MovieChat Forums > CG23Sailor

CG23Sailor (82)


Margo and Aleida It was Paganini View all posts >


It is still your ignorance as "The Wiz" is quite well known. Damn you are fucking stupid. The Movie isn't out yet so how can one answer? [quote]"I am Canadian, moron. I couldnt care less about your garbage politics, fox or cnn."[/quote] You inserted yourself into it when you posted your ignorance. now when you are being called on it you pretend that you couldn't care less? Then shut the fuck up and stay in Canada. [quote]he crossed state lines with an automatic rifle looking for trouble, you stupid brainwashed sheep[/quote] No he didn't you utterly incompetent and brain dead fucking idiot. You don't have a fucking clue. get one. People do stupid shit and use poor judgment all the time. that doesn't make it unrealistic (in your opinion) She is not several years younger than Jake's older Children. She is the same age as the middle child and only ONE year younger than the oldest. Jake's oldest (Neteyam)is 15. Jake's middle (Lo'ak) and Kiri are 14 Jake's youngest Tuktirey) is 9. Spider was already born during the first film (though not shown) and is 16. So assuming his oldest was conceived when he and Neytiri first mated (and Grace was still alive), and Grace's Avatar perhaps conceived right before she died... all we need to do is understand the 1 year discrepancy between Neteyam's birth and Kiri's. And that's done with the simple fact that after Grace's human death, her avatar was kept in stasis. Which likely slowed gestation. Yes people really do climb towers for the thrill of it. It doesn't matter that YOU "Rolled it around in your head" and decided "I don't think anyone would have done what they did." Just because YOU wouldn't doesn't mean no one would. There is a whole class of people that are Adrenaline junkies always looking for a thrill. CLimbing huge buildings and towers, mountains. skydiving, base jumping, etc.... I have yet to see it but from what I saw in trailers, pretty damned realistic and yes... people really do do that. they conflate everything. Like trying to claim gender is different than biological sex... but Gender reassignment surgery only has two options. male to female, and female to male. View all replies >