MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > really trivial point about Gaff

really trivial point about Gaff

I didn't see Gaff

True the character and actor had both aged 35 years, but if they're going to use the same actor, I'd expect him to use similar mannerisms (however unrealistic that may be) just so we could recognize him

Gaff was weasely and vaguely sinister - this was Adama doing origami

Might just be me .... I had the same problem with Godfather 3, where I saw Big Boy Patrice in place of Michael Corleone


I agree. Seemed lazy. Didn't look or even sound like Gaff. Where's the gutter speak/street talk and grumbly accent? Like they didn't even try. They could have done so much more for his short scene.


Everything with Gaff in the first film was an act. Something to hide what and who he was. Perhaps could he have been working FOR the replicants all along? Perhaps he wasn't a "blade runner". I took it that he was ashamed at what he did. No need for the act if you're not that thing anymore.


And you got this about Gaff inside the first film from where? I watch it a lot and never saw anything INSIDE THE MOVIE that remotely suggested anything close to that.


i think in the end it showed he wasn't evil or sinister...

and the biggest thing i took from that was that Deckard wasn't a replicant.


How so? (not challenging, just genuinely interested)


the way he talked about him...unless gaff didnt know. but ofc he knew he put the unicorn in his apartment.
i dont know.


This is why you don't wait THIRTY FIVE YEARS to make a sequel.


Agreed. He was SO into Gaff in BR. This felt rather lame. Could have made the cutting room floor or been in Director's Cut.


Never should have included him. They dragged him from the retirement home and propped him up. Despicable.


That scene took place IN a retirement home. Nothing "propped up" about it.
