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Signs you have Trump Derangement Syndrome aka TDS

What are the symptoms of TDS?

First you lose any sense of reason and logic when the word "Trump" is uttered. You also lose all sense of proportion and exaggerate everything he does into some far more than what it is. For example, Trump bans travel from China during Covid to protect Americans from the virus and your response is "he's racist against Chinese!".

The funniest thing about TDS is that people who suffer from TDS have no idea they have TDS. This is because many psychiatrist also suffer from TDS. People with TDS continue to insist that they're the reasonable ones but it's clear from people who don't have TDS (including people who don't support Trump) that they are clearly deranged.

It occurs to me that the best way to improve this country is not to mock people with TDS (as I have been doing) but to help them. And the first step in helping them is to get them to realize that they suffer from TDS.

Here are some of the end results of TDS. Much like herpes, these conditions can manifest themselves to varying degrees and unpredictably at different times.

*You blame Trump for the CA wildfires (See Newsome, Garcetti)
*You blame Trump for the hurricanes (See Biden)
*You blame Trump for locking kids in cages at the border (see AOC)
*You blame Trump for racism
*You think all Trump supporters must be racist
*You constantly compare Trump and his cronies to Hitler and Nazi Germany (in extreme cases, you think he's worse than Hitler)
*You believe a second Trump term will be the end of the Republic
*You blame him for COVID

You blame Trump for [insert perceived slight here] while ignoring the fact that his predecessor (who you worshiped as a God) did many of the same things.

These are clear signs of TDS. If you believe you suffer from TDS, please reach out to me. I am here to help you.

My first recommendation if you believe you have TDS is to:

1. Socially distance yourself from everyone. TDS is contagious. Please don't infect others with your disease.
2. Wear a mask and don't talk. Wearing a mask and not talking are scientifically proven methods of preventing the spread of TDS.

- you bring him up in nearly every conversation, even if the subject has nothing to do with him
- when he won the election, you wandered around in a daze, unable to face reality like the air-headed, childish nutjob you are, or you screamed at the sky and had to be given play-doh and coloring books in order to calm down (which only half-worked)
- you talk about him all the time, blaming him for every bad thing that has happened in the world since he took office, including your own weight gain and increased drinking/drug habits
- you shut down the conversation the moment someone disagrees with you and label them every "ist" and "phobe" in the book
- you accuse others of being in a cult that worships him, completely ignoring what you were doing during the Obama years, adoring that asshole on screen and buying every lie HE told you, or the fact that you're behaving like a cultist yourself right now and have an "us versus them" attitude towards anyone who disagrees with you about Trump
- you're not even creative in your criticism of him; you read from the exact same script as everyone else on social media: orange clown, orange Hitler, rapist, Putin-lover, pussy-grabber, all of it
- you call him a "dictator," even though Biden has more traits with dictators than Trump ever did
- you think Putin helped him win the election while completely ignoring Obama and Hillary's backdoor deals with Russia during the 2016 campaign season, including doing the same spying that got Nixon out of office
- you still bitch and moan about him 3 years after he's out of the White House and blame him for every bad thing Biden and his puppet masters are doing
- you completely ignore every good thing Trump did as well as every fuck-up Biden has done, not caring how stupid you look for having voted for the latter
- you claim the world was laughing at you when Trump was in office, when in fact they're laughing much louder at Biden than they ever did with Trump
- you completely ignore how unfair and ridiculously biased the press was towards Trump and still swallow their lies faster than the Jones cultists swallowed the poisoned kool-aid.


There are other signs of TDS as well:

- you bring him up in nearly every conversation, even if the subject has nothing to do with him
- when he won the election, you wandered around in a daze, unable to face reality like the air-headed, childish nutjob you are, or you screamed at the sky and had to be given play-doh and coloring books in order to calm down (which only half-worked)
- you talk about him all the time, blaming him for every bad thing that has happened in the world since he took office, including your own weight gain and increased drinking/drug habits
- you shut down the conversation the moment someone disagrees with you and label them every "ist" and "phobe" in the book
- you accuse others of being in a cult that worships him, completely ignoring what you were doing during the Obama years, adoring that asshole on screen and buying every lie HE told you, or the fact that you're behaving like a cultist yourself right now and have an "us versus them" attitude towards anyone who disagrees with you about Trump
- you're not even creative in your criticism of him; you read from the exact same script as everyone else on social media: orange clown, orange Hitler, rapist, Putin-lover, pussy-grabber, all of it
- you call him a "dictator," even though Biden has more traits with dictators than Trump ever did
- you think Putin helped him win the election while completely ignoring Obama and Hillary's backdoor deals with Russia during the 2016 campaign season, including doing the same spying that got Nixon out of office
- you still bitch and moan about him 3 years after he's out of the White House and blame him for every bad thing Biden and his puppet masters are doing
- you completely ignore every good thing Trump did as well as every fuck-up Biden has done, not caring how stupid you look for having voted for the latter
- you claim the world was laughing at you when Trump was in office, when in fact they're laughing much louder at Biden than they ever did with Trump
- you completely ignore how unfair and ridiculously biased the press was towards Trump and still swallow their lies faster than the Jones cultists swallowed the poisoned kool-aid


Between your list and the Op’s list, both are the most accurate and precise descriptions I have seen of TDS.

It is uncanny that those people have been suffering from TDS every day for years.
I mentioned recently that I think they should officially add TDS to the DSM.


Yeah, i mean, I don't think about him most of the time, we don't have a shrine to him in our homes, we don't wear MAGA hats in public (in my state that's just asking to get shot, tbh), I don't even say "MAGA" at all, we don't have bumper stickers on our cars, telling anybody who we voted for, I certainly don't watch Fox News (had them figured out a while back, and now it's confirmed that they were just "controlled opposition" all along), I refuse to get on Truth Social or Patriot because I know the FBI (AKA Gestapo in all but name) has a list and will probably come after everyone on those right-wing social media sites at some point, I don't wish all left-wingers dead and thrown in death camps and their kids taken away, and I certainly don't think about the shitheads on Capitol Hill all day.


Great list, I will add it to the long list of symptoms.


71 felony charges against Trump is a fact you can't escape. But go ahead and try to gaslight those who see the truth


hows that war going?


TDS is really bad today.


Focusing on facts regarding the leading challenger for the presidency is a problem for you?


Witchhunts, kangeroo show trials, don't normally produce good results.

Hey, remember when it was a conspiracy theory that the government was spying on Trump's campaign? LOL!!!! Good times.


Well, they found a witch. The charges look very serious and wrll- founded








Happy Whiteteenth!


What is whiteenth?


Happy European Caucasian Month.


Sure they did. Just like all the witches they burned at salem. You don't really understand anything do you?

You imprison a President, what do you think that does to our "democracy"?


What about focusing on that other guy? You know the person no one talks about.

God save the Queen, man.


A possible cure:

Although this particular mental anomaly is enamored with perplexities, all can be resolved with simply accepting President Donald Trump as the victor of the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. You won’t even need a doctor or prescription drugs.

May the winds of Trump be at your back, the glowing red MAGA hat decorate your head and the common sense of Trump’s conservative intelligence fill the depths of your heart.

You really can be rescued from the dreaded Trump derangement syndrome.


Hah! They will be cured when they're 6 feet under. Hell, Trump will eventually pass away someday, and people will still be blaming him for all of theirs and America's woes decades after his death. That's how much the left and the WEF hate him, and just how badly brainwashed their followers are.


The left doesn’t get it. It is not about him and it never was. It was about his administration's accomplishments while under his tenure which brought us primarily among others:

1. Economic Prosperity
2. Low Gas Prices
3. International Peace

Now we have the opposite of all those three at the worst it has ever been including a border crisis that has flooded our country with cartels, career criminals, and fentanyl while blaming Trump for all of it.

Those people would prefer a ww3 than to have Trump back in the WH.


It's very disturbing to watch, I'll tell you. I never thought I would see stupidity and fanaticism ever happen in front of me until I saw people who were pissed off at a guy who did nothing more than turn on the light and show how many cockroaches had infested Washington D.C.

I'm particularly disturbed at how much the left really seems to hate America or any form of success achieved through hard work, calling anyone who stands up for America a bigot and a "Nazi" while they themselves are behaving more like Nazis than the right ever did. Only an idiot wants chaos and a shitty economic situation, just so they don't have to have a man they've been trained to hate in charge and actually doing his job for a change.




Are you surprised? Trump supporters do not have any original ideas in their empty heads.


You don't believe white people have a right to exist and call Trump or anyone who thinks otherwise a "White Supremacist". It's okay to be white.


July is European Caucasian appreciation month. Thank a white person for starting America.


When I oppose Trump's anti-gun agenda, I'm told I have TDS and am a Biden supporter. Since 2019 Trump supporters have made it very clear that if you oppose gun control, then you are a liberal with TDS.


You are a Biden supporter. If a bump stock was a gun, since its not, I support Trump.


What have I ever done to support Biden? Nothing. You have Biden on the brain.


You voted for Joe but yet you dont support him, ironic?


I never voted for Biden. Why do you think I did?


Because you sound ridiculous. gun sales has a lot of regulation. Mayne it can be stricter, but legitimate gun purchases are strict.

Statistically legal guns are not used in a majority of crimes or mass shootings.

The majority of gun crime is done with illegal weapons.
And Democrats do nothing about illegal gun possession. In fact they reduce such charges.
When a criminal is caught with an illegal gun the law should be mandatory long sentence, but Democrat prosecutors reduce the charges to nothing.

Make it so anyone caught with an illegal gun does mandatory time

But Democrats would never enforce such a law because it would affect people of color.

Why do you support these Democrat prosecutors who work as defense attorneys and reduce charges instead of making them stick?


"But Democrats would never enforce such a law because it would affect people of color."


Just dont get him started on bump stocks. lol


You bring up bump stocks far more more often than I do. I will criticize Trump on some other issue, then you chime in with "bump stocks aren't guns". That is like saying Trump is wrong.


Why is opposing a gun grab and red flag laws without due process ridiculous? Do you actually favor those actions? It seems that Trump supporters prefer supporting their favorite politician instead of safeguarding civil rights.

No one, GOP and Democrat, is really interested in arresting criminals who buy guns illegally. Hunter Biden is a prime example. Lying on form 4473 at the gun store is very nearly a written and signed confession to a felony, but law enforcement in general has rarely been interested in putting those people in prison.

Tossing Biden in prison would have been a good start to showing that they care to enforce the laws we have now.


I assume 4chan servers are down or something?


I use the Trumpchan servers. Lots of good stuff over there.


Biden voters are a real messed up bunch.

If you ask a Biden voter if they believe boys should be able to compete against girls in sports, most say keep then separate.

But then they vote Democrat who will roll out policy they are personally against.

Trump derangement syndrome and just liberalism in general is a clear mental disorder.

Then you ask them, why are you voting Democrat if you believe boys and girls should be kept separate? To stop trump.

These people are willing to vote on policy they are against to despise trump.

Biden has record breaking border crossings, the message is get to the border under Democrats because it's a free for all.

You would never see a trump supporter blatantly support failing statistics.

Ask a Democrat voter if they are in favor of non citzen voting, college loan forgiveness, no cash bail?

The majority say they are against such policy, but vote Democrat anyway.
It's the craziest mentality ever.

Biden is one of the most corrupt people in the history of gov and some how people look the other way.

People prospered under trump...great gas prices, great interest rates, great inflation rates, great border crossings numbers,
Statistically he passed

Statically Biden is failing

People hate trump and champion the failure Biden. Things are backwards


People hate narcissistic criminals … well most sane people do anyway


Can you share examples of trump being narcissistic and what crimes he committed?


If you don’t know by now then your name must be Helen Keller


Biden voters have trouble saying it because it sounds more and more ridiculous as you explain it
