MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is the oldest job in the world?

What is the oldest job in the world?

I think is making clothes.





farming/animal husbandry


Ethnomycologist 🍄


I had to google it.




I think prostitution requires a material reward such as food, shelter or some other thing of value to be seen as a trade-off. I'd wager that from consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms we were able to start labeling, categorising and placing a worth on things enabling prostitution to exist as a bartering system.

Advantageous evolutionary biology aside, when there is nothing of worth there is nothing to prescribe an economy from.

Before we had fire, tools or even walked upright we had simian ancestors out there eating the finest of magic mushrooms and expanding our minds to become more closely aligned with what we currently call perception.

I reckon anyways!


You have completely lost me. Psilosyb mushrooms are yummy, but pussy rules. I respect you, so what am I missing?


Well, whilst I'm fairly certain that promiscuity between both genders has been the strongest catalyst for our ability to announce ourselves as the apex predators on our planet. Continuing our genetic heritage with enough variance doesn't require money or trade, collectivism is at the heart of the group's existence and whilst dominance within our groups and attacking/defending ourselves against/from other groups is of paramount importance, the road to trade, that is having an economy and therefor relative peace with our further away neighbours, is what separates prostitution from courting in my opinion.

Gathering lots of apples may make you appear like a good biological choice for most of the ovulating women within your group, but certainly not all of them. Once we had trade we had laws, once we had trade we had prostitution.

I posit that earlier versions of humans required mind altering experiences for trade to have become a viable thought for sharing resources. Once we had counting sticks we had equity and with that things to spend it on (Such as prostitutes).

Those who knew which mushrooms to eat and which to stay away from allowed all of this to happen. This makes their job the oldest job.


Simple: mother


Not a real job.


Obviously you NEVER did it!!! LOL

Aside from mother and father, I'd say hunter. Someone had to find food.


Great point, purple!





LOL, froggy!



Gatherer. Someone's job was to go off and fetch food or water and that's a job.


apple picking


Nah, it was orange picking, doncha know. 😏


Why is this even a freaking question? Who the hell cares?

This is like asking, Do You Have a Crush on Someone?

. . . Oh, wait a minute . . . .

Look, folks: vacuous is neither interesting nor fun.


"Nah, it was orange picking, doncha know. 😏"

Eve (or Adam) did not eat an orange


The cheap thoughtless response would be prostitution, but prostitution
as it exists today is about displaced people forced into virtual slavery,
which for women is often prostitution or sex slavery.

This did not happen when humans were hunter gatherers. I think farming
and cities had to develop with armies and an economy.

So, maybe farmer is the oldest "job" that we would think of as a job inside
an economy.

Either that or shaman/witch doctor/healer or maybe even performer and story teller.

Even in hunter-gatherer society they had to have some kind of entertainment that binds the group together ... maybe teacher, story-teller or leader.


a lot of maybe's

"The cheap thoughtless response would be prostitution"

it's not a cheap response, it's a saying that's been around forever,


And I am saying I disagree, or in another way you have to define precisely what prostitution is because a normal marriage in almost all societies in the world could qualify with a loose enough definition. If you would actually do me the favor or reading and considering what I said instead of a worthless 2 line response, maybe an actual discussion could occur. Or I can infer by what you said you don't think you have much to offer other than "The cheap thoughtless response" and are offended I made you realize that.


don't get your panties in a twist, sport, it's just a phrase, The originator of the phrase “the world’s oldest profession” was Rudyard Kipling. His 1888 story about a prostitute begins, “Lalun is a member of the most ancient profession in the world.” As progressives debated how to deal with prostitution in the United States in the early 1900s, medical professionals soon began to cite (and misquote) Kipling, and the phrase took on a life of its own. again, it's just a phrase and nobody knows what the oldest profession in the world is, BTW, I read your dribble, "it could be this" or it could be that" my 9 year old could have said that, putting a lot of platitudes together does not make you the intellectual scholar you think you are.


Did not claim to be a scholar but I have the ability to be logical and
discuss something in a civil way. I was not addressing you in my post,
which was a response to the original question, but you had to jump
in take it personally without reading or comprehending what I said.

Then you went back and tried to spin what I said saying it doesn't make me
an intellectual scholar with panties in a twist, with a story about Rudyard
Kipling that has nothing to do with the subject, or what I wrote.
Taking everything personally and reply with rancor where you were not
addressed is a bad combination.

Insulting me with the word "dribble" when you meant to say "drivel" is
another tell that this subject is too much for you. I hope you can pass
on more than ignorant nastiness to your son.

But, it is a phrase, and that is why it comes to mind and people say
it without thinking. It's like how on Amazon they have those questions
about products, and some people have a reaction, and even though they
don't know the answer and have nothing to contribute, they reply, "I don't

Kind of like how you are driven by your emotions to be rude and miss the
point by not being able to think objectively. Also, your "research" on Kipling
was the first link that comes up ... so I don't think you have anything to
say about scholarship in any form.

I'm going to put you on ignore now for being out of line.


"I'm going to put you on ignore now for being out of line."

candy ass
