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“Biden's speech was a cynical attempt to fill our heads with stupid”

Regarding Biden: Stupid is as stupid does. His speech was mindless hogwash while insulting over 74 million Republicans! Way to go Joe! There was nothing worthwhile about his speech as he became an attack dog snarling about Trump and his voters. I’m one of those MAGA voters whom you lambasted and threatened! Up until this speech I had empathy for him having dementia. Not any longer! Now he disgusts me! The gloves have been removed.

For you Bidenites who are incapable of accepting the truth about his dictatorial words and agenda please watch the linked video below. You may learn something! I doubt it though!


Biden didn't demonize Republicans but he did demonize you stupid Trump supporters and your orange master. He was right. Thankfully Trump supporters will slink back to their trailer parks after Trump loses in 2024.

You claim Biden is suffering from dementia who can't tie his shoes but you also claim that Biden is a dictator who is trying to rule the world. So which is it?


Biden demonized everyone who did not vote for him.

Trailer park? And yet you accuse us of being judgmental, stereotyping bigots. Blind to your own hypocrisy. And my house is probably bigger than yours.


You are one of those stupid Trump supporters that Biden alluded to. I doubt your single wide trailer is bigger than my home. Truth hurts.


Yeah, the truth does hurt. The truth is that you intellectually stunted buffoons have a deep-seated need to believe that conservatives are beneath you, in every way. You 'need' to believe we're uneducated and unsophisticated. While the reverse is actually true but we have no emotional investment in it. Rest assured, we're educated and pay more in taxes than you'll ever make in your life. Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it.


I know you're domestic terrorists because you self-identify as such...


Did your parents have any children that lived?


Ah, so you also identify as a domestic terrorist just like the CPAC folks? I suspected as much...


You mean like the BLM rioters that you celebrate? No. Stop projecting.


Wow, deflect much???


Not at all. The difference is those are actual domestic terrorists. Sorry liberal, just because you throw a label at someone, doesn't make it so.


I didn't "throw a label" on anyone, that would be CPAC with their giant banner proclaiming "We Are All Domestic Terrorists"


Bullshit. You called me a domestic terrorist. If you're gonna be an asshole, at least commit to it.


SamNoyoun has no business calling anyone a domestic terrorist as he literally supports the DemoKKKrat cult which is by definition a domestic terror organization.


How do I not have that jackass blocked yet?


"you stupid Trump supporters"

You clones just never learn, do you?


You are so lost.


True to form with you left-wingers! You are incapable of defending your master so you attack the “messenger”. I could very easily turn your words on you by saying ”you stupid Biden supporters and your master with dementia.” You haven’t grasped the fact Biden is afflicted with dementia and is a puppet with his puppet masters controlling him. You et al fall into the category known as lemmings.

Lemming: A person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction over a cliff!

I would say with the Dems in power the country is fast becoming a destructive 3rd world country.

BTW, you also fall into the category known as a bigoted, judgmental jerk! I doubt you own and live in a 2600 sq ft home directly across from a beach! The view from my home is beautiful.


Or was it just so smart it blew your minds?


The only minds that he has blown are mentally unstable, brainwashed, leftist, useful idiots like you. He is incapable of blowing intelligent minds.


Mark Twain had the likes of you in mind when he said:

“It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.”


You might want to consider that...


If only Biden did that , then he wouldn't be stoking the fire.


His puppet masters continue to pull his puppet mouth strings. They keep feeding him their lies!


"If you don't like my agenda, you're an extremist!"

Biden Approval: >30%

So 70% of Americans are extremists?! 🤔🤨🤔🤨🤔🤨😑🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Biden insulted over 74 million voters and the minions/lemmings on this board swallowed his speech hook, line, and sinker! They cannot defend the puppet’s words so they either attack those who believe differently or they Deflect, Deny or Dismiss the truth! What a bunch of damn losers! As the adage states: “Ignorance is bliss!”


They cannot defend the puppet’s words

Of course not....just look at this thread. Nothing but insults and "I know you are, but what am I"s


All they can do is attack! They can’t defend him anymore than they could answer my question from almost 2 years ago! 🤷🏼‍♀️ “Why are you voting for Biden?” They could not sell him. Their mantra? “He’s not Trump!”

They continue to be afflicted with TDS! Yatzo writes of nothing else, but his hatred for Trump! He lives, eats and sleeps Trump! Pitiful! Just pitiful! 🙇🏼‍♀️


Calm your tits, lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While it works and is somewhat necessary in communicating through texts, we shouldn’t be overusing the poor exclamation point in writing. Here’s why:

Besides being a sign of first draft syndrome, it’s passive writing. Just like over using, or misusing adverbs in narrative can be very passive, so can sticking an exclamation point into a direct line of dialogue. The author is TELING me be excited, or be scared, or any number of high emotions. That just falls flat. I don’t feel anything. Instead, show me.


Biden's Speech: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
- Shakespeare


Bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻


Then why does nothing bother you so much?


Hypocrisy. Any honest person with a brain knows that every accusation Joe makes of the Maga folks could be applied equally to him and his ilk.

I you don't agree with Joe, then you are an extremist. What bullshit! No one else can have an opinion??? This is the Dems playbook: Gaslighting.

The entire "production" was to distract from his myriad failures and to whip up his base.

Notice he didn't go near any of the "kitchen table Issues" that concern us all.

The man and his followers are idiots.

As an independent, I fear the Dems more than the GOP.


"Any honest person with a brain knows that every accusation Joe makes of the Maga folks could be applied equally to him and his ilk."

Example please


The DemoKKKrats impeached Trump for allegedly colluding with foreign powers and for investigating political opponents, not only did Diaper Joe sell access to Russia through his crackhead of a son but he actually used the FBI to harass his political opponent

The DemoKKKrats impeached Trump for allegedly “inciting a coup”, Diaper Joe incited 574 violent BLM insurrections and an assassination attempt on the Supreme Court.

What Diaper Joe has done to our democracy is 100x worse than what they accused Trump of.


Meh, they way I see it, Trump has said similar things too. Trump says radical/socialist Democrats and Biden says Ultra-Maga/Semi-Fascist/extreme-right.


True, but I and other Trump voters called him out when he did. If you’ve read my posts I never defended Trump’s cringe worthy mouth. I was appalled by most of his off the cuff remarks. It got to the point I turned the channel when he spoke.

But, two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s the hypocrisy from the Democrats because they agree with Biden which makes me detest them. This is now! This is a so-called POTUS who is stirring the caldron of hate when he broad brushes every MAGA voter! Biden, the puppet, is dangerous due to his puppet masters controlling him!


> True, but I and other Trump voters called him out when he did.

LOL. But seriously I think most sane people believe we should not have a President that is a criminal, ignorant, anti-social, irreligious, power-mad, ...., Hitler-loving, authoritarian, Nazi, fascist, ... person in power - no matter the claimed affect on their taxes or 401K. Most sane Germans if they knew the wreckage that Hitler was going to bring to Germany would not have supported him and would have opposed him more strongly.

When Trump said Democrats were Left-Wing Fascism, that was just pure lies. Biden stated and made his case, he was not simply name-calling.

Trump is the puppet. He had to steal classified documents to show them to his "producers" because nothing he does is his own vision, he is just a puppet for the billionaire industrialists. Proven by the only real thing he did was to cut taxes, and try to cut regulations and install sand in the mechanism of government so it would not work to sustain the social support systems, or keep worker protections or environmental regulations. That's simply evil.


No when he said they were left wing fascists he was telling the truth. The modern day DemoKKKrats are literally just as bad as the Nazis. They want to murder anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Trump just had the balls to stand up to them. All the DemoKKKrats give a good fuck about is power and they are willing to let people die in order to get it.


If you were insulted by Biden's speech, he was talking about you. There is still time to change your life.


Republicans' heads are already full to the brim with stupid.
You want to claim 74 million were offended or that Biden was aiming to offend all of the, but it's more like the loud mouthed Conservatives that spend all day and night her spewing out Right-wing talking point ... you don't represent all the Conservatives on MovieChat, though you think if you are intense enough, nasty enough you will make an oversize impression and puff up like a puffer-fish to seem bigger than you really are.


That was the most disgusting speech by any US President, he incited violence against half the country, he literally wants his mob to murder conservatives. He should be impeached and prosecuted.


But, as you most likely read, Trump has said things far worse! 🙄 To them Biden can be hateful and encourage anarchy because they believe Trump was part of the Jan. 6 fiasco. To them if Bidenites stormed the Capitol it would be OK because MAGA voters did it.

The left just won’t admit what Biden said was a threat to over 74 million Americans. He threatened MAGA voters with a military response! It’s par for the course. Do you recall the CNN reporter bitch asking if it was time to use drones on us? Is it possible the mass murderer in Memphis was spurred on by Biden’s rhetoric?


The DemoKKKrats are going to milk J6 for all it’s worth, it’s all a distraction from their own evil and corruption. These people need to be held accountable for the damage they have done to the country.
