MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

Keep what up? Getting claustrophobic... Go easy on Boris kids. Who doesn't love a short, cold war era spy with a cool hat, mustache, and a funky accent.. I'm just replying because I want to see how narrow the thread can get.. mplo: whatever ramifications stopping abortion would have in society, it doesn't excuse the act for what it is. A baby in utero is human. No muddling of science will change that. A baby in utero has a heartbeat, it has a nervous system, it has brainwaves, it feels pain, it has it's own unique DNA, and often even a different blood type than it's mother. That it's a separate entity is obvious by the fact that the baby *must* be contained in an embryonic sack to keep the mother's own defenses from killing it. An abortion is the killing of the unborn baby. Science proves this conclusively. [quote]I agree and i wonder why jesus is depicted with caucasian features,even though - according with the bible - was born in the middle - east🤔[/quote] Totally off the subject, but as a black man, I was surprised to learn that Middle Easterners were far more "white" two thousand years ago than they are now, for the same reason that humanity, should it survive itself, will be pretty much mono colored at some future point in history. Blacks never seem to had much trouble accepting Jesus even though he's generally depicted as white (and a Jew!) because his message, if anything, is completely exclusive of color. But I will confess that one of my aunts has a black Jesus in her kitchen! If I was a follower and believer in Jesus as the son of God, I wouldn't care what level of skin pigmentation he possessed, nor if he was short, balding, or had a nassaly lisp. It's the message that would be important to me. Indeed, if one was to follow the teachings of Jesus, one would realize he would be furious at anyone who judged someone not by their character, but the color of their skin (with apologies to Martin). I don't know what a "Moody Radio" is nor am I (as an agnostic) inclined to investigate it. But I've read many of the teachings of Jesus (a real person even the atheists admit lived) and there is nothing in his writings that would suggest he is anything as you characterized him. Even if we are to dismiss Jesus as being nothing more than a delusional human, the world would be a paradise if everyone lived by his teachings. A closed mind is a diseased mind. [url][/url] OH MY GOD!!! I've seen this movie dozens of times and now I want to watch it NOW!!!! All kidding aside, that trailer is spectacular, but I wonder if it is so because it works better today. In other words, I wonder how it would have affected audiences back in the late 40s. In any case, OP makes a good point that the trailer does a disservice to the film. Whether or not it hindered the box office performance is another story. No one has mentioned any of the Christmas Carol films? This is the most remade movie in history! I will watch both 1951's (Alastair Sim) and 1984s (George C Scott) versions every year. So, my top four: Christmas Carol (2 versions, 1951-1984 counting as one) White Christmas (Kaye, Clooney, Ellen, and Der Bingle) A Charlie Brown Christmas (Schultz) Miracle on 34th St (1947) Since this is the Jingle All The Way forum, let me add that I love this movie along with most the previous posters mentioned. No online retailer could get the doll to Howard in half a day even if Amazon existed in 1996. Howard could have gotten the doll locally as easily as he could have pointed and clicked *provided* he didn't forget to get it when Liz told him to, which was the whole point of the movie!! You're also overlooking the fact that on line retailers often run out of hot items just as fast or even more so than brick and mortars. This movie resonates with me because my wife and I have done both the internet scouring as well as the local mall treks even recently, first for our own kids and then our nieces and nephews. It wouldn't surprise me if we aren't chasing that hard to get gift for our grandkids some day. Thanks Moogie, same to you and remember; 'be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.' Yep, Eye of the Beholder is one, the other is Number 12 Looks Just Like You. I'm sure I enjoyed them the first time I saw them (decades ago), but for me at least, they don't replay well. I can list 20 or more I love, but will only mention one, particularly that I'm posting this two weeks from Christmas: [b]The Changing of The Guard[/b] Love this episode, one of if not my favorite of the whole series. I think it would be bleak if we did not see Gart get off the train and walk among the townsfolk. [quote]I don't think that all or even most of the people of Ridgeview are enslaved by the mystic seer.[/quote] Yep. Capt. Kirk admitted he was hopelessly superstitious, and I would assume anyone who would interpret those very general answers to being specifically targeted to them would have to be as well, even if the Seer *was* real. How many people would be that superstitious in that town, and even if there were more than a handful, how many would find out about the Seer? If we really think about it, there's nothing in the story that would indicate that the Seer was anything more than a penny amusement machine. The answers *were* general, just like the ones that those TV charlatans who say they communicate with the dead are. You can argue that those people were only trapped by their own imaginations. You're looking at these nearly 60 year old "throwaway" programs through modern jaded eyes. I don't think anyone including Serling thought they'd be seen more than once or twice. Anyway, the ones I don't like are the ones where the perception of beauty is reversed. I can't think of the names but I think most Zoners know what I'm talking about. ^^^ Exactly. [quote]I disagree. The terrorists here in Europe never seem to have a real reason except the old tired "The West is killing poor muslims" excuse. The guy had explosives, I doubt the Jerusalem thing was the real reason. [/quote] And I agree with your disagreement. Muslims can't get along with anybody, including themselves. They have their own backward vision of the way things should be and are totally intolerant to any other view. "Live and let live" is a philosophy that they simply are incapable of understanding. With all the religions in the world and all the ethnicities, why is only the Muslims that are constantly at war with civilization? It's been this way for over half a millennium and there's no sign of change. As an agnostic, I still can't reconcile why there's *anything*. There should be nothing, no us, no universe, nothing. And yet there is. Our greatest theoretical minds have tried to explain the creation of the universe but really don't have a clue. You'd be surprised how many brilliant minds came to the conclusion that there is no physical reason the universe exists. Aside from that, Father Cavanaugh believed in God to the point where the existence of God was a fact to him. That's what he said, that's what he meant. He's a Catholic priest, what else would he believe? He's no more wrong in his beliefs than you are in yours. Neither can be proved by science as we know it. I don't understand why that scene bothers so many people. If you ask me, the biggest problem is the 60s hippies that have taken over our higher education. They've been indoctrinating our youth with victimhood and guilt trips for years. No, even the Greatest Generation wasn't perfect, but at least they were able to make moral judgements and stick by them, even if they failed as individuals. It's good that you like Anthony. Isn't it good?