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New photos show cheat sheets used by Biden during his first press conference

President Joe Biden speaks during the first formal press conference of his presidency.

President Joe Biden looks at notes as he answers questions from journalists during the first formal press conference of his presidency.

Joe Biden note’s show the faces of reporters at the press conference.

New photos reveal several cheat sheets used by President Biden during his Thursday press conference — including one with the headshots and names of reporters he planned to call on.

The president also used notes to assist with facts about US infrastructure, a policy area Biden is focusing on during his first months in the White House.

“The United States now ranks 13th globally in infrastructure quality — down from 5th place in 2002,” read one bullet point.

But despite having the answers in front of him, Biden still slipped up, saying America ranked 85th in the world in infrastructure, before correcting himself.

The press pool at Thursday’s briefing, the first one held by Biden since taking office 65 days ago, was limited to 25 reporters.

Biden only took questions from a list of journalists whose names and outlets he read from a cue card. A photo of the card shows circled numbers around select reporters.

In the early stages of the 62-minute presser, in which Biden fielded 10 questions, the president appeared to repeatedly lose his train of thought, forgetting questions and asking reporters if they wanted him to give detailed answers.

Many of his responses were aided by notes he kept inside a three-ring binder.

He abruptly wrapped up the press conference, telling reporters, “But folks. I’m going,” without sticking around for a follow-up question.

Using cheat sheets with lots of pictures and answers to the softball questions but still can't complete full thoughts. That's the worst part of it all. Forget the fact he already knew what was going to ask, but not to be able to pull off an academy award worth performance is all the proof any enemy of America needs to attack.


It's normal to refer to notes during a press conference.

Only an idiot would wing it by saying something stupid like "injecting disinfectant is a good idea".

I can't believe the OP is upset because Biden is well-prepared. Sheesh!


That wasn't well prepared at all. That was the establishment media that sets up the incentive structures so that an addled president can ram through a radical agenda.


Radical? Nothing more radical than storming the Capitol, beating cops, attempting to lynch the vice president and destroy democracy because you lost an election. More radical behavior is bringing back Jim Crow laws in order to prevent voting.

Did I mention slowing the mail in order to prevent voting too? That was pretty radical.

Radical agenda? When are the billionaires going to return the trillion dollar GOP tax cut they received for creating new jobs which didn't happen?


Keelai, in your reply to ItsGoodToBeRight you Deflected from the post by doing a 180-degree turn. You went on a far left tangent against the facts which is the norm for you!

Deny, Dismiss, DEFLECT, and/or Dumbfound


For god's sake, stfu. You are the most Dumbfounded person here. Embrace it and just sail off into your lunatic retirement.


Ad hominem 👆👆👆👆👆



Of course I know I am no better.

So you are ?


Deflecting much? ❓❓❓

You're so happy, living in the past with your anger.


Keelai is a raving lunatic racist.

leave him alone.


It’s a him? I thought someone wrote it was a her. Oh well, him, her, it..they are all race baiters!


I thought you were a nice old lady who was mourning the Death of her Husband and the leveling of her little Hick Town in the Deep South.
You sure have seem to have the Energy and Spare Time to spew Hate on the rest of us.
You Go, old girl !


Sure, just make baseless claims because this forum let's you do it.
I'd love to say all kinds of dumb-ass remarks in response to you because you are such an effing idiot ...
but I try not to, because we supposedly are talking about serious issues.
So either be serious or the rest of us should shun you for being a moron.
What's your choice?
I'm expecting the Moronic Response from either you or your equally Moronic colleagues.


”Only an idiot would wing it by saying something stupid like "injecting disinfectant is a good idea".

True to form Keelai,

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or Dumbfound

He did not say to do it! He asked is there a way to do get disinfectants into the body!

”And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

Just as other alt-left lemmings you misconstrue what ever suits your narrative. Biden has become your god. It’s as clear as the nose on your face, presuming it isn’t a Pinocchio nose, there is something seriously wrong with the man! Reading notes is fine and dandy especially when you don’t have a “gift of gab”. Open your eyes! He is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.


You're too stupid to know even thinking about injecting disinfectant is stupid. Continue to defend your cult leader.


No, I’m not stupid you feckless snot nosed twit! I’m not in the medical field and neither is Trump. Being fully aware disinfectants kill the virus one would wonder if disinfectants could some how kill the virus inside the body. Every affliction known to man is met with topical, oral or by INJECTIONS. Covid-19 preventatives use injections. Warfarin, a poison developed for rat control is given to humans. I can just imagine you saying “You’re giving rat poison to humans? What a stupid idea!”


”CHEMOTHERAPY IS A TOXIC POISON. It works by attacking rapidly dividing cells in your body, which affects your hair, nails, skin, digestive system, and blood. This process makes you very sick and can cause permanent damage to various parts of your body, including your brain, liver, hearing, and reproductive organs.”


Brilliant response. Continue in this vein as you always reliably do so so we can ridicule you with regularity.

Hey -- I saw the Sun come up in the West yesterday! Really ! Dems said it didn't happen because they are awful but it really happened ! Tax breaks to Rich People are Good ! Yay, Yay, Go Team !

Paint a Pig Red and call it the Republican Candidate and it sure as heck is better than The Other Guy Over There !
Make America Great Again For Pigs and Other Farm Animals. My Third Wife won't agree but someday after the settlement she'll stay quiet. That's what Republicans stand for !


anyone who has been the in the senate for 120 years is going to need notes.


People should be able to refer to their notes when taking the SAT tests. Why should they need to remember things that they believe and know?


Do you know the difference between a test and a news conference? Apparently not!


You're a fucking idiot clown living in your upside down clown world. The leader of the free world should know his policies like the back of his hand. Even college professors who make no money are more prepared than Biden is on his best day. But hey this is the puppet president who plagiarized his way through college essays, speeches, and policy positions throughout his entire life. Even "build back better" was plagiarized from Bill Clinton when he coined the phrase in 2006.

Just admit you worship a braindead idiot who smells little girl's hair and lets little children rub his leg hairs in the summertime.


Do you know the difference between data and policy? Apparently not!


If one makes a decision, especially one that impacts a whole country, one should know why they made that decision.


You're not used to receiving factual information which includes stats. Another reason not to watch Fox propaganda network.


Fox is more on your side than actual conservatives or people on the right.


Cmon man. He needed help remembering the names of the “journalists” who coordinated with the White House to craft the fake press conference.


You're pretty far gone if you think this is some kind of "gotcha" moment or proof of something.


It's proof that even with cliff notes he is still a big fail.

Kamala knows she will be the first woman president.


You obviously have problem with a Woman President.
What did your Mother do to you to distrust Women so much?


Hahaha ... so what?

That is called being prepared for the American President's first global news conference. I guess none of you Republican louts who talk so loud online ever made an actual speech, let alone prepared or took notes in school. Sure, it's just so much easier to have Republican Central tell you what to think and say every day.

It is just so true how no matter what any Democrat does, Republicans will attack it. Even when Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a Republican pick, they rejected it and brought in the out of control drunk sex-maniac Kavanaugh. Republican strategy, Trump offers stimulus package or $2000, Republicans cheer it, Biden offers stimulus package of $1600 Republicans claim it is too much.

Republicans talk up how they want to improve voting and then come up with the most exclusive racist voting legislation in a hundred years.

When if ever will Republicans say something they actually believe in and will follow through on ... the answer is never until they party is ground into the dust like Nazi Germany.


You're missing the point. He had notes and a huge head start to look like at least he knew what he was talking about with confidence as the leader of the free world but instead, we get this...

Head scratcher.


Being a BS artist to the public is less important to me than being a competent President.
Myself, I am a terrible public speaker ... much worse than Biden - even is I did have noted
to look at, though notes would help. You whiners are so unbelievable when you hold Biden
to a standard of competence that Donald Trump did not even come close to.


Pretty much everything a President says is written by someone else. A family member of mine was a speech writer for Bush Sr.


And? That's just being presidential. Plus he's 78, give him a break. Alzheimer is probably already slowly kicking in so he needs reminders or notes. Nothing different from a press secretary. You should've seen that big ass binder that blonde press secretary Trump had.


Every older person isn't an automatic Alzheimer's candidate. Don't make such rude and ugly characterizations.
Not saying Joe isn't Old but a lot of older adults still have more than enough faculties to manage what is being thrown at them w/o young folks mocking them for having white hair and wrinkles. For JC respect and embrace our older Americans.


Lol... To hear that from you... smh.

But I digress, you're right, he's in peak physical and cognitive condition.


What’s scary is what names was on the cheat sheet. The answer:

“Joe Biden. President”
