MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Twilight zone 1959 season 2

Twilight zone 1959 season 2

I'm watching episode 13 and i think the first season was better then this one.


What an episode! It was ahead of its time. This was during the Jim Crow era and the idea of someone going back in time to save Lincoln wasn't pleasing to all Americans.

The twilight zone was growing socially. It was a coming of age for television. But I think America is ready for it now.


You're moving along at a frenetic pace. I think you're getting Zone numb. Slow down, watch each one and wait a couple of days before watching the next. They're not going anywhere..

This is a great anthology, but it's not perfect. It was standard TV fare that was put together on a limited budget. But there are pearls in there, just don't run over them unnoticed in your haste to watch them all.


What happened?????
Your "friend" suddenly found a way to download the second season?????
Sometimes I wonder about you croft......
I wonder a whole LOT!


Enjoy all of the seasons as they come to you.
As one who has NEVER seen these shows, you must be finding it exciting to be experiencing it for the very first time.
I love this show. I'm EXCITED for you!!!!!!!

I really would like to think that you are truthful. I really want to believe that. I hate being made a fool.
Nobody likes that..... especially after defending someone....

I keep trying to believe the person you say that you are......
Then you sort of SLIP! Why don't you just admit that you are messing with everyone?


I'm not messing with no one.

1.I did say the second season will come soon.
2.i know this person for seven years now,so i know what is capable of.He is the only person that do such things - internet piracy - if i had a computer i could bring every single movie or tv show i want,but i don't.Many times he says that he don't have time for my requests.I'm not trolling or lying.I always been honest with everything i post and say here.I don't know what more should i say or do to prove my honesty towards all of you.But you know what,i will continue to be honest and fair with all of you,no matter if you think that i'm not truthful.


If you want an example of what seem to be inconsistent information coming from you, here it is: You work at a job you dislike in, I think, a carpet factory, yet you've enough skill with a computer that, if you had a computer, you could access any entertainment that you want. Why aren't you in a technical job? It's a reasonable question. Here's your chance to clear things up.


probably doesn't have the requisite degree/diploma to get a job in IT.


Hownos just give you the answer,i do know some things about computers,but i don't have the diploma to work in IT.


Howness is in my Ignore list, and MUCH deserved. Speak for yourself. Bruce Lee said that "A black belt is good for holding up your pants." I agree. In martial art, the question is, can YOU put your opponent down NOW? In IT, can YOU produce results NOW?" You claim that you can, so why are you working in a shitty carpet factory that requires that you walk over 11 miles, total, per day, to get to and from? A 10-second Google search finds that there are sites named "Romania Is The Silcon Valley of Europe." Why are you--forget posters for whom I've no resect--YOU in a carpet factory and not in a tech job?

Pal, it was a simple question: You claim to have computer skills, so why are doing you manual labor, when you could be earning more and probably enjoying yourself more? Instead of actually replying to my question, you refer me to a post from for someone from not worth my time. Will you deign (for simpletons: agree) to respond yourself, or shall we agree that you are not worth our collective time?

Odd that there is no actual photo of you on your Facebook homepage. Odd, wierd, and more than strange.

You don't need a diploma. You don't need a degree. You need the actual ability, and confidence.

You do not need Howness.


I’ve worked in IT for 20 years, 8 of them as a director with hiring authority. I would not hire someone for an entry level position if their sole qualification consisted of being able to repeat by rote the few simple steps it takes to download a movie from torrents.

Your fixation on croft is extremely bizarre and is slipping into the realm of paranoia. It may not be your intention, but you are coming across as a pompous, arrogant, abusive bully. If he annoys you so much, why not just ignore him instead of stalking after every post he makes?


Do you really think that i don't want to work in IT? You're wrong,i can't afford to go in college now,not with what i gain.So i have to manage with what i have now,it's all about lost oportunities for me.This is the road i took since i finish the school in 2006 and i have to deal with it.And about my facebook page,if you really want to know how i look in real life,it's easy : i have the same username and the same avatar.Oh and by the way,i don't work in a carpet factory,as the matter a fact i make clothes for people.


Why don't you just admit to what your intuition has been telling you thus far concerning croft ? I find it hard to believe you keep dismissing it at your stage in life !


you're right. What is the point of trying to believe the nonsense? I do like to believe that people are who they say they are. In this case, I give up. Too many indications that this one is nothing but a fake.


Honestly, I don't get it. What is so hard to believe about this story? His friend downloaded season 1 for him and got season 2 sometime later. If you've ever grabbed stuff off of torrents, you'd know that you can't always find what you are looking for the first time out. Even if it's there, the download speeds can vary greatly; one movie/show zips right through and the other is much slower and takes much longer to complete. (Not that I've ever illegally downloaded a movie or anything 😇 )


Is there a difference between viewing and downloading ??


Yep, gotta do the latter before the former.


even on Yesmovies and such ??


No those are web streaming sites, like YouTube. Torrents are a peer-to-peer file sharing network. You search for your movie, then download and watch.


now I understand - thanks


[–] MissMargoChanning (2387) 4 days ago

There are so many other good ones in season one. Do you have all of the seasons downloaded? I hope so. There are so many great ones to see.

[–] croft_alice (4772) 4 days ago

Only the first season.You see,i don't have a computer so i had to ask a friend to help me with this.Actually we were surprised that we find it,given the fact that is so old...without subtitles,but i can manage.

I'm so glad that you found a way.
When are you going to be honest??????


some of my favs from season 2:

Nick of Time
The Trouble with Templeton


One of the best series of all time, and the first few years were the best.



Season One is hard to top seeing as it's arguably TV's best season ever. Season Two, while a step down, boasts "Shadow Play" and "Eye of the Beholder," which are as good as anything from Season One. Season Three, which is about on par with Two, has unmissable greats like "Nothing in the Dark" and "The Midnight Sun." Four and Five mostly are for "TZ" completists only.


I think you just nailed it there, Angular! Season One may indeed have been TV's best season ever.



What greater heights can a TV show aspire to after genius work like "Time Enough at Last," "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street," "The Lonely," "Walking Distance," "A Stop At Willoughby," and "The After Hours"? (How is it even possible all these benchmarks came from the same season?)


Outstanding TV!


Considering what they were up against Serling and his writers should be commended for having the strength to come up with anything further at all.


I saw ALL those shows when first aired. They scared the daylights outta me and it was glorious!


The ones like "Judgment Night" or "Death Ship," where people are stuck in some nightmarish eternal loop, always unnerved me. I can only imagine the wallop they packed for audiences watching them when they first aired in the late '50s/ early '60s.


all good stuff


It's definitely one of a kind.

