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Twilight zone 1959

I am at sixth episode now.I love the light,the close - ups,25 minutes per episode.Short but good stories,that makes you think.


Not just in this instance, but I am forever jealous of those who are seeing or hearing something for the first time. How I would love to see Gone With The Wind again for the first time, or listen to Nat Cole sing.

Enjoy this series. Savor as you go along. Sure, there are quite a few clunkers in the series but overall it's a short story feast of quality storytelling.


11th episode now...incredible show.


You're going too fast!!! Savor my friend, savor!!


strntz- So true, I agree! I'd love to see some of these episodes for the "first time" again, especially ones like 'To Serve Man', 'The Hitchhiker', 'Stopover in a Quiet Town', 'The Howling Man', etc.

They are great to see over and over, but I wish I could enjoy the shock and surprise of a first viewing again.


You picked some of my favorites. Add to that 100 Yards Over the Rim, anything Burgess Merideth or Jack Klugman was in or what might be my favorite: The Changing of the Guard.


Great of the best shows ever
Youre gonna love it im sure!


Such a great show. Enjoy!


Believe me,i am😉


Oh! you are so lucky to be seeing it for the first time, and you are only into the first season. There are a few stinkers, but not many. You have so many more wonderful episodes to look forward to! Enjoy!!!!!


Actually a few episodes caught me by surprise.


You'll have to share your thoughts on some of these episodes. I'd be interested in knowing which ones you particularly liked.


So far,one of my favorites is "all you need",a man won't leave alone an oldman because he had a "gift"...he seem to know exactly what people need just only looking in the persons eyes.At the end he gave this man a pair of shoes,one moment later he got hit by a car.I must admitt,i kinda like it his demise...and there's more of them.I think i start to like this show.


That was an excellent episode. Such a great twist ending. It kept you wondering right up until the end.


Or that episode with the man who liked so much to read,he survives a nuclear blast.He was so happy that now he have plenty of time to read,nobody was bothering him anymore,but at the end he broke his glasses.


Time Enough At Last.
That's one of my very favorites. Being an avid reader and having to wear glasses when I read and write, this one terrifies me! LOL!


And he's line...that's not fair.I felt sorry for him.


nice way to spend your vacation


I can't do so much things outside so,yes it's a good alternative.


It's one of the best series ever on TV. Enjoy!



starring burgess meredith


Even if you've seen an episode details jump out at the veteran viewer that still make the experience an entertaining one. Take the paper the bellboy brings Renard -- the front page headline reads: "H-bomb capable of total destruction." If you recall, the paper Bemis happens to be reading in the vault, just prior to the end of the world, sported the same front page headline. So, even if Renard had not died, as a result of Padott getting what he needed, he still would have been obliterated, along with Padott and everyone else, the next day.


maybe they used the same prop


Could be. Or maybe the people who made the episode put it there as an Easter Egg for those particularly attentive in the audience.


The show never had a history of relating one episode to another and it was low budget so I go with the same prop. You are reading too much into it in my opinion. But I appreciate your keen eye for detail.


Wouldn't it have been funny if every time someone read a newspaper on "TZ" this was the front page headline?
