MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > So I’ve never watched the series…

So I’ve never watched the series…

I’ve never gotten around to watching the series but now that it is streaming along with a prequel coming out, would it just be better for me to wait and watch the prequel first so that I could watch it all in chronological order?


Don't bother with ANY of it, Telmarine. It's based on a book series that is UNfinished because the author is a lazy cunt, and he is especially a cunt for trying to me like JRR Tolkien and FAILING MISERABLY.


I liked GOT the first couple of seasons.

My experience with sequels and prequels is that they're lower quality.

I would go ahead and watch the first season or two.


Watch it in the order it was written/filmed. Game of Thrones does start to fall apart starting in Season 5 & onwards, but before that the show is great. Season 1 - 4 are where this show shines. Each season is better/bigger than the season before it. Than it’s only bigger for the last few seasons.

Like the person above “sequels/prequels” are 99% of the time lame imitations of what came before it. So for sure begin at the true beginning. With Game of Thrones season 1. You’ll have a blast for awhile, than you’ll be disappointed here & there, but it’s about the journey not the ending.


Watch it. S1-4 are excellent. S5 & 6 good, although you start to see some plot armor and character inconsistencies starting in S6. In S7 to 8 these faults pick up and S8 becomes a "Steven Seagal" type action movie.




Can anyone provide *any* example where it is an actually superior experience to watch a prequel before the work that spawned it? I hear questions like this all the time but I've never gotten a satisfactory answer to recommend doing so.

To OP, I trust my above question sufficiently answers yours.

[edit] Found my question compelling enough to warrant its own thread:


Prequel, I agree. Sequels, for the most part, are worse than original. Terminator 2 is one exception.


Not touching that one, though I have many strong opinions on the matter, as it would further derail OP's thread that I already derailed. :D


Wouldn’t this be a good reason to watch a sequel first? Save the best for last, while watching it in chronological order?


You run the risk of giving up the whole thing due to the impression of weaker sequels.

My advice is don't wait. Watch season one in one go, if you don't like it then give up. Because although the finale is usually great, the build up is quite slow. You might even give up in the middle of the season, because I almost did.


Until a show creator says the prequel is specifically designed to be watched first to somehow provide missing necessary info that enhances the previous spawning show, while making sure to not spoil anything, or a couple reviewers/fans watch it and make a compelling case, I see zero reason to even contemplate it. IMO you're focussing too much on the "chronological" aspect, but forgetting it's still a sequel based on GoT. See my linked thread for more reasoning.

You do you, of course. I'm but a seeker of knowledge. :)


It won't make much difference I think. The prequel is set hundreds of years before the events in Game of Thrones take place so it won't spoil anything in GoT. And watching GoT first will make you familiar with the world but it won't really spoil the prequel. They are separate stories set in the same world.


Seasons 1-6 are fantastic.

Season 7 is rushed and short.

Season 8 is even shorter and written poorly, but has great special effects.

If you want to be unique, definitely wait for the prequel series before jumping into Game of Thrones. I also recommend watching Better Call Saul before Breaking Bad if you want to try your hand at another couple sets of excellent shows.


Seriously, Volley, you ARE joking, right?

You're correct about the direct book adaptations in Season 1-4, but everything else was made up later on based on VERY BRIEF FOOTNOTES and thus was mostly made-up bullshit.


A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons featured prominently throughout Season 5 and parts of Season 6. Do not ignore those books.

Only Seasons 7 and 8 can be attributed to minimal Martin’s input and notes without books.


I disagree. A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons should be ignored. They are terrible books.
