MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Worth seeing in theater or wait for dvd?

Worth seeing in theater or wait for dvd?

Villeneuve is a pretty good visualist, but I got along fine watching Enemy, Arrival, and Sicario on a small screen. Does the epic immersiveness of 2049 make it worth $15?


You will want to watch this in the movie theater.


Roger Deakins will at least get an Oscar nomination for cinematography.
The movie may be a bit long and is paced slowly... definitely not for everyone.
But I loved the story and visuals... worth watching on IMAX 2D.


Definitely theater.

Lush visuals.


Theatre if your budget allows


I'd wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray/HD streaming if I were you. That way you can watch it at your leisure and watch it anytime you want. Besides, by now BR 2049 isn't on those huge screens in the theaters best they're on their much smaller screens on the far left or right. That's a waste of money if you ask me.


I saw it in a movie theater yesterday and am very glad I did. I say spring for the movie theater experience. It's worth it.


If you lack a good home projector then see it in a theater... if you have a home theater watch it there then you can take a much needed intermission midway through otherwise it is a difficult film to sit straight through. Certainly if you go see it make sure you are well rested or you risk falling asleep in certain parts... It is a pretty film to watch... but the pacing has a lot to be desired.


I had no problem staying awake both times I saw it.


I managed to stay awake, but I'm afraid it was likely because I saw it in the afternoon... If I had watched a showing at night it might have been like my experience with George Lucas' Phantom Menace where I just could stay awake in parts where it was an absolute snooze fest.


Watch it in theater if you can
