ebhaynz's Replies

Yes, and think about how Hollywood took down iMDB discussion groups. Why? The truth was hurting their business. Now Hollywood is manipulating the scores on Rotten Tomatoes. They'll probably start attacking Moviechat, once it gets big enough. Coming out with one boring Sci-Fi movie every October isn't helping much. The entertainment bar certainly is set low, I don't think people remember what quality entertainment is like anymore. Yep, no flying cars. I think they're impossible anyway as they violate the laws of pysics. I'll agree Denis does have a lot of potential. I long ago stopped even considering that Hollywood could predict the future. They're a joke nowadays. Probably a dud like Alien: Covenant than Mad Max 4, Edge of Tomorrow. The article says Europe is a dud. Did you even read it? What's interesting is that the first Blade Runner was boring..only after a few months did the rewatchability kick in. I wonder if the same thing is happening with Blade Runner 2049? Maws Me too, it's sad how Hollywood is nowadays. "Knaws" That's why I'm always leary of the "directors cut". The original theatrical release of Blade Runner works, Ridley was forced to put in the narration for a very good reason. I still would go with the original theatrical release as it's by far the best in my opinion. Actually, you might want to watch two different versions and make your own decision. Be aware that it's hard to watch Blade Runner the first time you see it, there's a few boring scenes that are tough to get through. The weird thing is that after you've see all or part of BR, you'll enjoy it much, much more by taking a few months and then going back to watch it again. It's why it became a cult classic. I definitely would. Be sure to watch the original theatrical release, it's the best way to go. When we left the theater late at night I was in a state of shock. I vividly remember staring down at the sidewalk and saying out loud "Aw, that could never happen in real life". Even though I was young I do recall recognizing how great the acting was by the 3 main stars. Honestly, I think Scheider did the best acting, he had to play the role of a soft, small town police chief who had to toughen up on a boat and at the same time deal with two very difficult personalities. I love it when Brody takes over for a sec and says "why don't we turn around and head towards land instead letting the shark lead us out to sea?" After that point he's not soft anymore. I think Spielberg is showing what 3 humans resort to under stress on a small boat. At first it's a fun, but serious, adventure. Then, there's the quick reality that they're in a battle with a cagey monster. And then we see the desperation of these men and how they deal adversity. We do see a good amount of teamwork, some betrayal and anger, but in the end all the men respect each other and their actions against a very formidable foe. After killing the Shark, Hooper comes back up to the surface and finds Brody. He asks "Quint?", and Brody simply says "No". Hooper instinctively knows that Hooper gave the shark all he could muster. Landis was a reckless director and a product of his times. I think this was the true golden age of Hollywood where directors like Spielberg, Lucas, and Landis were spewing out hit after hit. If not a golden age then a mad gold rush? Early 80's man: Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Werewolf in London, Poltergeist, ET, Wrath of Khan, Back to the Future, Temple of Doom, The Thing, the list goes on and on. That was when you had to go to the movie almost every week during the summer because you were almost guaranteed to see a very good/fun movie. As for Landis, like I said he was the reckless one, it caught up to him and ultimately ruined his career. He could have and should have handled this tragedy better but with all those lawyers involved it left a nasty sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths for decades to come. Honestly, you can't go by the Rotten Tomatoes score anymore. Hollywood has found a way to taint with them. Mad Max Fury Road immediately comes to mind. I was going to go see it at the theater but I cannot sit and watch a 3 hour movie with all those cell phones going off!