ebhaynz's Replies

Maybe it's just the pendulum has swung from the far left to the far right. Insignificant 1st world problems? Right now the last few years my job is the same, my family is the same, my financial situation is satisfying. Yes, corporate America owns the U.S. now but it's been that way for some time. Decline, right on time, what happened to the dream sublime? Yes, but hasn't our country fallen so far that we deserve people like Hillary or Trump? Not to be a cynic but our culture has spawned tens of millions of people that mindlessly devote themselves to people like this. Plus, I don't pay a lot of attention to Trump(or Obama or Clinton or Bushes) and thus they really don't affect my life very much. yes, there are issues that need to be taken care of but so often our leaders a cartoonish characters. WITH VERY LITTLE SUBSTANCE..JUST P U P P E T S. I'd wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray/HD streaming if I were you. That way you can watch it at your leisure and watch it anytime you want. Besides, by now BR 2049 isn't on those huge screens in the theaters anymore..at best they're on their much smaller screens on the far left or right. That's a waste of money if you ask me. that's a great point. Of course, Avatar capitalized on the 3-D marketing scam, made billions even though it was a subpar movie. Interstellar? I did pay $14 at the Palms IMAX theater but left 5-10 minutes before the ending. Maybe it made so much money because Christopher Nolan was just coming off the success of The Dark Knight and Inception? Maybe the nail in BR 2049's coffin wasn't simply the running time but..the word got out that significant parts of it were slow and boring? Plus I don't think it really was that buzz-worthy anyway, was it? I'm afraid you're right. I can't think of very many movies or tv shows that blow me away since the Sopranos and OZ, we're talking 15-20 years ago! Oddly, for me the line of demarcation was that Dukes of Hazzard movie around 2005, it was so obviously just made for DVD I realized Hollywood was just churning out anything with a familiar name. Also, AI was such a huge disappointment movies have never been the same ever since. What has been great since 2000? LOTR? and the aforementioned OZ and Sopranos? I did like Rush and Master and Commander but they weren't great. Banks own Hollywood nowadays, they don't make art they make surefire money makers. Sure, I don't completely blame them they have so much to compete with nowadays it ain't funny. Remember the days when you almost went to the movies every week..and most of the times you saw a good to very good movie? Those days are long, long gone. Finding a good movie is nowadays like finding hens teeth! I think the worst thing that hurt BR 2049 is its run time. It a 3 hour movie doesn't set the world on fire it's never going to be a huge success. They should have made Blade Runner vs. Super Batman. This guy missed by a country mile! A 3 hour borefest making 600 million? Honestly, I think Corey Feldman is milking the whole pedophilia as much as he can to his own benefit. He's been on many talk shows where he gets to the point he's about to name someone, then backs off..picking up his check on the way out of the studio. Yes, he was molested by a hanger-on who hovered in his circle, which is terrible. But, in his book Corey also admits to hooking up his "friend" Corey Feldman with a man they both knew. Feldman was all for it and Corey states he felt sick to his stomach when he heard them going at it in the next room. In short, both of the Corey's were young, wild, and out of control teenage stars. They both got heavily into drugs and all types of sex, etc. One of them survived it all, the other one didn't. I used to be a huge fan of Bill's and even though I'm not a fan of Trump at all I can't stand these shows that make dozens of jokes about Trump and his family/cabinet EVERY SHOW. The jokes usually are more cringeworthy than funny yet the audiences scream with laughter. Really not my type of comedy, I want it real, not forced. My advice to Bill: GOD, STOP IT WITH YOUR DOZENS/HUNDREDS OF TRUMP JOKES! I've been to movie theaters in China, Thailand, Philippines, and S. Korea. I notice a lot of young couples go to almost any American movie if it's a big, smash em' up or a superhero movie. I just can't picture those same young couples going to see a 3 hour long movie like Blade Runner 2049. Heck, I even had a hard time dealing with the 3 hour run time and I waited for this movie for decades! Yep, it's amazing how Hollywood has veered towards China, Russia, Thailand, etc. Only a superhero or animated flick get big Box Office in the U.S. nowadays. Arnie can still pull in some serious box office overseas with a Terminator movie but Gosling and Harrison Ford don't have that kind of pull with a 3 hour BR2049. All the IMDb message boards have been saved, they're just not all on moviechat. I know, the rotten tomatoes score seems way too high, viewers do not seem to like it much at all. RT doesn't seem all that reliable anymore as this isn't the first time their ratings seem way off the mark. It really does look like they've gotten this one wrong I didn't know he had LBD and was in such a bad shape. What a terrible disease! sounds exactly like 1982's Blade Runner. I'm not trying to dog this movie either..I like some of it but I'm not going to praise it because it simply wasn't that good. I'm one of the biggest Mad Max 1 & 2 fans in the world but I could never praise MM 3 or 4. Heck, 34 years ago I wanted to love Return of the Jedi but it really was lackluster and I was a HUGE Star Wars fan at the time. Same goes for KOTCS. I'll even say this, you can make a boring Sci-Fi movie-as long as it's got that certain..something(2001, Gattaca, Children of Men). In the end, I give Denis a very good mark for his efforts. He had the most difficult of jobs to do. Follow up to a beloved Sci-Fi original. I encourage him to keep moving forward. I think it's just easier to knock somebody down when they are hurting. In this case, the box office is pretty weak, certainly not the big hit they were hoping for. For me, I was excited at first because they went with Denis as the director. The first trailer was promising and then it seemed to go straight downhill from there. The overuse of the flying Spinners, they made them look silly. The bland acting of Gosling. The loud and long boring sequences and the almost 3 hour running time. Still, BR 2049 might turn out almost exactly like the original; it might be much better after waiting 6+ months and then watching it again. That's the only way 1982's Blade Runner was any good. This is why you don't wait THIRTY FIVE YEARS to make a sequel.