MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

Not just in this instance, but I am forever jealous of those who are seeing or hearing something for the first time. How I would love to see Gone With The Wind again for the first time, or listen to Nat Cole sing. Enjoy this series. Savor as you go along. Sure, there are quite a few clunkers in the series but overall it's a short story feast of quality storytelling. [quote]'s called the white death by 2 doctors that wrote a book called "Never be tired again"[/quote] And for every two doctors that say this I can cite two dozen that say the opposite. If you have BP issues, salt is deadly. If you can handle salt, then it has zero effect on your health. If you have peanut allergies (or name any), then peanuts can be called "brown creamy death" for the same reason. [quote]Salt is not bad for everyone, it's bad for people with high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is normal then you can go ahead and eat what you like.[/quote] Exactly, and it's amazing how few people truly understand healthy eating. If you're intolerant to salt, then by all means reduce your quantity. If you're BP is normal, then you can tolerate more salt, just make sure to drink lots of water (good advice for anyone actually). What I've found is that I use a lot less salt than I used to yet find many foods borderline too salty. The only salt I use in cooking is pasta water, but otherwise don't add salt. Salt added to the meal won't insult me. "Those plays are still performed and attended...." They're attended by dolts who also drink Merlot (toilet water diluted with grape juice) and listen to Kenny G. They have no idea what they're watching but in order to appear at least a bit sophisticated, show up and not only sit through it voluntarily, but usually pay to do so... "If you can get the gist you realize that the story unfolding is just as interesting and relevant as any story in the modern English." That's one way to look at it, but my opinion is the stories for the most part just plain suck. Romeo and Juliette was tolerable. Overall, this is a literal version of the Emperor's new clothes; everyone is afraid to point out the obvious for being called an unsophisticated buffoon. I had to read that garbage in high school and for two college degrees. Every one of my teachers or professors had a different take. Being an engineer, I expect an answer to be precise, not an interpretation. When my megalomania reaches it's boiling point and I finally take over the entire world and make it subjugate to me, I will, in an act of pure and loving benevolence, ban the mandatory reading of Shakespeare from all public schools. I will however allow it to be taught by any teacher to any student who is into self abuse and mental mutilation. The stories suck, or are in any case no better than a Hallmark movie plot-wise, so I don't see the need to read something that must be *interpreted* to be understood. Every language on Earth (English included -Shakespeare's natural tongue) is vast enough to portray a thought with such precise clarity that it makes no sense for anything to be written that is open to different interpretations by the reader. So sayeth me.... How is this even debatable? If Lorena Bobbitt put a knife into his chest while he was attacking her, that might be self defense. The fact that she cut off his penis while he slept proved that it was clearly a personal and vindictive vendetta; one that took some thought and some planning to carry out. You don't cut off a guy's junk because you're afraid of him. But in case anyone is still unconvinced, let us indeed reverse the scenario (yes this *is* fair game): a guy thinks his woman is abusive to him or otherwise feels damaged by her or her actions. He takes a knife and does a female genital mutilation on her (and he's not Muslim, which is really a sport for them...). Would you say his actions were debatable? The only thing I know about Bill Cosby is that it's a bad idea to have a drink with him... I can't believe Hillary's tongue doesn't catch fire in her mouth. When she was in the White House, there was not only a rapist there but a enabler who not only defended him, but attacked his victims. No end to hypocrisy. I'm all for the polygraph tests being done and the results being made public, but I'm not comfortable with using the results in any kind of prosecution. My gut tells me that they're well over 90 percent accurate, but if the person taking the test is mentally unstable and *believes* what they say even if they are wrong, they'll pass the polygraph. And what about the 10 percent that are just wrong? There is an art to performing an accurate polygraph. Still, after the accused passes, I would love to see the accusers take a polygraph. Although it should have no ramifications legally, I think it will go a long way to restoring the reputation of the falsely accused. Maybe someday the technology will exist to get these to 100 percent accuracy. There were two reasons for Beta's demise (well three). The first is that the VHS format was always double the length in run/record time. The first Betas were 1 hour, the first VHS was two. Most movies could be contained on one cassette with VHS. The second reason was that RCA picked VHS for their format. Back in the late 70s, RCA was a powerhouse in consumer electronics and most industry experts agreeded that if RCA went Beta (Zenith did), then Beta would have been the dominant format just on the strength of RCA, Zenith, and Sony all backing that format. The third reason was simply that once one format took the majority lead, the other would fail. [quote] year I made a really great Italian soup, now every year they all insist that I make it, (all 27 of them)[/quote] As a brother who grew up in a Jewish - Italian neighborhood, I learned that Italian Wedding soup MUST be made with Escarole ( or as they pronounced it: aschadall). I make it for our New Years Eve dinner as an appetizer and some people just stuff themselves silly with it and Italian bread that they can't even eat their NY Strip steak.. I only serve traditional side dishes; the kind that would have been at the first Thanksgiving. So it's either Lasagna (the Indians brought that) or Mac 'N Cheese (Pilgrims brought that). In any case, whoever came up with the idea of putting those rancid canned onion onto a green bean casserole should be burned at the stake. One of the recently accused just took a polygraph test and passed with flying colors. I don't know what to make of this but I suspect at least some (percentage unknown) of this recent sh#tstorm is an updated version of a witch hunt. I think people are racking their brains trying to remember or reinterpret something that happened so it fits. Still, as a conservative, I'm enjoying those that exchanged victimhood for votes being caught up in their own trap. Hey Sho, next time you talk to your top brass buddies at Universal, ask them if they are still interested in my movie about the Jell-O people who slime lower Manhattan into limey submission. I'm pretty sure I came up with the idea myself and it's not a repressed memory or anything - at least neither my shrink nor hypnotist think so. I know getting Streisand to play the Jello-O queen would be problematic on many levels (although she would be fabulous) so I'm willing to sign off on an animated version. I'd hate to have to bring it directly to Cameron and cut them out. Thanks. I don't recall any rape allegations as much as a whole slew of sexual "assault" allegations, whatever "sexual assault" means these days. HR will tell employees that even commenting on how a woman looks pretty on any given day is a sexual assault. Truly PC running amok. OTOH, I'm enjoying that fact that these lefties, who have thrust us into these dark days of victimhood, are getting hoisted by their own petards. Quite satisfying really, although this witch hunt does a horrible disservice to those who have truly been victims of sexually assault. I wish they could make paper out of his skin so that I could wipe my a$$ with his hide... New York Strip. To me, nothing comes close. Filet Mignon is tender but virtually flavorless, and since I have good teeth, the Filet is out. First runner up for flavor is that strip of meat that runs along the outside of prime rib. It's an odd combination of flavor and tenderness, so much more than the prime rib itself. I don't know if there's a name for it, but it's tender like a perfectly done pot roast. I don't care one way or another. My impression of Hollywood hasn't changed at all with the recent allegations. You'd have to have your head in the sand if you don't believe that Hollywood for the most part is a swirling toilet full of degenerate turds. To listen to these depraved megalomaniacs pat each other on the back with this sham of a congratulatory program is bad enough, but to have them possess the hubris and dare to lecture me on my moral lifestyle and those I think might best represent me in government is more than I can stand. They want to live like animals and keep the slaves dancing on the entitlement plantation, fine. Just don't lecture me about it. The program means nothing to me. It's their program, my taxes don't fund it, they can do what they want and it's fine with me - as long as I still have the choice not to watch it. [quote]What was once a warm, loving, spiritual, selfless and giving season has degenerated into what is possibly the saddest and most discouraging time of the year, and I think that we need to stop denying it. ...snip... I wish that this magic were still in the world, and I think that it can be, again; but not while we are in denial. [/quote] I totally agree. My wife and I were just talking about that the other day. Even the term "Black Friday" galls me no end. Does anything describe commercialism of a holiday like Black Friday? What has any of this have to do with Christmastime as we've known it for the last few hundred years or Christmas in general? I don't think this trend will ever be reversed as you hope. Ever. I do believe we are truly approaching the end of days. Sure there are small pockets of true Christian charity (and no, you don't need to be Christian to achieve this) in the world, but by and large the decay of the world morality is easy to track and it's on a downward spiral. Something truly evil entered the world sometime after WWII and it's been eroding society and our morality like a cancer. Sorry to be a gloomy Gus. Anything and I mean *anything* from Taylor Swift. God has not created a more thorough and proficient ear worm (or was it Satan?) in the history of mankind. She has zero talent and I wonder how much work the studio musicians and producers have to go through to make the dreck she thinks up recordable. Pictures won't be worth seeing. To get her in the frame, the photographer would need to be a quarter mile away...