Roof not high enough

No question definitely a broken back at best but he wouldn't lose consciousness


The whole point was that Santa stops being Santa when he falls off a roof. It's magic, not neurology.


Well, Santa did wave goodbye before he evaporated perhaps to reduce trauma for the little kiddies watching. Perhaps because injured Santa could no longer fulfill his duties he was returned to civilian life for his injury to heal.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Actually, with regards to the third movie, he would have gone back to his previous life before becoming Santa and wouldn't have any injuries that need to heal in the first place.


Yeah. Going down chimneys in a wheelchair wouldn't of been easy!


Actually, with regards to the third movie, he would have gone back to his previous life before becoming Santa and wouldn't have any injuries that need to heal in the first place.

A paradox? I wish I could think fourth dimensionally...


No cause Tim Allen falls off roofs all the time in Home Improvment so they didnt think that through


He didn't! He was clearly seen waving goodbye and then he disapeared and left the suit behind


No but he fell right on his brain so massive plot whple


He fell on this back actually lol. If he could disappear, then he must've been well enough to get up and walk away
