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Corey Feldman's molestation claims, I read his autobiography..

Corey's book was pretty good and more honest than most. He admits to a lot of embarrassing things, especially his being molested. From what I remember it was one guy who was a hanger on who was always trying to blow him. Yes, it was someone who was in the movie business but it wasn't someone high up like a Harvey Weinstein. Pretty sure it was just one guy and Corey finally threw a fit and got rid of him.


I've not read his book but he's said in interviews that the paedophiles that he knows of, are (or were) pretty well known and had a lot of power in Hollywood. Whether they did anything to him or not, i don't know.

I hope he's able to finally name them eventually without it harming him financially (or worse).


He said in an interview he wants people to donate 10 million dollars so he can fund and distribute his own documentary about it, without studio interference. That's where he will reveal names.

Not sure how that's going...

This might be the go-fund-me site...


Yeah i don't really think he'll ever make the 10 million. However, i think he can only do it through a documentary due to a waiver or something, so the abusers can't sue him for naming them. All very weird.

I seen a post earlier stating he has named them to the police (or will be doing so soon?) and recording it. So who knows, maybe the documentary will happen no matter what.

I doubt he'll make it in two months, especially considering there will be a lot of fake go fund me's out there for it.


Honestly, I think Corey Feldman is milking the whole pedophilia as much as he can to his own benefit. He's been on many talk shows where he gets to the point he's about to name someone, then backs off..picking up his check on the way out of the studio.
Yes, he was molested by a hanger-on who hovered in his circle, which is terrible. But, in his book Corey also admits to hooking up his "friend" Corey Feldman with a man they both knew. Feldman was all for it and Corey states he felt sick to his stomach when he heard them going at it in the next room.

In short, both of the Corey's were young, wild, and out of control teenage stars. They both got heavily into drugs and all types of sex, etc. One of them survived it all, the other one didn't.


A lot of people have the opinion that he's just milking it, but i feel bad for him. He can't just outright name them on a talk show or anything because he'll most definitely be sued. The statue of limitations for the incident has passed so the abusers can't get charged for it. All he is able to do is name them through a documentary due to the waiver preventing him from being sued, etc.

I mean, he did actually report them to the police years ago but the police were too busy investigating Michael Jackson at the time so they didn't bother with his report. He's also tried really hard at hinting who the abusers are without actually naming them (naming the film Corey Haim was doing when he was abused, etc).

I've said before that the 10 Million is a bit excessive and i doubt he needs that much but i really don't think he's doing it for his own benefit, i really do think he wants them to be known for what they are since they obviously can't be charged for it.
It's not like he's only just tried to expose them recently, he literally has been trying for so many years.



I read the book when it came out and it was very tough to read. I was shocked by a lot of things. I saw the movie Tale of Two Coreys and the interview afterwards. I believe him. I believe every word he says. I hope he can raise enough money for cause. I’d donate but we are broke after Christmas plus unexpected medical bills rolling in. Many are in the same spot.
Plus there are people dealing with winter storm damage, mud slides and so on. I just don’t see many donating due to all that. I wish him luck. It take courage to admit what he has admitted and to name names.
