MovieChat Forums > Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) Discussion > Conservative Chris Pratt ruining hollywo...

Conservative Chris Pratt ruining hollywood movies and once again will get carried by his supporting cast

its true how he escapes being Jobless for his bigoted comments in beyond me and got by his super diverse supporting cast in Both Jurassic and MCU Franchises


What bigoted comments?


So the only reason this franchise is a box office hit world wide is because of the supporting cast and not the lead role? lol.

On an unrelated topic: Where do you decide to use capitalization? Is it just completely random?


Well, Rocket is probably gonna be the big story in Vol.3 so maybe yes?


in the recent Jurassic World films Pratts has been the weakest and Claire Dearing is the De Facto lead of this series


He must be destroyed along with chapelle


What is beyond me is how self-righteous fools like you, who think everyone who disagrees with them about anything must have their lives destroyed, do not realize that you are the bigots. You are the one whose lives are ruled by hatred and intolerance.


"self-righteous fools"

I give a shit about Miniorites how that self-righteous

" who think everyone who disagrees with them about anything must have their lives destroyed".

its called accountability dude the Bill Comes due ALWAYS


I hate to break it to you, but leftists are not the only ones who "give a shit about Miniorites" -- by which I presume you mean minorities. Stop flattering yourselves.

The problem with you sanctimonious SJWs is that you have long since ceased to understand that liking people, and treating them decently does not require liking everything they do, agreeing with everything they think, and validating all of their life choices. You have also long since forgotten the meaning of tolerance -- it isn't coming around and approving everything you previously disapproved of, it's learning to live with things you don't approve of, and still treating people decently despite that disapproval.

You bloody wokesters are incapable of that. "Agree with me or you must be destroyed" is your way. You've shown that in this thread.


This is something I’ve noticed a lot too, especially on these message boards. Really hateful people berating others, almost as a hobby. It’s almost like this isn’t a forum for talking about movies. Instead it’s just temper tantrum city.


So? It's a free speech platform.


Agreed. I'm a gay liberal, and I don't think he and I would be in agreement on everything. But that's fine. We don't have to. He's never really been downright disrespectful for anything. I still like his movies and that's fine. I'm not big on cancel culture for differing opinions. Cancel culture is for people like Harvey Weinstein


Brilliantly put.

Cancel culture is for people who are dangerous and harm others with their actions. Not for people who we may disagree with, but keep their views to themselves.


Pratt does seem to be a huge asshole in real life, but he fucking NAILED the role of Starlord! It's actually a difficult role, I mean the character is a totally immature jerk at baseline and has the emotional life of a 12-year-old, yet Pratt has managed to make mentally stunted jerk, very funny, sympathetic, even likable, and a believable badass.

Actors don't just play themselves, they have to be able to play better people than themselves.




Yes it was Bryce Dallas Howard who carried him the Jurassic World Films as well Zoe Saldana in The GOTG Movies Facts it will be Jack Black & Anya Taylor-Joy in his Super Mario Bros. Movie


You couldn't be more wrong.


He’s right.


You couldn't be more wrong.


You’re wrong, I could be as wrong as you.


Except I'm not wrong. Try harder.


I don’t have to try lol, it is a fact, a truth of life that you’re wrong. Keep crying, nobody cares.


Vamanos, leftist. You know nothing and are irrelevant.


You’re the one with a total lack of reasoning skills you dumb hick. You differ from apes only in the sense that apes learn from their mistakes.


Blah blah blah. You are irrelevant.


That seems to be the only sentence you know. Did daddy keep saying that before he ultimately left?


What the hell are you babbling about?


Oh, too complicated for you. I’m saying that you’re w-r-o-n-g.


You're talking out of your ass and your are irrelevant.


You just can’t get anything right. And you totally don’t know any other sentence. Your brain must be tiny.


Blah blah blah. You are irrelevant.


Can't even type a new sentence anymore? It seems you keep getting dumber.


What comments has he made?


you know what comments also you know his supporting cast has carried him in his Big Budget movie roles


I don’t know the comments which is why I asked.


I googled “Chris Pratt comments” and the worst I got was that some people were mad he praised his wife because their son was healthy. That got him accused for ableism which is a stretch. Otherwise, I found nothing.


It's more than ableism

His daughter with former wife Anna Faris had health problems. His praise was seen a a dig against Faris, or at least insensitive about his daughter's health problems.

Now, without knowing Pratt at all (of course), I remain absolutely certain he did NOT mean ANY malice by his tweet (or whatever the heck it was).

However, I can't help wondering if "health" was at the forefront of his concerns, precisely because of his daughter, even if he meant no harm. By all accounts, he still loves Faris and his daughter, and IMPORTANTLY neither of THEM held the post against him.

But the real point is that he's a celebrity and should, in that capacity, be either (a) more careful about what he posts or (b) be willing to accept the consequences

I do give him credit for never apologizing or explaining himself (at least I don't think he did), because that single comment got blown WAY out of proportion. Making a big deal about apologizing sorta acknowledges it was "wrong," when really it was "mildly insensitive" at worst.

I actually think Pratt, for someone who belongs to a fairly conservative christian sect, shows extraordinary restraint and good nature with his public persona. He seems like a good guy.

That, too, is his job, by the way. All the MCU cast members sign on to become heroes in their personal lives to some extent. The only exceptions are the long time stars like Anthony Hopkins with long-established non-celebrity highly private personal lives .


Now, without knowing Pratt at all (of course), I remain absolutely certain he did NOT mean ANY malice by his tweet (or whatever the heck it was).

However, I can't help wondering if "health" was at the forefront of his concerns, precisely because of his daughter, even if he meant no harm. By all accounts, he still loves Faris and his daughter, and IMPORTANTLY neither of THEM held the post against him.

Precisely. People just jumped on the bandwagon to find reasons to knock on this guy.




#CancelJoogle83 (3063)


Magicdave (168) is likely supports to Republican/Conservative Pedos and probably is one


(Oh, and by the way your response was grammatically incorrect)


This illiterate idiot is one of MC's worst.


He had a son with Anna Faris not a daughter. If you’re gonna insult someone at least get your facts straight. There’s nothing wrong with what he said about his new baby with Katherine. You people are just whacked and look for any little thing to bitch about.


Your post says more about your mental illness that it does about Chris Pratt.

You are just one of the many absolutely unhinged and delusional extreme left.


ok why The Mandalorian season 3 better then season 1 & 2 because the Absence of Gina Craprano replace by Katy M.O'Brien , Katee Sackhoff, Emily Swallow and Paul Lee


Don't be drunk posting. You're incoherent.
