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Signs you have Trump Derangement Syndrome aka TDS

What are the symptoms of TDS?

First you lose any sense of reason and logic when the word "Trump" is uttered. You also lose all sense of proportion and exaggerate everything he does into some far more than what it is. For example, Trump bans travel from China during Covid to protect Americans from the virus and your response is "he's racist against Chinese!".

The funniest thing about TDS is that people who suffer from TDS have no idea they have TDS. This is because many psychiatrist also suffer from TDS. People with TDS continue to insist that they're the reasonable ones but it's clear from people who don't have TDS (including people who don't support Trump) that they are clearly deranged.

It occurs to me that the best way to improve this country is not to mock people with TDS (as I have been doing) but to help them. And the first step in helping them is to get them to realize that they suffer from TDS.

Here are some of the end results of TDS. Much like herpes, these conditions can manifest themselves to varying degrees and unpredictably at different times.

*You blame Trump for the CA wildfires (See Newsome, Garcetti)
*You blame Trump for the hurricanes (See Biden)
*You blame Trump for locking kids in cages at the border (see AOC)
*You blame Trump for racism
*You think all Trump supporters must be racist
*You constantly compare Trump and his cronies to Hitler and Nazi Germany (in extreme cases, you think he's worse than Hitler)
*You believe a second Trump term will be the end of the Republic
*You blame him for COVID

You blame Trump for [insert perceived slight here] while ignoring the fact that his predecessor (who you worshiped as a God) did many of the same things.

These are clear signs of TDS. If you believe you suffer from TDS, please reach out to me. I am here to help you.

My first recommendation if you believe you have TDS is to:

1. Socially distance yourself from everyone. TDS is contagious. Please don't infect others with your disease.
2. Wear a mask and don't talk. Wearing a mask and not talking are scientifically proven methods of preventing the spread of TDS.

- you bring him up in nearly every conversation, even if the subject has nothing to do with him
- when he won the election, you wandered around in a daze, unable to face reality like the air-headed, childish nutjob you are, or you screamed at the sky and had to be given play-doh and coloring books in order to calm down (which only half-worked)
- you talk about him all the time, blaming him for every bad thing that has happened in the world since he took office, including your own weight gain and increased drinking/drug habits
- you shut down the conversation the moment someone disagrees with you and label them every "ist" and "phobe" in the book
- you accuse others of being in a cult that worships him, completely ignoring what you were doing during the Obama years, adoring that asshole on screen and buying every lie HE told you, or the fact that you're behaving like a cultist yourself right now and have an "us versus them" attitude towards anyone who disagrees with you about Trump
- you're not even creative in your criticism of him; you read from the exact same script as everyone else on social media: orange clown, orange Hitler, rapist, Putin-lover, pussy-grabber, all of it
- you call him a "dictator," even though Biden has more traits with dictators than Trump ever did
- you think Putin helped him win the election while completely ignoring Obama and Hillary's backdoor deals with Russia during the 2016 campaign season, including doing the same spying that got Nixon out of office
- you still bitch and moan about him 3 years after he's out of the White House and blame him for every bad thing Biden and his puppet masters are doing
- you completely ignore every good thing Trump did as well as every fuck-up Biden has done, not caring how stupid you look for having voted for the latter
- you claim the world was laughing at you when Trump was in office, when in fact they're laughing much louder at Biden than they ever did with Trump
- you completely ignore how unfair and ridiculously biased the press was towards Trump and still swallow their lies faster than the Jones cultists swallowed the poisoned kool-aid.


A TrumpliKKKan Manifesto Gut is a cult member who doesnt know any better he cant make his own opinions.
