ebhaynz's Replies

The one thing that caught up to Bill Cosby is Karma. Yes, it's sad and tragic his son died..by all accounts Ennis was a sincere and great person, something his father is not. Bill got away with raping women for decades but Karma has attacked him with full force in his waning years. 1. He's been put on trial 2 separate times. 2. He's been convicted of Sexual Assault. 3. He's under house arrest 4. He is supposed to be sentenced to PRISON within 90 days(although I'll agree this may never happen) 5. His wife left him. 6. His reputation and legacy are not just tarnished. It's RUINED FOREVER! Karma is a b!t c h that eventually slapped Bill Cosby down HARD! I doubt there's any connection between son Ennis's death and Cosby raping women. Ennis was killed in 1997 during a botched robbery attempt by Mikhail Markhasev. Markhasev admitted to killing Ennis in 2001, asking that all his appeals stop. Yeah, it's so weird that celebrities will ruin their career via twitter. And by the way isn't twitter kinda dying anyway? I don't even use it anymore. SNL really went downhill midway through the 2013-2014 season. That season they lost Bill Hader, Fred Arminsen, Jason Sudeikis, and Seth Meyers. By the end of that season, the ratings had plummeted and SNL has never been able to rebound since. IMO the biggest problem is Weekend Update, Jost and Che just read the cue cards while being unfunny the whole time. In other words, they're doing THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the whole point of WU! I think it's because there was a need to destroy the Nazi ideology. Certainly they couldn't be fair to Goering, he was going to be executed no matter what because he was the highest ranking Nazi on trial. If they found him innocent then he could have gone back out into the German society and do a great part in keeping Nazi-ism alive. For awhile, he thought he would win the trial and do exactly that! Why be fair to the worst of the worst Nazi's? They were never fair to their countless victims. I believe a couple of others received life sentence as well and they either died before Hess or were released just before they died. Hess probably should have been released as he was a nutcase and probably harmless but the Soviets insisted he die in prison. I saw this in the theater in 1977 in Moberly, Missouri(4th Street Theater?), even though Star Wars was widely released I believe it still took about a month or two to come to my small hometown. I remember it was one of the few times I had to sit up in the bleacher section of this tiny theater because it was so packed. I was 11 years old and I don't remember being blown away by the movie, not like I had been when I saw Jaws 2 years earlier. I'm not sure I even followed the whole story, I only really remember the awesome opening with the huge starship and later everybody cheering when Han Solo comes back to knock Darth Vader out of action. Even though I was at a perfect age to drool over this movie it just didn't strike a cord until a few years later when Empire came out. Oh, one more memory: I think I saw the Star Wars poster at a movie theater in Springfield, Missouri many months(maybe a year?) before the release. Actually, I probably saw it in June, 1977 as I was staying at my Grandma's house and she dropped me off to see "For the Love of Benji". Anyway, it was the poster where it said "A long, long, time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I had no idea what Star Wars was about by seeing this poster, nor did it intrigue me very much. It was just so foreign to me..I did have a tinge of curiosity, man I was so young and naive back then! Yes, if you have money you can buy the best defense attorney's..they simply whup up on an outgunned prosecution. Still, O.J.'s lifestyle was practically ruined. O.J. lost his Hollywood house and fake friends, he lost a majority of his wealth, forcing him to hightail it to S. Florida. He ended up in jail for 8 or 9 years on trumped up charges. Now Cosby is a convicted sex offender, which will be his legend forevermore. I'm glad that even though I'm not wealthy I'm not going assault defenseless people and end up in prison and shame. Yep, anyone who does such a dastardly deed such as drugging young women repeatedly should go to prison for the rest of their lives! Yes, I believe with all his money and advanced age he can keep from going to jail indefinitely. At the very worst, he'll hightail it to another country like Barbados, which doesn't have an extradition treaty with the U.S. In all probability, Bill Cosby will live a live of luxury until the day he dies. The ironic part is I don't think he was ever very funny. Sound dampening/deadening. Along with it's outer skin the Terminator had sound cancellation hardware installed to prevent any metallic, clanking sound..Yes, in the future such technology STILL exists. You can't kill The Thing no matter what you do..because, if you did, there would be NO MOVIE. Eric and Dylan simply fed off each other, a horrible combination that led to mass murder. I think Eric was severely mentally ill and domineered over Dylan and ultimately led him down the primrose path to disaster. The violent video games/movies and easy access to guns definitely contributed to their madness. I agree Tom Berenger should have won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. The good news is both he and Williem Dafoe were at least nominated. I can't believe Michael Caine and Dianne Wiest won supporting actor awards for Hannah and Her Sisters, just shows how terrible Academy voters can be. I don't think it was tear gas; the first guy seemed to be grabbing his neck after getting shot..the second guy lost his rifle and helmet after getting shot, then he covered his blood coated forehead and then his eyes. You definitely make some great points. I'm not sure about this but I think it wasn't until some time in the 80's that more than one or two movies came out per week. So, for 40,50,60 years of movie history we had a handful of movies but then the 80's come around and the numbers exploded. Actually, I think someone told me once that by the mid 80's there were more movies release in one month than what Hollywood used to release in one year! This certainly could explain why 80's movies receive so much attention! One thing I don't quite understand..why did Hollywood do so many retro 80's movies as compared to other decades? My first instinct is to say those 80's movies were special and that was the biggest decade ever for movies. Obviously it's to get the older audience involved as well. Was there a bigger movie decade than the 80's? It was absolutely horrible