MovieChat Forums > Politics > If republicans were voted into power wou...

If republicans were voted into power would the price of gasoline go down significantly?

in the USA


The Saudis and Putin liked Fat Donnie. That should make all American's nervous.


Don't see why it would.


Electric cars for all is the way to go.

Remember the 2.2 trillion package passed in 2020.

If all the dollars amounted to cash it would be $10k for every person.

Why not double?

Maybe make it less with a deal government+business

END all the fake WARS.
Make the planet great again.


Only electric cars is for homo city boys.You can't go mudding with hot girls in a electric car,


Elcamino could save money if he would quit cruising the strip to pick up young men.


What the electric cars can only find on asphalt.


Something…like coal or oil has to power those vehicle batteries. Also, what to do with all those batteries when they give up the ghost? Our landfills are poison piles as they are.

Betcha you weren’t aware of the following:

”Despite its efficiency as a battery, there are still on-going debates on lithium battery’s environmental friendliness due to its extraction method. Lithium is extracted through “water-mining”, which requires an enormous amount of water throughout the process and toxic chemicals are needed to process lithium, leading to frequent water contamination and shortage in lithium-producing countries.

People in the Tibetan town of Tagong protested against the environmental damage caused by the Ganzizhou Rongda mining operation after contaminated water killed fish and livestock in 2016.

A study investigated the environmental degradation lithium mining caused in the Atacama Salt Flat in Chile, which holds the largest lithium reserves on earth by a large margin. Here, extracting a ton of lithium costs 500,000 gallons of water.”

I would say not so friendly to our planet just as wind power is killing thousands of wildlife!


COFEFE!! Windmills cause cancer!!


EVs run on fossil fuels....what you propose will send us back to pre-industrial times.



No. GOP complains. No solutions.


What is the dems solution to high gas prices, inflation and mass murders?

Whats Joes plan to reverse climate change?

When do things get better?


He doesn't have the votes. Get the GOP senators to vote along with his ideas which are on his website. 60 senator votes needed.


Why would the GOP vote with a dementia patient? The Dems never supported Trump.

So basically, DJ is a liar when he said he was going to BBB?


If Republicans (including Pres. Trump) were in power the price of gas never would have gone up to where it is now. Remember these two facts:
1. America became ENERGY INDEPENDENT for the first time in modern times while Pres. Trump was in office. Increased drilling, and flowing pipelines under Pres. Trump made the US a net EXPORTER of energy.
2. 62% of likely US voters believe that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine had Pres. Trump been in office.
So, no, we would not be paying these astronomical prices if Pres. Trump and Republicans were in control.


Gas prices went down while Trump was in office because of the pandemic. No one travelled therefore demand went way down. So of course there was a surplus. Now the oil producers are trying to make back that lost revenue. Neither of the two presidents involve could control either situation.

Not sure about Ukraine. Since Trump does business with Russia it could have gone one of two ways. They don't invade to keep him happy and keep his business. OR They invade and Trump would probably not have sounded off so loudly so as to protect his interests.


If Fat Donnie was potus, not only would Putin have invaded, Fat Donnie would have committed US troops to support Russia.


Sadly for you, Donnie was president and your prediction never came true.


It never came true because, thankfully, President Biden soundly spanked Fat Donnie.


So why didn't he invade when Trump was president?


Because he wants rump to be in power -- duh.
rump is easily malleable, impressed, and made to be a shill for any flashing, colorful bauble he comes across.
A complete dope.


Gibberish like this helps explain why the USA is importing baby milk


62% of likely voters disagree with you, so you're in the minority.


Another Faux fake "News" Poll. Yawwwwwnnn. . . .



“A new Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)-Harris Poll survey released Friday found that 62 percent of those polled believed Putin would not be moving against Ukraine if Trump had been president."


That poll was taken at your trailer park where the average IQ is between 70 & 80 (& that is a generous estimate).


Like I said; moron.


Did you know that "moron" has not been a clinical term to indicate intelligence for nearly 50 years? That is why I refer to you as being profoundly mentally retarded. But that may be giving you too much credit.


Gas was $2.60 a gallon average in 2019, pre-pandemic….

Care to retract the first part of your statement?


WTF are you talking about?! Gas was around $1.50 pre "pandemic. Welcome to my block list you senile evil leftist liar.


I guess you can add me to that list as well, but here are the pre-pandemic prices and the that guy was spot on about it being around 2.60.


Yep Enigmaticdumbass doesn't know how to use Google and search for "Average gas prices 2019"


According to the US Energy Information Association, the average price for a gallon of gas in Jan of 2017 when Pres. Trump came into office was $2.458. When Pres. Trump left office in Jan. of 2021 the average cost for a gallon of gas was $2.42. So gas prices under Pres. Trump were relatively consistent and the average never went above $2.94. The price only went down below $2.00 during April and May of 2020, the first two months of the pandemic.


Don’t try to argue, liberals only remember things from 15 minutes ago, anything before that they deny it and call you racist and a liar.


"Gas prices went down while Trump was in office because of the pandemic."
Price were already low PRE-pandemic!


Not at all. They don't control the price.
