MovieChat Forums > Politics > Planet Fitness revokes woman's membershi...

Planet Fitness revokes woman's membership after she snapped photo of transgender woman in women's locker room

An Alaskan woman had her Planet Fitness membership revoked after she took a photo of a "man with a penis" at one of the gym’s women’s locker rooms earlier this week."

I can't believe other females in the locker room aren't outraged by this bullshit?? I mean, what's it going to take?? One of them being Raped by this guy to wake people the fuck up because at the end of the day, he's not a female like he thinks he is and is still a HE and his penis will act accordingly?? 🙄


Are you claiming that all people with penises are rapists?


I would say, no, that is not what he is saying.

You can tell, because he didn't say that. He really didn't say anything like that.

Words mean things. That he used different words than you did, is because he had a different meaning to communicate than what you... made up.

Are you getting any of this? It is weird that I have to explain this. Are you new to this... I was going to say planet, but really, you sound like you might be from a completely different universe.


What I'm claiming is, is that like any normal male, we're wired to get a Boner around naked women, so please stop acting naive


They play the game of "Purposeful Idiocy"... don't play.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


So, you are claiming that a trans woman is a "normal male"?


A Trans woman is a fucked up male acting confused about his sexuality on purpose to stay in line with the Narrative the Left beats every day on this subject.. Trans people can think they're women all they like, but their Penis says otherwise and if you can't understand this then I'm going to know you'[re doing this on purpose and trolling everyone.. 🙄


Have you ever met and talked with a trans man or woman?


Yes, I work as Public Safety for a very liberal university and I see it all the time.. They try to act like something they're not.. They just need to accept the fact they're male or female and stop trying to be one or the other


So, you see something but you don't talk to the people.


Every time you start a sentence with “So you…” it announces a new straw man. It is your poker tell that allows everyone to know your cards.


He raises a good point. Many of us don't brush shoulders with the trans community on a regular basis. BKB has a frequent opportunity to engage & learn if he chooses.


His points are made by falsely attributing positions to the other person that they never articulated. He should just make his point and let the other person respond; not use the “So you’re saying…” straw man that puts words in the other person’s mouth that are fabricated because they’re easy to criticize.


Are they false, though. He hasn't refuted any supposition ive made


Why should he or anyone else attempt to refute them when you are proposing them using strawman fallacies?!


I've been noticing this as well. These non-US trolls don't research the US well enough to be taken seriously.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I asked you if you knew or had talked to any trans people and you avoided answering. I assumed your answer was no.

If that is incorrect, then offer a response.


"A Trans woman is a fucked up male acting confused about his sexuality on purpose to stay in line with the Narrative the Left beats every day on this subject.. "

I agree with this.

Another reason is when the male is a loser at his sport against other men so he pretends to be a woman to compete and beat other women to be a "winner," at his sport like that college swimmer.
What this really is, is cheating and the libtards for some reason support this cheating against real women.

"Trans people can think they're women all they like, but their Penis says otherwise..."

And if their dick gets removed then it's their prostate, DNA, and the fact they cannot have periods or get pregnant that says otherwise.

They are still a male inside with their chemistry and no amount of surgery can ever change that and therefore they will die as a man.


They are outraged. But the fear of being socially ostracized/cancelled is more terrifying than going with the flow.

Women don't operate like men. We are two vastly different beings.

Most likely the membership cancellation was due to the picture being taken, nothing else. Invasion of privacy.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


"I can't believe other females in the locker room aren't outraged by this bullshit?? I mean, what's it going to take?? One of them being Raped by this guy to wake people the fuck up..."

No, that is not what it will take because those liberal idiots who put trannies rights and safety above those of real, actual 100% female from birth are asleep and not woke to put the women's priorities above a trannies because they are putting the tranny thing's fweewings first.


Big Mike Obama hitting the women’s showers. For him it would be nothing new being married to fairy Barak.


While I don’t agree with them being in the in first place, she can’t being taking nude pics of people in the locker room. It’s a crime, and they needed to terminate her membership.


The voice of reason! I was gonna say same , but I just assumed that subtleties would be lost on them and the replies would be "BUT ... TRANNIESS!!!!!"



No one should be snapping photos of naked or half-naked people in a locker room.


While I would normally agree, when you see someone of a different sex in the bathroom, it may be important to take a picture because we don't know what the intentions are.


I disagree. Planet Fitness has a private dressing room with a lock for anyone who doesn't want to change publicly. Also one can use a bathroom stall to change.

Americans need to get over their childish behavior. When I was in France, men and women shared a common sink area after using the separate toilets.

What's creepy is a gym member snapping photos or video of naked folks without their permission. Why was she staring at a naked person, anyway?


The sink area was common but were given privacy with the toilets.

I'm a man so I wouldn't fear a woman walking into my bathroom, but I can see why a woman would be looking over her shoulder if she saw a man there.


Not that private. The restrooms are close to each other and any guy can walk into it.

Locker rooms are not a bathroom.

I repeat, there is a private dressing room in the locker room with a lock on it. I'd recommend using it with all the creepos secretly filming them half naked with their cameras.

There aren't that many trans people in society, therefore encounters are either non-existent or rare. This is just more anti-LGBTQ and paternalistic fearmongering and hatred. If you care about women, then stop attacking abortion as if they're too stupid to make their own informed decisions.

I don't have the impression you have socialized or personally met any trans persons. There is nothing threatening about them for women. They identify and strongly relate to women. And women have them and gay men as friends.

I don't know of any crime statistics stating trans men or gay men are raping women. But, crime stats about straight men raping women are very high and the norm.


I'm a member of planet fitness, and no, there isn't a private changing room with a lock on it.

And yeah, allowing men into women's spaces, particularly in areas where they are half naked, is a threat to women.


Locker rooms are not a bathroom.

Taking off your pants is still taking off your pants.

I'd recommend using it with all the creepos secretly filming them half naked with their cameras.

What about the creepo biological men who are there staring at women?

There aren't that many trans people in society, therefore encounters are either non-existent or rare.

It doesn't matter. Murderers are a small percentage of society, but that doesn't mean it should be legal.

There is nothing threatening about them for women.

Is this what you want to allow in a bathroom?

Is this what you want other women to go through?

They identify and strongly relate to women.

And Bruce Wayne strongly identifies as a bat, do we affirm him as a flying rodent? Should he not pay Gotham City taxes because bats don't pay taxes?

I don't know of any crime statistics stating trans men or gay men are raping women. But, crime stats about straight men raping women are very high and the norm.

Because the number of straight men considerably outnumbers the amount


You're allowing your overimagination take over. It's a non-issue.

Any problem is easily solved by changing in the locked dressing room or stall.


No, because you can record with a phone under a stall or over a stall.

And you can easily kick in a stall and sexaully assault who's in it.


I belong to Planet Fitness as do many of my coworkers and friends. Your overimagination is over-the-top paranoid nonsense.


It's really not. There's been thousands of such arrests over the years.

"Oakland County sheriff’s deputies from Orion Township were called at about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 16, to the Planet Fitness with a report of a man who was seen photographing another person in an adjacent bathroom stall.

“The victim stated that he observed the responsible place his cellphone with the camera facing him under the stall while he went to the bathroom,” the sheriff’s office reported."


I already wrote that I'm 100% against anyone filming or taking photos in the locker room. That man was taking photos of another man.

There was a woman who videotaped a half-naked woman in a gym locker while making fun of her body. The OP reminded me of that incident which went viral and shown to millions of people online without the victim's consent nor knowledge.


Biological men not going into women's locker rooms would be easier to solve. We shouldn't have to change the locks on our doors because someone else wants to come in.


Give them their own bathroom. Boom! Problem solved. Mind blown. You're welcome

Signed, million man


It's not cost feasible to install third bathrooms.

If you notice, the bathrooms have the plumbing back to back so less pipe has to be laid.

You'd have to dig up the concrete and extensively repipe to install a bathroom that nobody is going to use anyways.


I'm talking about new buildings Dillrod. No one expects renovation on all old buildings

Signed, million man


Ok. But currently we have thousands of empty retail buildings.

We don't need to build more. At the peak of malls, two bathrooms worked just fine and we didn't have any problems.


Nothing has to be rebuilt. Just relabel a few to "neutral" or "all genders" which is the situation where I work. Some places already have co-ed bathrooms.


What about buildings that literally only have two bathrooms?

Planet Fitness is one of these and it is in no way an outlier.


If you have a problem with LGBTQ, then exercise at home.


I don't have a problem with them being LGBTQ.

I have a problem with a biological male using the women's room. And I have a problem with every male who uses the women's room, not just the LGBTQ ones.


Straight men are the true threat. Not LGBTQ.


Straight men are the reason you sleep uninterrupted at night, Bigot.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


What are you blabbering about?


B1cKsurN is telling you that the police and military who keep us safe are mostly straight men


The subject is rape which is done mainly by straight men against women and girls.


You're the one who asked B1cKsurN what he was "blabbering about". I answered your question. The least you could do is thank me for clearing up your confusion.


B1cKsurN didn't confirm that's what he was blabbering about.


That's clearly what he was talking about. He probably didn't answer your question because I answered it first. Now that I answered your question, the least you could do is thank me for clearing up your confusion.


Isn't dealing with purposeful idiots fun?

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


So you're a heterophobe?



That seems a little disrespectful. I find it like "men, women and the other people". I say they just go to the bathroom that fits their biological sex.


How can you use a urinal if you chop off your penis? Your logic is flawed. There has to be a solution besides what you are suggesting. How about we post guards in the bathroom and create jobs at the same time? Im offering solutions besides "kill all trans people". All you guys propose is hate. Otherwise deal with this.

Signed, million man


Where is the hate? I said it seems disrespectful to make all the trans people use a separate bathroom from men and women because trans people all have different physical issues.

But anyway, pretty much every bathroom has at least one toilet. Dudes don't shit in urinals.


Have you ever taken a shit in a urinal? It's not a pretty sight.

Signed, million man


No, that's why both male and female bathrooms have at least one toilet.


But why is the urinal shaped to cradle the butt cheecks? Riddle me this Batman.

Signed, million man


You're supposed to sit on it while it flushes so you can feel the backsplash.


Should this trans woman have to use the locker room? room?


It's clearly a dude if you see the pic. He was even in there shaving. The person who took the pic said there was a 12-year-old girl wearing a towel there and said she was scared.


The issue isn't about a transgender using a locker room instead it's about someone taking photos of someone else in a locker room. That's why the photographer was banned.


Agreed! I don't know the details of this Transgender woman(nor do I care), so I can't really make a snap judgement if this person should have been in the locker room or not.

I do know that there really is no good scenario where a person is snapping pictures of people in a locker room and still comes out of it looking like the good guy!


It's literally a dude....he wasn't even wearing WomanFace.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Good point.


We have come a long way in 21 years
Anal Rape 2002 :
