ebhaynz's Replies

I don't even think the new Star Wars movies are being released in the summer, that was unthinkable from the 70's to the 00's! How about 2015 Terminator: Genisys? A lackluster Terminator movie that did terrible in the U.S. and had to be saved by the overseas markets? Ghostbusters 2016 anyone? I think Blade Runner will certainly be successful, I'm just not sure if it will live up to standards of yesteryear. I remember back in the 80's where you almost went to the movie theater every week..and rarely did you see a complete dud(Ishtar, Heaven's Gate). Now, the bar is set so low, a pretty looking movie like Blade Runner 2049 will seem like a 2001: A Space Odyssey compared to everything else released this year! Your theory fits as good as any other. The Sci/Fi genre ruled the summers for a long time, I wonder when it started to fade away? I can think of a few bombs or disappointments like AI, Red Planet, Mission to Mars, Solaris, Alien 3, etc. but I can't recall a definitive line of demarcation where Sci/Fi summer releases stopped. But your'e right, the answer lies somewhere with the superhero movie. When did the Superhero genre really take off? Spiderman? The Dark Knight? Iron Man? I'm not sure any of these last 6 Oct/Nov releases are very good, maybe The Martian? Yeah, the CGI is horrible. I remember way back in the 70's/80's we were all excited about SFX, but that was mainly practical effects by professionals like Rob Bottin, Ray Harryhousen, Stan Winston, etc. Somewhere around the late 90's/early 00's it all went to CGI crap. I can barely watch the new Blade Runner 2049 trailers without rolling my eyes at the spinners chasing each other around..looks like a cartoon race! I remember turning channels and catching Charlie Rocket say the "F" during the goodnights. I mentioned it at school the Monday morning after, I thought maybe the censors were allowing it and that TV had reached a new low. That was early Feb and the show had been unwatchable that whole season. I think Charlie Rocket said it on purpose because Jean Doumanian had promised him he was going to be the next Chevy Chase and as the season progressed he was passed over by both Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo. Very sad because he was talented, he just couldn't carry the show by himself. To get that close to being a star and then have it yanked away so quickly was a devastating blow. Rocket's career kind of skimmed along for a lot of years, he was in movies like Dancing with Wolves and It's Pat. He blew his temper again in 2004, during a taping of Law and Order and he knew his career was over. All this led to him killing himself in late Oct, 2005. I'm a former military serviceman from the U.S. I can't speak for every American but I can say that back in cold war days the common belief was that Communism could spread across the globe and ultimately defeat democracy. The U.S. kept on getting itself deeper and deeper into Vietnam, we may have avoided more conflict but unfortunately the U.S. stopped backing Diem(in part because his brothers wife was crazy and hurting popular support for the S. Vietnamese cause) and both Diem and President Kennedy got killed in the same month, Nov 1963. After that we had horrible President in LBJ and he simply did not understand foreign policy, especially when it came to Ho Chi Minh. LBJ escalated the war to a point where it became a fiasco. It killed his presidency as well and he only lasted until 1968. As far as the American soldiers they were caught up in the middle of it all, just like the N. and S. Vietnamese soldiers and civilians. I feel more sympathy for them then I do all the incompetent politicians. You mother may be right. I also think Oliver Stone took a page of history from My Lai and applied it to the killing of Manny. Note the soldiers in My Lai were in the heat of the Tet Offensive and one of their own soldiers had just been killed in a way similar to Manny. They had taken several losses and they were highly agitated by the time they got to My Lai, they were just ticking time bombs ready to kill everyone in that village. 1. Tet Offensive - My Lai 2. Manny getting butchered - Platoon version of My Lai Understandable, this is my first move back to the entertainment forums since iMdb shutdown a few months ago.