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New presidential rankings place Obama in top 10, Reagan and Trump below Biden

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks last."

LOL!!!!! πŸ˜‚ I won't post the rest of it for how utterly predictable this is.. And WTF is a "Self Styled Expert"?? WTF?? πŸ™„


Trump is an utter moron and an embarrassment to our country. The fact that you worship Trump proves your stupidity. You should be embarrassed of yourself.




its super embarrassing that you are going to vote for a Dictator again.


How could anyone rate Biden that high? At least Obama was better than him from what I remember. I would rather place Biden at 45 and Trump in 44.


-- BEST --
Johnson ( Lyndon )
-- WORST --
Johnson ( Andrew )
H. W. Bush
W. Bush


This list is insane, you don't even have Woodrow Wilson anywhere on it.

You may as well say that none of the other Presidents can defeat FDR's eye-lasers and that's why he is the best. FDR kept the Great Depression going for half a decade longer than it needed to because he was a slimy piece of shit and not a good President at all.

Thank God he died a month or so into his FOURTH TERM, and they finally put the kibosh on Presidents running for more than two terms.


"FDR kept the Great Depression going for half a decade longer than it needed to"

My parents were Greatest Generation, I'm older GenX, I've been hearing this quip about FDR since I was knee-high to a fly. I don't claim to be an expert on FDR or the GD (or the Roaring 20's, which precipitated all of this.) FDR exploded the size of the Federal Government, sure. Probably the better response at the time would have been to just mail welfare checks to everyone to stimulate demand and stop the factories and equipment from falling into disrepair. But the loudest voices apparently we're from people like Andrew Mellon - Liquidate! Liquidate! Liquidate! None of us here today were around then, so we shouldn't be too quick to judge the people that WERE there, when people are starving and desperate.


FDR exploded the size of the Federal Government, sure

Imagine if all the money that went to those salaries and useless programs were used to help The People instead... this one act alone has fucked the country since.

My grandmother was born in 1906(Silent Gen). She was in her late 20s early 30s during the GD and remembered it very well. FDR dying in office was the best thing to happen to America at that time. Truman came in and did a great job in his place.


The "Deep State" ... Republicans ... have been working to discredit and ruin FDR's legacy as the most popular, most love and elected President who ever lived.

He started the full employment thing and made it up to government ensure there were jobs for people. Government must be the employer of last resort to ensure prosperity. Keynsian economics has proven out, and the economy grows from the bottom up. This is why Trump cares fuck-all about the economy. They think they can MAGA, "make American great again", by getting rid of unions, product protections and taxes for everyone but the poor.

The idea that idiot below talks about, there would be no modern America if we pretended to save money to spend on the people if we got rid of government employment. These are lessons from 120 years that we learned and fascists are trying to dump America back into a slave state.

B1cKsurN/Corbell is a BS artist spreading lies to support the Deep State Swamp he pretends to think is so bad. Who knows who or what enables him/them to do that?


That's quite a conspiracy theory you've concocted there lol.

FDR was terrible...facts.


Ever wonder why and how these people never acknowledge a single fact you mention not matter how long you talk or how many facts you present. They are fakes.

Mailing out welfare checks without any work and responbility is a recipe for disaster. Government jobs do a lot of develop people's confidence and skills.

This Deep State class has been jerking America, and now has gotten its tendrils deep into Europe too. They are the ones who mastermind the immigration while pretending to rail against it. See how they will not sign the immigration bill.

They pay for boths side and the media to continue this farce with the massive amounts of money they save in our slave state.


It's just a lying claim that FDR increased the depression - it is greedy and ignorant carpetbagger plutocrats that did not understand how to run and economy that brought that about. We invented the prosperity that other countries now use to invest in and support their people with.

First Reagan, one of the worst Presidents, starting dissing the unions, and we saw this in the media, in the right-wing media that blamed everything that happened on Unions. Then regulation came under fire even though vast parts of America were ruined with pollution and people were dying from it.

You're not even a real person you, B1cKsurN and Corbell, and who knows what else you freakin' sock puppet.


There's a ton more but I feel this can be easily self-researched.

You're not even a real person you, B1cKsurN and Corbell

Holy shit that's your cope for repeatedly getting schooled by me, and others? We're all the same person? LMAO, if we were all the same person, we'd only use 1 account to school your ass, we obviously wouldn't need anymore than that. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


If the list is not readily available in the link, I'm not wasting my time.

And when these lists include too many recent Presidents, you know it's biased and not from a historical perspective.

No way in hell was Obama top 10. He was average, gains points for Obamacare, but loses points for continuing George W Bush's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And Biden? Oh please. Inflation is through the roof and he's sending billions overseas.


All troops were withdrawn from Iraq about halfway through Obama's first term. Afghanistan still was allowing terrorists to operate, so it was important to maintain a troop presence there. You saw what happened after we withdrew.

Incredible Inflation Decline:
Inflation, which had skyrocketed to four-decade highs in June 2022, has experienced an astonishingly swift reversal. Consumer prices increased by just 3.1% year-over-year in November, a sharp drop from the alarming 9.1% recorded in June 2022.

The speed of this inflation cool-down is nothing short of remarkable. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, predicts that inflation will return to the Federal Reserve's 2% target by the end of 2024.

"Nothing short of remarkable," the head honcho at Moody's says.

You have not really got a clear view of the zeitgeist--perhaps you need to read a broader range of journals. I fear you only watch and read Faux. (Perhaps you should just concentrate on your onanism.)


What nonsense. I'm probably far to your left. So inflation has slowed. Big deal. I know every time I go to the grocery store that prices on what I buy are up almost 50%.

Afghanistan? They kicked us out, remember? So the George W Bush/Obama wars were pointless.

The general consensus is that our Iraq and Afghanistan invasions were a mistake. We should have left Saddam Hussein in power. He was a check on the Muslim extremists. Our invasion created ISIS. Hussein would have had ISIS dead or in prison.


You've gone so far to the left you've come around to the right again and pray for totalitarian leaders. Neat.


Uhuh. What have I said which is right wing?


So inflation has slowed. Big deal.
We should have left Saddam Hussein in power. (it's been awhile. It's possible you just forgot what a murderous thug he was.)
Muslim extremists

You're just another pathetic gas-lighter.


You know nothing about politics.

George W Bush orchestrated this phony war on terror. Was Bush a leftist? Obama was a patsy who played along.

I'm against American imperialism, dumbass. How is that right wing?


I'm gonna guess "self styled" is Fox's way of disagreeing with the opinions given that they would obviously put Trump at #1

They must be short of stuff to print or desperate to give the impression of some kind of "balance"

the article does say who these 154 people claim to be :

"the 154 respondents to the survey included "current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association…as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses"


No. Self styled basically means they're claiming they're self proclaimed experts and that there opinion is right and everyone else is wrong.. THAT'S what self styled means and has 0 to do with FOX


some people *are* experts on things. those people work in areas relevent to polictical scioence.

If they asked 150 mechanics what is the greatest cause of clutch wear , would you just dismiss their answers as "opinions no more valid than anybody elses" ?

If you asked a bricklayer what is the preferred mix for mortar .... etc

of course , most Trump fans have no trouble dismissing solid black and white facts asw "propaganda" or "MSM lies"so there is no chance of these peoples expertise being recognised by Fox news readers.


I don't think your analogy between political scientists and auto mechanics works that well. With mechanics there generally isn't an issue of partisan or ideological bias when it comes to their opinions of the greatest cause of clutch wear. The causes of clutch wear is a very technical issue so bias is less of a problem with professional analysis of it. But that's a big issue with political scientists and it's a big issue when it comes to evaluating politicians. The vast majority of political scientists are Democrats, liberals or leftists. There's a strong perception that a lot of partisan and ideological bias goes into their work. And evaluating politicians is far more subjective and arbitrary than evaluating the greatest cause of clutch wear. So political scientists' analysis of the best and worst Presidents could be as much a product of their biases as it's a product of their actual expertise.


Its a more complicated evaluation sure , but those people being professional political analyts will have a better idea than the man in the street what are the best metrics to measure a president by.

and I dont think "What do I think of him?" will be one of them.


Sure these political scientists have a lot of expertise on how to measure Presidents but how much of a role do their biases play? Their biases may play a greater role than their expertise in their evaluation of Presidents.


it might be interesting to look at the list and see the split between left n right .
.. which may or may not reveal some bias


Even if you removed as much subjectivity as possible and just stuck to cold hard facts, it's damn hard to see him as anything but last.

One term president, lost popular vote both times, impeached twice, wouldn't even attend his successors inauguration, and facing numerous charges for jan 6th.

How could someone look at that insanity and say someone was somehow worse on paper?


I disagree, James Buchanan is still a worse president than Trump...


These lists are literally the political version of ranking Sports Heroes or Marvel Characters.

There are legitimate bad Presidents(Woodrow Wilson), and just straight up BS(Trump, O'Bama, Biden).

But by all means very large children...keep muttering on about your Marvel Presidents...


An accurate objective assessment cannot be done for at least 50 years after the President is out of office. That said.

Things Obama will be remembered for:

- implementing free healthcare for all that cost Americans a 600% increase in insurance premiums because it was never free
- taking race relations backwards 50 years
- creating gender mental illness due to having the first male, β€œfirst lady”

Things Trump will be remembered for:

- exposing the depth of corruption of the Democrat media, DOJ, FBI, and establishment Republican Party

Things W Bush will be remembered for:
- Iraq

Things Clinton will be remembered for:
- having sex with an 18 year old intern in the White House

- restoring Americas prosperity and respect around the world after the Jimmy Carter disaster

- being a foreign policy failure
- the Iran hostage crisis
- 20% interest rates
- the worst economy since the depression


Things Obama will be remembered for: Drone striking kids, bringing back racism in the US, "Lipstick on a pig"

Things Trump will be remembered for: No new wars, booming economy, energy independence

Things W Bush will be remembered for: 911, War, Katrina disaster

Things Clinton will be remembered for: saxophone & shades, A bursting tech bubble, and cum stains

Things HW Bush will be remembered for: "Read My Lips", Iraq, "New World Order"

I was kid during Carter/Regan years and only cared about He-Man, GI Joe, and Transformers.
