MovieChat Forums > HarveyManFredSin

HarveyManFredSin (4877)


Has Hollywood Got A Problem With 1989? Aren't Comic-Books Meant To Be For Kids? Turn A Different Corner Would a Nine-Year-Old Enjoy This? This guy's nailed! Finally! Is There A Special Place In Hell For People Who Post 'RIP' Threads For Celebs Who Haven't Died? Actors Who Are Better On TV Than In The Cinema How Many of These "F" Rated CinemaScore Films Have You Seen? View all posts >


Pop gets a bad name, but most pop is actually a lot more intelligent and well-constructed than it gets credit for. People just automatically think of the cheesy, mindless, boy and girl-band twaddle, when they think of the genre. I'm not a fan of Bon Jovi, at all. But I DO like a lot of Aerosmith tunes (setting aside recent controversies regarding Steve Tyler). If it wasn't for the dated transphobic sentiments, Dude Looks Like A Lady, would still be a great track, but Walk This Way, Love In An Elevator, Janie's Got A Gun, Livin' On The Edge, Crazy, and Pink, still rock, and "Pump" is a particularly great album overall. The Snyder Fans are indeed one of THE most toxic, and wrongminded, fanbases in pop culture, but, once again, in all fairness, I do think Snyder himself comes across as a mostly decent and likeable individual. The only problem is that he occasionally encourages, albeit subtly, his fanbase to continue behaving like brats, rather than do the honourable thing and ask them to be more decent. To be fair, Joss Whedon is a notorious sex pest, bully and hypocritical pseudo-'feminist'. Zack Snyder may be a hack filmmaker with a very toxic fanbase, but on a personal level, he is generally well-regarded as a decent and nice guy who treats his cast and crew with respect and affection. So, setting aside their respective filmographies for a moment (and I personally think there is good and bad, and VERY bad, in both their oeuvres), honestly, FUCK Joss Whedon. 😠👊🏿 I think there is some inconsistency in how we refer to trans women and trans men. But I would insist we respect Audrey Hale's pronouns (i.e. He) just as we should refrain from referring to trans women who commit similarly serious crimes as 'He' rather than 'She'. The biggest offenders here are often Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (i.e. people, usually women, who purport to be the 'goodies' and 'progressives' but are anything but, and are among the most reactionary, bigoted and right-wing people in society). She seemed to reach her peak around 1985 to 1987, with lead roles in The Sure Thing, Modern Girls and Spaceballs. Why aren't people going to the cinema? And what is it about the words 'INDIANA JONES' that is telling CINEMA-FANS, to go away? Have these motherfuckers never seen or heard of Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Temple of Doom, or The Last Crusade? FUCKING INGRATES. Are you feeling okay Kowalski? Marvel is still paying for the legacy of its financial problems during the 1990s which compelled it to sell so many of its IPs to various different studios. Of course it would be much better if ONE single company had full control of ALL Marvel's characters (then again, looking at WB/DC, that's no guarantee of quality/a coherent shared universe), but Sony has got to be Sony, and puts its greed before all else. 1. Lifeboat (1944) 2. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) 3. The Abyss (1989) 4. All Is Lost (2013) 5. Das Boot (1981) 6. The Love Boat (1977-1986) 7. K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) View all replies >