MovieChat Forums > Politics > MYTHS about the 1960s

MYTHS about the 1960s

Thomas Sowell

Big Lies of 60s lefties debunked! From 1940-1960 black poverty dropped by half and crime rates too. After lefties took control of schools, courts, government crime increased, race tensions too.

History is repeating itself. Never vote Democrat!


FDR wasn't a leftie?


Interesting graph of homicide rates per capita over time at 1:33

Especially with the England comparison added, bearing in mind its "per head" so population sizes do not apply.


Another stupid myth about the 1960s is that they make it sound like everyone was a hippie. According to my parents, who actually lived in the 60s, it wasn't like that at all.


I actually lived in the 60's as well. Back then there were Birchers instead of Trumpers.


Lot less of them.


It depends how you define hippie.

I lived in the 60s. It was generational. Parents were traditional. Their teenage children were growing their hair longer, wearing bell bottoms, listening to rock and roll or soul music, etc.. Most wouldn't be considered "hippies", but their appearance, values, culture, behavior were different from the older generation. Even small children were influenced by the teenagers.

Sad you weren't around during the 60s. It was an unbelievably entertaining era. Never a dull moment.


Great & accurate post!




Damn, you guys are ooolllddd, lol. Not saying that's bad, just more wisdom, usually. I'm from the 80's era and to me I think it's the best or one of the best era for American culture thriving. Why do you think so many movies keep referencing the 80's if not going back to it in time setting? It was like the perfect time for wonder and ideas. Okay, the clothing and style maybe wasn't all that great but for movies, games, stories, music, it was revolutionary if not sublime.

Back when people were friggin' fat like today. People took care of their bodies for the most part.


They're referencing the 80s only because their target audience grew up in that era.

That era wasn't really good for culture thriving. Music suffered and everyone complained about how bad it was. Michael Jackson was credited with reviving the entire music industry with several hit albums.

For movies, the 70s were better with several popular franchises being created like Star Wars. TV's best era was the 50s. Social change and progress were the 50-70s. Gov. programs were 1940s. Music was 1920s and 1950-1960s. 70s if you like disco.

My older relatives swear the Great Depression was a great era for children - safer and more innocent - so I never disagreed.

There wasn't anything major happening culturally in the 80s except in radio and right-wing media.

I guess growing older means understanding the context and details of different eras.

That video looks like an SNL sketch.


Damn, you guys are ooolllddd, lol.

Ya know, if KeeKee and rest of the gang are in their 60s and 70s, it does explain alot about them and why they are like they are. Most likely they are angry, old boomers, maybe some slight early onset dementia, and they still think a "Nazi Germany Takeover" is still a very real possibility as they were traumatized as many kids that grew up back then were. Especially children of German and Austrian heritage.

Makes you think...


No you didn't, you're 12yrs old. Another tall tale from Keeliar.


Nah man, if he is a 70 year old boomer with early on-set dementia, it makes a lot of sense.


If he was 70 he'd have more sense, even with dementia. I'm stuck on the mom's basement narrative. Except it's probably really in its mid-20's, the "failure to launch" type. Which makes it even more pathetic. He/she/it Googles everything and actually "knows" nothing.


My Mom's HS year books 62-66 show almost zero hippie-style people. And we are in a super-blue state going back centuries.


I graduated HS in '67 and it was a mix. But at our HS, they made us present a cleaned up act for year book pics or the pic didn't make it in.


You're slow!

For months, I've been writing about how FDRs New Deal helped every common American which raised their standard living. FDR destroyed the oligarchy aka: Gilded Age which was empoverishing Americans and threatening democracy.

He raised taxes on the rich and created programs to help everyone else including social security, Medicare, FDIC, etc..

But, in the 1970s, the super rich decided to fight back after believing they were under attack. They poured billions into GOP political campaigns, think tanks, media, and formed new organizations.

The GOP voted to lower the rich's taxes and change laws benefitting the rich and increasing their influence. That's why it's legal for a GOP candidate to receive millions from a corporation aka: political bribe.

Starting in the 1970s with the New Deal under assault from the rich, ALL common Americans lost financial ground. The 1970s, but especially 1980 with the election of Reagan, income inequality exploded!

The oligarchy has returned to the U.S. for the 3rd time in its history!


I'm far right and I agree with FDR policies. One if the reasons the US doesn't have more social safety nets is because of racial diversity.


The rich control the narrative in the U.S. and they have successfully duped working-class whites not to support social safety net policies through white vs. black division.

Those whites don't want blacks to have anything even if means that whites suffer, too. The rich only care about themselves and many are sociopaths. Excellent book details this called Dying of Whiteness:

What you fail to understand is if there were no blacks, the rich would find another group to demonize for advancing their agenda. In Russia, Putin uses gays. India targets Muslims. Many countries target Jews. Hungary targets immigrants, news media and civil servant workers.


Once again Keelai displays his ignorance. Black people in the US behave in a way that makes Whites more conservative and oppose social safety nets. Canada and UK, both culturally rooted in Anglo Saxon culture both have a social democracy and they both unlike the US have much fewer Blacks. You give welfare to White people, they use it until they get a job, you give welfare to Blacks they live on it for generations. And since it's illegal to give only one ethnic group welfare, everyone loses it. The same with tough crime laws. US adopted them because there was so much crime mostly coming from minorities. Mostly White countries don't have such tough laws because they have less crime. Most US problems are rooted in race.

You have given no explanations why rich people in UK or Canada don't "use other groups to divide" and why these two countries have social safety nets. My theory of Black people making Whites more conservative explains it perfectly.

Gay cause problems for society. They spread STDs, molest children and deconstruct the family. Everyone should be opposed to their agenda of celebrating their lifestyle. Religious divisions like those in India naturally cause problems. I have many friend from Bosnia who are too well aware of this problems. People of different religions should live apart.


Slovenia hasn't contributed much of anything while the U.S. is a major world power. Diversity works!


Ask Japan or China.


The U.S. has many more inventions than China and Japan combined.

And China is notorious for stealing U.S. technology.

I can't think of any Slovenian achievements.


Most of US achievements came from White people and happened when the US was overwhelmingly White. China and Japan are homogenous and had tremendous contributions. Not to mention Victorian Britain which led the world in technology and innovation as well as France and Germany of that time.

Slovenia has a population of a very small US state. How many achievement can you name from Wyoming? Meanwhile there are 1 billion Sub-Saharan African and what have they achieved except poverty and AIDS?

I can't think of any Slovenian achievements.

You didn't even knew where Slovenia is you uneducated moron. No wonder you can't think of anything Slovenian. Name me a single achievement from Delaware (about the same size as Slovenia).


You're frantically deflecting!!

Right now you're in a glass house throwing stones. Name some Slovenian achievements or shutup!


- Richest former socialist country in the world
- GDP per capita (PPP) equivalent to that of Japan.
- Higher Human Development Index than Luxembourg (which is the richest country in the world).
- Top ten safest countries in the world in 2019

Name me single rich Black country. There are 52 Black countries in total. I'm waiting. There are 500 times more Black people in the world than Slovenians.


Name some Slovenian achievements or shutup! I'm still waiting. Stop deflecting!


Are you blind or just pretend to be? I just gave you. A former socialist country that is as rich as Japan is pretty good achievement.

Anyways here are 11 Slovenian inventors. Pretty good for such a small country.

You now name me 11 inventors from Lesotho - an African country with the same population of Slovenia. I'm waiting.


LOL! didn't Slovenia contribute Melanoma Trump?


She has not contributed anything to anyone except material for some comedians.


“Be Best, oond stop boollying people on Tvitter. Only my hussbund, ze ex-Pressedent uff ze Yoonitet Staytes, iss ullowet to doo dthat. My hussbant hass hemorhoits, oond cahn't help himself.”


Don't generalise too much. I must confess to not liking Roosevelt - most of his policies were OK but not support for compulsory union membership, the Hays Office, high taxation, peacetime conscription, the near-slave labour of the CCC and most of all saving Stalin's skin with Lend Lease and pro-Soviet lies.


Don't generalise too much. I must confess to not liking Roosevelt - most of his policies were OK but not support for compulsory union membership, the Hays Office, high taxation, peacetime conscription, the near-slave labour of the CCC and most of all saving Stalin's skin with Lend Lease and pro-Soviet lies.


Oh yes, the evil rich who pay nearly half the country's income taxes. You sound like Bernie but dumber.

The oligarchy is what you're voting for, dumbass. WTF do you think we get with social media and tech giants, along with big pharma?

Part of the problem is that you dumbasses lump all republicans, from all eras into one group. I am a conservative and have a lot of issues with much of the republican party's behavior in the past. Corporations are allowed way too much power and influence in Washington. Big pharma and the major defense contractors are the monsters you idiots think the gun industry is. They are the ones who own the politicians. Now along with Chinese interests. Which is why I voted for Trump. Because he was not a bought & paid for career politician. You idiots could never see that because you were blinded by the media's hate campaign.


Society changed in the 60s. Cultural attitudes towards the family, religion, authority, sexuality, drugs, responsibility...etc. All that led to the crime and other problems of the 70s, 80s and 90s.


No, it didn't. Nixon wanted to destroy activism in young people and blacks. What he did was declared a war on drugs to find a way to throw them in jail. The incarceration rate went from a few hundred thousand to 2 million. The "crime" was manufactured by the biggest crook of them all, Nixon.

Crime also became lucrative with private prisons. New crimes had to be created by government in order to allow prison companies to make billions.

Societal changes really started in the 50s, but accelerated in the 60s. Many people were unhappy with the status quo. And young middle-class people wanted to help those less fortunate.

All in the Family is a great snapshot of what was happening during that era for those born later.


Bollocks conspiracy theory. It's all one person's fault. Somehow Nixon is responsible for the rise in crime after the 1960s. There's a logical pathway for different attitudes towards family, religion, authority, sexuality, drugs, responsibility etc that lead to crime. And don't get me started on fatherless homes in the Black community and the welfare state. Welfare was given provided there is no father in the home. This incentivized women not to marry so they would get welfare and allowed both men and women to abandon their moral and financial responsibilities. Young boys raised without fathers are immensely more likely to commit crime. Tougher laws against crime were a RESPONSE to crime, not the cause. And even with tougher laws they can't lock you up if you don't cause trouble.


You're not American nor were you around during the 6os. You don't know anything. Yet again.


In the days of the internet you don't have to be living in 60s to know happened then.


its not a rise in crime dumb fuck. its a rise in criminalization. if tomorrow you made it illegal to drink soft drinks, the "crime would rise"


Wrong. The crime clearly rose. This is undisputed. Tougher laws were a response to crime, not the cause.


soooo Nixon didnt "In June 1971, President Nixon declared a “war on drugs.” He dramatically increased the size and presence of federal drug control agencies, and pushed through measures such as mandatory sentencing and no-knock warrants."


"A TOP NIXON AIDE, John Ehrlichman, later admitted: “You want to know what this was really all about. The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”Nixon temporarily placed marijuana in Schedule One, the most restrictive category of drugs, pending review by a commission he appointed led by Republican Pennsylvania Governor Raymond Shafer."


The war on drugs wouldn't have been launched if the drug use hadn't increased before that due to all social changes that happened. Loedicaprio embarrasses himself yet again. Boy you are stupid.

The rise in crime happened due to the breakup of the family unit which was caused by the left.


lol so you ignored the facts. sad nazi


What facts. Crime and drug use increased because of left wing cultural and policy changes. Sad commie.


LOLLLLLLLLL yes everyones a commie!. aww shame the nazis family wasnt wiped out in ww2


Wrong Richard Nixon started it and he was part of the republican party.


Nixon did not make people use drugs. Liberals did.


The use of drugs is not the issue it is the war on them that is the problem. Drug abuse has and always will exist. It is the way we handle it is what is the problem. Nixon began the war on drugs.


The war on drugs is are response to drug use and the problems it creates. Drugs are damaging to physical and social health and will always cause problems.


It is the incorrect response. Yes drugs are bad but treating them as a legal issue rather than a mental one is the problem. America's system works like this. Hey drugs can ruin your life so lets throw you in jail charge you with a felony and ruin your life to protect you from ruining your life. Nice logic huh? Nixon did this as a way to target specific people in voting. If drugs were legal today would you do them?


I never said that war on drugs is necessarily the best response, but to pretend that drugs are not the problem is false and their increase in use is a result of liberal polices and social changes. The breakdown of family, identity, religion and community is the biggest cause. I never used drugs in my life and never had even the slightest temptation to do so.


I never said drugs are not a problem, the war on drugs is a bigger problem though. You conveniently omitted that Nixon started that method, and he was republican. I will call out bad things on both sides of the spectrum. You only want to point fingers at the liberals while omitting any wrongdoing the republican party has done. Nice try though.


I will call out bad things on both sides of the spectrum

Oh really? I have never heard you call out liberal hippies who promoted drug use and the welfare state which destroyed the Black family. Liberal attitudes on family, religion, drugs, authority and community which had immeasurable negative impact on society.

By most measures of social health, pre 1960s America was better than today. Divorce, drug use, crime, teen pregnancies, STD's, depression, suicides, identity politics...etc


Oh I have called it out plenty of times. There are many things liberals have done that has been bad. However so have the republicans. I don't play identity politics. Nixon's war on drugs has been a colossal failure.


LBJ's war on poverty has been colossal failure. The civil rights movement has been a colossal failure.


Not going to let you deflect. Nixon was a republican and his drug war was a failure. Your concession is noted.


I never said any Republican did anything wrong and every Republican policy is unimpeachable.

LBJ's war on poverty has been colossal failure. The civil rights movement has been a colossal failure. The left is largely responsible for the breakup of the family, divorce, depressions, STDs and crime.


Was Nixon's war on drugs successful yes or no?


This thread is not about war on drugs or Nixon. It is about general myths about the 60s. War on drugs is only a small part of that issue. Take a look at the original post or the video linked by Thomas Sowell.


Yep and a myth you tried to create was that the left is to blame for everything.


Not for everything but for the most issues like poverty, crime, drug use, divorce, STDs, depressions, suicides etc. about which we are talking about in this thread. I support left wing economic policies like social safety nets and universal healthcare.


Your concession is noted. Me 24 you 0.


I never conceded and never agues against the things you claim I argued. You didn't even attempt to disprove me that the left caused many of these problems which this thread is about. I won.

I also won every single exchange we had in the past. You simply ignore the points you can't argue against and falsely claim victory.


Me 24 you 0.


There is a drug called lithium that would be very helpful to you.



A typical con-tard response. If I was to type a reply such as that, it would be reported as a death threat, deleted by administration, and I'd get a nasty-gram from "moderator 5."


You provoked this yourself idiot. Go fuck a chicken.


Recommending lithium for your obvious mental condition is not the equivalent of threatening to shoot some one in the head. At least that would be the con-tard response.


You started with ad hominem. Don't cry to me because you got what you deserve. I never attack someone personally and prefer to discuss ideas and arguments. But apparently you aren't capable of that so you chose to smear.


Ha ha! I don't have a problem with it, but if I would have typed the response that you did, you crybabies would have had it reported & deleted by now.


I never reported a single comment in my life and I never will. Reporting is for pussies who can't sand being called names and are offended when someone tells the truth they don't like.


I'm good with that.


And lithium actually would be helpful for your condition.


We should legalise soft drugs and give amnesty to all those in jail for those and other victimless crimes.


Wrong, you motherfuckers are responsible for the rise in crime. Liberals. This idea that minorities were taken advantage of by the justice/prison system is a fucking joke. It's a deflection. From liberal accountability.

Stop talking like you were there. Nobody is buying this charade.


You’re damn right society changed in the ‘60’s! The country lost its innocence. The “pill” brought on “free love”, Viet Nam= over 50,000 dead for a useless war escalated by LBJ and returning military vets being spit on, acid heads & Woodstock, assassinations, kids having kids, murder & mayhem, Johnson signing the Great Society Program in 1964-1965 which hasn’t greatly changed the poverty percentage.

The 1960’s was not a good decade. More women had to work outside the home to make ends meet due to the entitlement programs. Divorces escalated leading to single parent households and more babies being born out of wedlock. No, I would say the 1960’s were not good years. I wouldn’t live those years again for anything!🙅🏼‍♀️


What happened was Soviet Communists who started infiltrating American media/entertainment in the post WW2 1950’s got traction. Democrats blew them and dah dah dah dahhhhhhhhh. The modern hate America first communist Democrat party was born. Their killing of JFK was the big kickoff. The last pro American Democrat.

Remember all those films of people burning flags in the 50’s? Me neither. Because it didn’t happen.


Myth: everyone was at Woodstock. Everyone was a flower child.

Reality: it was tiny minority of people in SF and NY.


I truly believe the downfall of the US began in the 1960's. Moral decay. Social change that was too much, too fast. Permissive parenting was born in the `60's. As was the activist culture. Hordes of social justice warriors, eco-fascists and animal rights lunatics took to protesting. That same activist culture is bored now so it has to exaggerate existing issues or just create new ones. Free love turned everyone into a whore. The decline of the family. Gays started coming out of the closet and putting their foolishness on display. 99% of what's bad now started then.
