MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

By today's definitions, I've been sexually harassed by a woman four times in my life. Back then, it didn't occur to me to call it that, and if you put a gun to my head, I still say it wasn't harassment. I know that's not your question but the question of definitions must be addressed. What is harassment today will be rape tomorrow. Still, there are indeed women in power who sexually harass males subordinate to them as a quid pro quo for advancement or just plain power tripping, and that's wrong. The problem is that a lot of men would be afraid to speak up about this, as much as or perhaps more than women today. My guess as to why LaMarr is back on the bridge is because he ends up spilling soda into the main engineering interface panel.. I don't know about Hobbit, but being an asshole has always been easy for me. You asked the question if you missed something, and the answer is yes. If you want it more clearly explained, it's this: the Orville was never a "transport ship" in any episode, so you clearly missed something... I suspect a lot of posters don't see every thread. I can't recall seeing this topic two weeks ago but then, with my memory, it's entirely possible I replied to it... I responded when I saw the title of your post because there's only one correct answer and I was going to say it, but you nailed it: Caddyshack 2. As a person who generally thinks that if something is good, something more is better, I was stunned to see how bad Caddyshack 2 was. Dan Akroyd is normally a solid performer, but his performance in this was just brutal. I blame the director for this however. It's obvious in the dailies when something isn't working. I would have had him do maybe a more sinister character or try *anything* other than what he returned. Just a terrible, terrible movie. You're moving along at a frenetic pace. I think you're getting Zone numb. Slow down, watch each one and wait a couple of days before watching the next. They're not going anywhere.. This is a great anthology, but it's not perfect. It was standard TV fare that was put together on a limited budget. But there are pearls in there, just don't run over them unnoticed in your haste to watch them all. I heard Hillary is shocked and saddened by the upcoming Donna Brazille suicide... I haven't wasted too much time on this Russian collusion "story" (this reply is probably half of it) because there is no story. Tell you what, show me *one* vote that was swung to Trump's camp as a result of Russian interference and I'm on board. In the meantime, I can cite certified election results that show a [b]more than[/b] 100 percent turnout in heavily Democratic areas, all of them (not surprisingly) for Hillary... Libs are looking for someone to blame for a crime that was never committed. The problem that always bothered me is that you can't quote more than once. If you quote more than one instance, the entire page becomes the quote. It's always been this way and I just ignore it. [quote] It won't end until people start saying prove it/sue me, instead of apologising...[/quote] Nothing sics the dogs of anarchy on someone like showing a weak underbelly. BUT, it depends on the situation. Lauer (subject of this thread) truly abused his power at NBC. I think the tip of the iceberg is all we've seen so far, and I think when the full truth comes out it's going to be quite shocking. But Garrison Keillor (who I have little respect for for other unrelated reasons) seems to be caught up in this witch hunt. Supposedly, he hugged a woman in distress and she apparently had a backless dress on. Contact was made regardless how innocuous. Burn him at the stake!! [quote]Meanwhile, it's absolutely galling to see the most powerful groper in the world get on without consequence despite his past behaviour while rubbing it in towards those others who've been rightly condemned. [/quote] Yeah.... old Slick Willie sure is a scamp. Question: what does Bill Clinton say to Hillary right after sex? Answer: Hi, it's me! I'll be home in 20 minutes!! [quote]Actually, with regards to the third movie, he would have gone back to his previous life before becoming Santa and wouldn't have any injuries that need to heal in the first place.[/quote] A paradox? I wish I could think fourth dimensionally... LOL! I hope you find your way to this board Bilwick1. Not enough humor in the world. Still laughing... [quote] I tend to skip the sequel since it's completely beyond the realm of two jailbirds running into Kevin in a completely different location in a crowded city.[/quote] While everything else that happens in the first film is so believable? LOL, only kidding. The odds of them running into Kevin in NYC is like Powerball odds or worse. I remember when they announced the sequel and I could not imagine how they would manage to pull off a scenario where the McCallisters would manage to leave Kevin behind yet another year, but they managed to make that part at least somewhat believable. Insiders say he was banging Natalie Morales like a Temperance drum when she first joined NBC, and rumors have been around that he might even be the father of her child. He's known as a horndog, but there apparently was an incident at the last Olympics where there was some non-consensual contact made. You picked some of my favorites. Add to that 100 Yards Over the Rim, anything Burgess Merideth or Jack Klugman was in or what might be my favorite: The Changing of the Guard. One of the first films my wife and I saw together. Here's my main recollection: the first 5 minutes (Klingons attacking the v'ger cloud and the plasma weapon dancing on the battle cruisers before disintegrating them) was thrilling and the effects were amazing. Then, it started dragging and dragging badly. Being an avowed Trekkie (Trekker?), I still enjoyed the film overall but I think as a standalone it may have been more a bore fest to the rank and file SiFi fan. You're going too fast!!! Savor my friend, [i]savor[/i]!! "have you taken a survey or gotten to know EVERY SINGLE PERSON who claims to enjoy Shakespeare?" I got to 0.000057 percent of the world's population, then quit. Too daunting a task. But 94.56224 percent of those polled agreed with me (far less than I thought but then that's why I did the survey). I did however avoid surveying anyone from Great Britain in order to avoid any bias (plus the food sucks). "Most sciences educated people I know actually carry that critical thinking and careful analysis through to everything in life, rather than wild assumptions formed out of derision." I surveyed 0.000057 of the world's population, so I made no wild assumptions. I will concede derision though. If Shakespeare was living today, he'd be working for Lifetime Network or writing episodes of The Orville... Simple: mother