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Next one for the list

Just got fired.Wonder who's next.Seems to be someone new every week.


Now he knows how Ann Curry felt.

PS I hope that she returns to her former show that she had WITH him, now WITHOT him. She's deserved her own show..Today with ANN CURRY!


I wonder what the story is? I think he's the type who'd be into very young girls.


Insiders say he was banging Natalie Morales like a Temperance drum when she first joined NBC, and rumors have been around that he might even be the father of her child.

He's known as a horndog, but there apparently was an incident at the last Olympics where there was some non-consensual contact made.


"New York Post reported Wednesday morning Lauer had allegedly sexually assaulted a female NBC staffer during the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014; she reported it to NBC HR on Monday."

This is what got the ball rolling.


he can always blame those pesky russians for using some mind copntrol tech on him...
/irony off.


Didn't at one time it was reported he was dating a transsexual named Alexis Houston also? Maybe that was only a rumor. He might hit on nearly anyone.


No way, for real? Big opportunity for Carson Daly.


“On Monday night, we received a detailed complaint from a colleague about inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace by Matt Lauer,” the memo began. “It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment. While it is the first complaint about his behavior in the over 20 years he’s been at NBC News, we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident.”

You fire a 20-year employee on Wednesday on the basis of a single complaint received on Monday? I'm certainly relieved that they spent a whole 24 hours conducting their "serious review" before taking precipitous action.

This is becoming a societal hysteria.


Jack, did you ever think for them to do that there had to be a LOT of evidence? Lauer has long been rumored to be a philanderer (not just Natalie Morales, I remember them saying he was hooking up with Lara Spencer when she was still married) and, IMO, he was able to wield his power to keep them quiet. But NBC knows that if they did the wrong thing here, a lot of his victims would feel emboldened and speak out (not Morales or Spencer, though...they still have too much skin in the game to risk it with speaking out).


No, I think the bar for ruining men's lives is becoming lower and lower and everyone is trying to outdo themselves in their efforts to support the accuser(s). You don't fire people based on workplace gossip, particularly when the charge is "philandering" as opposed to assault.


Have to agree. And I'm amused this woman waited until NOW to complain. Everyone wants in on the bandwagon.
If we fired every rich, successful man for hitting on women (yes, hitting on), there wouldn't be any male left. And
let's not forget how manipulative these women are - yes, Angela Lansbury has a point. So many women are
seducers, home-wreckers, and willing to do anything to further their careers. They are part of the game, and
it's sickening what's become so trendy here.

TRUE, there are legitimate sexual harassment victims - of BOTH genders. Gay men in power can be notorious,
so can WOMEN. I know two straight male actors whose careers were ruined by these powerful female executives
because the men wouldn't sleep with them.

I'm for nailing the true assailants (Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey), but witch hunts and reverse sexism also
make me ill.


Exactly. There actually are protocols for this kind of thing. In normal circumstances, he would have been suspended and a white shoe law firm would have been hired to investigate. They would staff the engagement with partners who are former prosecutors, who would look at records, take depositions, and judiciously prepare their findings.

Then everyone would see just how much of this "ohh everybody knows he's a monster" stuff actually survives sworn depositions.


I also take issue with, say, Rose McGowan, the coke-inducing actress who claims to be one of Weinstein's
victims. She threatened to sue years ago, and he paid her a wad of cash to shut up. Disgusting though
he is, she ACCEPTED THE WSD OF CASH. Now, years later, she wants to pull the victim card. She was
a participator. She should've kept her trap shut, not only because she accepted the money, but because
her bad-mouthing interferes with the legitimate victims who were forced (or heavily coerced) into sex,
then ravaged with nothing.

Ellen Page also makes me gag. She wanted HER ten minutes of attention several weeks back, and claims
to be scarred forever because some director outed her in a room full of people before she came out.
This isn't newsworthy, or interesting. It's Page butting into REAL issues, and looking for attention.


So amazing.
