue to reap the rewards of retention.

It's really odd how much dudes defend their coomerism.


It's very odd indeed.

Porn is not a virtue, but some degenerates insist on defending it.

It is psychological poison.

And in today's society, it's getting harder and harder to avoid it.


If dudes wanna rub one out for maintenance, that's their prerogative...but I would I highly suggest using the imagination, and not hardcore XXX videos.

And even then...think about all that lost protein that could have used to build bigger muscles! 💪💪


Why are you so concerned about something people enjoy in their homes? If you don't like porn then don't watch it. Problem solved, dumbshit!


That's another aspect of porn. Black just looks at too many black cawk videos. What you need are solo vids where it's just the girl masturbating or teasing or doing some instructions for you to follow along on while she plays with some dildo.


I see that you no longer obsess with me by removing your tagline with my user name. Good for you. It's not healthy to let other anonymous users on a public message board upset you so much that you feel compelled to copy and paste their user names in every single post you make in politics. You are a sad little clown but you're showing improvement. 🤡


I thought you were defeated by him. Why else have a list of enemies?


He's coping hard that he isn't an obsessed stalker that can't stay away from me. The other night he was so annoying I asked him 15 times to leave me alone, and wouldn't stop...then claimed some sort of victory when I said I'd report all of his OT harassment posts.

As you read the threads of this'll notice he's constantly up my ass, while I almost never acknowledge his existence...its weird and creepy. Skavau and Keelai are almost as bad. But not to the extent of this whackjob.


I usually burn the bodies so their spirits stop haunting me.


Still, though I like those posters as much as you. This place would be dull to conquer without any of you.


I can respect any banter as long as personal attacks are kept at bay.... the second that starts, the other person just loses all credibility in my eyes.


You really are stupid. At least I didn't copy and paste your user name in bold in every single post here for weeks. That's an obsession. You are such a tiny little snowflake. Do you want a tissue?


That's were the imagination part comes in. You imagine YOU'RE the dude fucking that hot thot and you cum when the other dude cums so you only look at her reaction. Also, it's good to know how to video edit so you can remove that fag from the scenes and it only shows the penetrative parts and her reactions.


Do you use stick-it notes to mask out the dude? 🤣


ROFL! Naw, video editing is the supreme king. You just cut all the parts with the dudes face and stupid talk so only the cawk shows then you let your imagination freely reign all over you. There is also POV porn so that greatly enhances the experience. Eventually men won't need women anymore once AI gets integrated into robot thots or holograms like in Blade Runner 2049 or 6th day.


"teaching your brain to orgasm to the visuals of another man's penis penetrating a vagina."



Only to my penis. But only when I'm too rough with it.


Ted Bundy was a textbook psychopath and completely incapable of taking any responsibility for his actions. His attempt to blame pornography for his behavior while on his deathbed was just another manifestation of his extreme narcissism—a way to absolve himself of his depraved behavior and manipulate public perception by shifting the blame. Relying on the self-serving statements of a convicted killer as evidence in serious discussions about societal issues undermines the complexities of criminal behavior.

Ultimately, the responsibility for Ted Bundy’s behavior is Ted Bundy himself; I’m glad he’s dead.


[–] Kowalski (57481) 4 minutes ago

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LOL what. Ok I'll be right over.


Do you have an addiction to porn?


Does pornography cause harm?

If it has Kowalski in it?? Yes.. 😉


Supposedly too much porn causes your eyesight to fail. That would explain Kowalski always typing in caps.




It is fucking horrible, I can't believe those jew lawyer weasels were able to legalize it while prostitution is still illegal, porn is just prostitution with more victims involved. Prostitution just effects two adults, porn effects children watching it, the children of the pornstar will see it, it is so much more fucked up I can't believe it is legal, damn jews...




This. Many many of those girls are trafficked and forced into the business.

Pornhub is Jew-Owned.


Pornhub was developed by a guy called Matt Keezer. It was then sold to a German guy called Fabian Thylmann, who later sold his stake to a Canadian-Syrian called Feras Antoon and David Tassillo (don't know anything about this guy other than maybe he's American).

So no, it's not "Jew owned".

This is now the parent company. Canadian.


I was referring to MindGeek, which very much so was Jew-Owned. I'm also not talking about the actual owner, but the people that really matter: The Stakeholders.

I wasn't aware was of their taking down with lawsuits, and the Aylo rebranding. I don't follow porn news, so it's not information the average person would be abreast to. Their stake holders are still probably the same people. So, I'm gonna stick with my OP.


Aylo *is* Mindgeek. They rebranded.

So you're just peddling anti-semitism conspiracy theories. Got it.


They rebranded because the noticing got too intense, so they had to OY VEY, SHUT IT DOWN!

So you're just peddling anti-semitism conspiracy theories. Got it.

Oh No! You used an ist-ism-phobe word!!

Yeaahhhhh...when your little Ethnostate is actively participating in a genocide, you don't get to hide behind that magic-spell word.

Are you supporting the Palestinian genocide?


>They rebranded because the noticing got too intense, so they had to OY VEY, SHUT IT DOWN!

Do you have the slightest shred of evidence for this claim?

>Yeaahhhhh...when your little Ethnostate is actively participating in a genocide, you don't get to hide behind that magic-spell word.

What does this, specifically, have to do with Israel?

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the stakeholders of Pornhub are primarily Jewish, and if any of them are, that their investment has anything whatsoever to do with some conspiracy for some nefarious ends?

Sorry, but peddling Jewish behind-the-scenes take-over-the-world is basic 101 anti-semitic conspiracy theory language. It is precisely what the nazis did to fuel hatred over Jews.


Skavau were you on the original IMDB board? You remind me of someone named Brian who used to be there.


The Nazi's saw the damage the jews did thru communism, they didn't just randomly pick em as a scapegoat. 10,000,000 Ukrainian were systematically starved to death and the Germans didn't want that happening to them. At first they didn't even plan to kill em just isolate them in Madagascar but as the war progressed and total loss became clearly imminent they switched over to final solution


So all Jews did that, did they? Every single Communist in the USSR was Jewish and it solely derived from a jewish worldview?

And can I get this clear, are you actually justifying the holocaust?


Marx himself was a jew...

Not justifying it, just saying the jew is not as innocent as they like to seem. 109 countries have expelled them in the past due to there causing of instability. They are professional "victims" and always act like they can do no wrong and everyone hates for "no reason at all"


>Marx himself was a jew...

So therefore everything he did was because he was Jewish? And he also died in in 1883, 34 years before the USSR began to be.

>Not justifying it, just saying the jew is not as innocent as they like to seem. 109 countries have expelled them in the past due to there causing of instability. They are professional "victims" and always act like they can do no wrong and everyone hates for "no reason at all"

The Jews aren't an amorphous bloc of people that all march in lockstep and think the same thing.

What is it you think should happen to "Jews" now? Who is a Jew? Someone who just happens to be born from people with Jewish ancestry, or someone who is a religious zionist type? Are you justifying the mass explusion of millions of people purely because of their blood?


No I just think in our sjw safe space world where criticizing people for being straight and white is okay we should also be able to freely talk about jewish privilege. All you here is white privilege this, white privilege that, but in reality there is a group much more privileged than any other when it comes to power, money, and resources. That group is the jews, we need to take some time and acknowledge their privilege in society. They pushed all this anti-white propaganda with there media machines while sitting back and hiding away from all criticism using the word "anti-semitism". Why do they even have their own word? Whites, blacks, asians, native americans can all suffer from "racism" but the jew gets their own special word to hide behind? Why are they so privileged? What makes them so special? Oh, yeah they are "Gods chosen people" and we are all nothing but a bunch of animalistic goyum put on this world to serve them....


>No I just think in our sjw safe space world where criticizing people for being straight and white is okay we should also be able to freely talk about jewish privilege.

I don't think people should be criticised for being white. That's also racist garbage.

So to is you assigning guilt to people just because of their ancestry.

> That group is the jews, we need to take some time and acknowledge their privilege in society.

And what privilege is this, right now?

>They pushed all this anti-white propaganda with there media machines while sitting back and hiding away from all criticism using the word "anti-semitism".

You haven't demonstrated that the jews are behind all "anti-white propaganda" in the first place.

> Why do they even have their own word? Whites, blacks, asians, native americans can all suffer from "racism" but the jew gets their own special word to hide behind?

Dude, there are other words: sinophobia, even "anti-white racism" is comparable in context to "anti-semitism".

>Why are they so privileged? What makes them so special? Oh, yeah they are "Gods chosen people" and we are all nothing but a bunch of animalistic goyum put on this world to serve them....

This is baseless bullshit you've just made up. The Jews aren't an amorphous bloc of people that all march in lockstep and think the same thing.

What is it you think should happen to "Jews" now? Who is a Jew? Someone who just happens to be born from people with Jewish ancestry, or someone who is a religious zionist type? Do you think a secular jew, of which there are millions (and certainly would be the ones allegedly producing all the porn you complain about) think they are "god's chosen people"?


The jews are up to no good, if you read up on some history it isn't too hard to see...


This is just a claim.

What is it you think should happen to "Jews" now? Who is a Jew? Someone who just happens to be born from people with Jewish ancestry, or someone who is a religious zionist type? Do you think a secular jew, of which there are millions (and certainly would be the ones allegedly producing all the porn you complain about) think they are "god's chosen people"?


It is fact, you don't get kicked out of 109 different countries for "no reason at all"


Religious persecution is famously, not a thing. Are you claiming that Jews are somehow genetically predisposed to be "up to no good"? What did they do historically?

And you still, like a complete coward, keep ignoring this:

What is it you think should happen to "Jews" now? Who is a Jew? Someone who just happens to be born from people with Jewish ancestry, or someone who is a religious zionist type? Do you think a secular jew, of which there are millions (and certainly would be the ones allegedly producing all the porn you complain about) think they are "god's chosen people"?


Also, your claim of "109 countries" appears to be white supremacist anti-jewish mythos


So how many countries were they expelled from? It sure isn't zero or anywhere close to that


No, it's not. What's your point? Most of it was due to religious bigotry.


Yeah religious bigotry alright, perpetrated by the jews against everyone else who isn't part of their religion 😂🤣😆


Ah yes, because no other religions have ever done this to anyone else. No history of persecution from Muslims and Christians.

And you still, like a complete coward, keep ignoring this:

What is it you think should happen to "Jews" now? Who is a Jew? Someone who just happens to be born from people with Jewish ancestry, or someone who is a religious zionist type? Do you think a secular jew, of which there are millions (and certainly would be the ones allegedly producing all the porn you complain about) think they are "god's chosen people"?


What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have brain damage?

You repeated the same rant five times like a psychotic lunatic.
You do the same to everyone else.

If they don't answer the first time, than get a clue that they don't want to humor you.


>You repeated the same rant five times like a psychotic lunatic. You do the same to everyone else.

>If they don't answer the first time, than get a clue that they don't want to humor you.

Don't give a fuck. Will repeat if the questions that I regard as pertinent and accurate are answered.

I will do whatever I like. I do not answer to you, and I wipe my ass with your opinions. You are a hateful anti-american fascist piece of shit. You want to use the state to control people's lives. You want to slaughter all people you regard as political opponents. You hate a free and independent media and want to destroy it. You don't think I should be able to respond to you. I don't give a fuck about anything you say on anything.

You can shove it up your ass, scumbag.




The new owner is an ordained rabbi and comes from a Jewish family, so yeah, it's still Jew-Owned.


Unnamed share and stake holders always seem to escape the spotlight with this crap...why is that?


Prostitution CAN be legal, you just need a camera when you're prostitutin'.


The camera just makes it a bigger moral problem. If anything hookers should be legal in private but having the camera involved should be illegal since the footage can make its way into children's hands. It really took some jew lawyer magic to push this smut thru...
