MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

I'm old enough to remember when Animal House, Airplane, Blazing Saddles, etc. were killed by critics. Nowadays, these films are highly regarded and considered groundbreaking or at least influential. I didn't expect much from The Orville, in fact, I was afraid it was going to be an Airplane type over-the-top type spoof. There was much more substance to this show that I thought there'd be. I was first impressed by the excellent effects, but then by the humanity of the show. Yes, there's a bit of exposition that must be endured before the show gets it's feet under it, but I'm happy about what I saw last night. Bravo to the cited critic who had the courage to say that even a silly diversion is worthy of watching. I know I'll watch another from what I saw with the first episode. I only web search from a PC, and I have an app on Firefox called Hide Unwanted Results of Google Search 1.6 installed. I block IMDB from any Google return so I don't accidentally click on it. I use Wiki and independent sites for any info I need. I won't give those bastards nothing. [quote]weapons of mass destruction. [/quote] That's not my question... [quote]under false pretenses[/quote] Which pretenses? Because the average age of a TCM movie watcher is 93.9, but that's only because a teenager in Duluth MN is a fan and sewed the average downward. When you mention "streaming" to older folks they run for their Depends.. I like old movies almost as much as the next guy, but they need to add a few more 60 through 80s films to their lineup. Will Ferrell, but it's not irrational: the man is patently unfunny, uncharming, untalented, and utterly ruins everything he's in. All vacuums suck. My gut tells me the actress was singing off key on direction, something that's actually very difficult to do for those who are not tone deaf. Katey Sagal used to do this on Married With Children even though she was a professional back-up singer. If you mean the character Lisa, then it wouldn't help. You can't teach someone who sings off key to sing on key. They just live the rest of their lives listening to Taylor Swift and Jazz. I'm surprised at the answers. There's no doubt that Johnny had diddled Mrs. Pressman numerous times prior to the Houseman's arrival (late in the season) as he had with other rich female guests. Vivian wasn't just disappointed - she was *incredulous* that Johnny turned down Moe's money for private "dance" lessons with Vivian (to keep her out of Moe's hair for his big poker night). I might go as far as to suggest that Moe even knew what Vivian was doing during the week when Mo wasn't at the resort. [quote]Again, THANKS for your reply! I truly enjoy your thorough knowledge! Don't you think that I would've felt something "drop" inside a coat pocket, especially after lovejoy brushes his arm/hand towards his pocket, unless I was COMPLETELY DRUNK? [/quote] Depends on the skill of the slight of hand artist. I've never had my pocket picked, but supposedly a good pick pocket can get something out of your pants pocket without you knowing it. Lovejoy was a former cop and for all we know was a street thug as a child. He could have been quite adept at this. As someone above said, it depends on the drop. Don't overestimate the inertia of the object in the pocket. Drop something from a foot high and you feel it. Slip it into the pocket of a *very* heavy wool coat, particularly when Jack was distracted by his and Rose's approach of the cabin where Cal was. If you're being literal, it was mostly the top of the bulkheads not being sealed off the doomed Titanic, or at least hastened it's trip to the bottom of the Atlantic. When the bearded freak does the CGI demo for old Rose, he shows how the seawater rose above the top of the watertight bulkheads flowing into undamaged areas. If the top of the bulkheads were sealed off (as they were in Titanic's sister ships), the Titanic would have stayed afloat long enough for rescue if not kept her afloat for salvage or repair. If you're referring to Mr. Andrews comments directly, he was referring to his earlier comment to Rose when she questioned the paucity of lifeboats. He told her that he built her a strong ship and not to worry. After Titanic was destined to head to the bottom, he apologized for not builder a stronger ship. We should all just slow down here on the Barcelona, Finland, and Dusseldorf attacks and not jump to any con.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it was Muslims.... At some point, Richard finds the slot B that his peg A fits into (hope this isn't deleted, trying to be generic..). Later, Richard sees baby Paddy comes out of slot B. They haven't had any instruction, but humans do have instincts. If they had not figured out where children come from by then, it was demonstrated quite vividly. Now the question of where people come from is answered. I can't see how they wouldn't have put two and two together. [quote] far the cheesiest and corniest movie i've ever saw.[/quote] Yes, the curds and cobs are strong with this one. I also think it's cheesy and corny, but that's because the book was. Even as a freshman in HS back in the 70s when I was required to read it, I realized how cheesy it was. Unfortunately, the film does justice to the book. Socs? Like Socialites? Greasers? Like from the 50s? Good God. Ponyboy? Sodapop? Who wrote this crap? How did it make it into the movie? The basic storyboard is actually not all that bad but the whole screenplay should have been a [b]rewrite[/b] of the book, not a virtual transcription of it. The acting for the most part was excellent but it suffered from a grammar school play script. If he is, he'd have to be a Q retroactively since The Q weren't invented at the time the episode aired. I'd have to see more info on most of that but what is fact is that Japan started fighting a defensive war after the loss at Midway Island, only about 6 months after the devastating and crippling attack at Pearl. Momentum shifted quite quickly. The Japanese had no chance to win that war. The only mistake Japan made was starting it. In the few months after the U.S. was caught off guard at Pearl, Japan made great advances. It took a few months for the U.S. to recover but the industrial might of the U.S. was underestimated. We started building more destroyers, air craft carriers, and airplanes of all types at a faster rate than we were losing them. When Japan lost a carrier, destroyer, or battleship, there was nothing coming to replace it. They couldn't make planes fast enough to replace those that they were losing, and seasoned fliers were even harder to replace than the planes they flew. Whether the U.S. would have had the stomach to lose another half million G.Is to prosecute the war till the end without nukes is a matter of debate, but it's generally agreed that without a working nuclear weapon to end the war, the U.S. would indeed have put boots on the ground in Japan. Losses estimated at 500K U.S. troops minimum and upwards of 2 million Japanese troops and civilians. [quote]"Germany winning World War II would have been best for the entire globe."[/quote] I would never change the outcome of that war because any potential benefit for mankind overall would have come at the cost (real and moral) of the complete extermination of an innocent and benign "race" of people. I would rather the world die as a whole than to have the world benefit by murder. But that's just me.. Now, having said that, I would love to have an "alternate universe" program on my computer that would allow me change some variables that would predict with *100 percent* accuracy the changes my variables wrought. One thing that most historians agree upon is that if Germany didn't have a meth head running the country, they could have gone much farther and eventually sued for peace, keeping most of Europe (having avoided attacking Russia). With just the U.S. and England, the war would have gone on for another 4 years at minimum with England finally settling for peace. Eventually, Germany would have attacked Russia (Hitler hated communism more than Jews) and at that point the war would have been atomic, so that's one outcome. Too many scenarios to go over but that's the general idea. Interesting to read what MBC would think the benefit to the entire globe would be if Germany won. Yvonne DeCarlo, Jimmy Stewart, Don Knotts... I can think of hundreds.