MovieChat Forums > Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story (2018) Discussion > It's amazing how much people still loath...

It's amazing how much people still loathe Trayvon Martin..

..and act like he deserved what he got. Zimmerman ignored the 911 operator's instructions, confronted Martin who did nothing wrong, and it's too bad Martin got killed? Pack of heartless creeps.


I don't loathe Martin.

I don't believe he "deserved" what he got.

Perhaps Martin *wasn't* doing anything wrong at that moment...but, he didn't have to physically attack Zimmerman, either.

Zimmerman shouldn't have confronted Martin. He should have listened to the dispatcher and just walked away.

Zimmerman and Martin were both losers in this confrontation.

Aside from Martin losing his life, the biggest victim in all of this tragedy is a further divided American society.

The airing of this broadcast will only serve to widen that division and line the pockets of those who are using it for political and agenda-driven gain.


"...he didn't have to physically attack Zimmerman, either."

What exactly was he supposed to do?

If you have children, imagine one of them walking back home at night, in the rain, then noticing a car following him, then a strange individual , who's not a police officer , stepping out of that car and trying to detain him ( We all know Zimmerman wanted to make a citizen's arrest and be a hero when the cops arrived so he could be hired as one after being rejected so many times!)

What was Trayvon supposed to think? It could have been a kidnapper, a serial killer, a boy-rapist,; ANYTHING!!

How should he have reacted at that time? What would you have advised your children to do? What about HIS rights to stand his ground?

"...Perhaps Martin *wasn't* doing anything wrong at that moment..."

Very slick what you did here. What in the world would make you think he could have!!!? Did he have a criminal record? As opposed to his murderer who already had a history of domestic violence and ASSAULTING A POLICE OFFICER!!?

Trayvon was the loser here. He lost his life and is villified in death to this day

Zimmerman was acquitted, got money ( that he stupidly spent and is now in debt but still) and is still unpunished after MULTIPLES subsequent brushes with the law.

This tragedy didn't divide America. It only revealed the division that was already there. No country is perfect. To even suggest it is foolish pride and , quite frankly, cowardice. Not to talk about Racism and Stupidity is making certain that it will happen again.


Oh come on now. It's not as if it's only closet and open white supremacists who try to victim blame a kid who was minding his own business, who was stalked and gunned down by a violent sociopath who wasn't even arrested until public pressure, only to be given let off the hook anyway. No, no at all.


I see you believe the false narrative put out by most of the mainstream media.


What did we say that was false? Was Martin doing a criminal act or going back home? Did Zimmerman have ANY business or authority following him? Did Zimmerman have a violent criminal record or not? ( Btw he was NOT a Neighborhood watch captain or ANYTHING! He appointed himself this way and some media outlets were all too happy to repeat the talking points)


Martin assaulted Zimmerman first so yeah technically he committed a crime, he probably sucker punched Zimmerman in the face and then tackled him down for some ground and pound. It was only then that Zimmerman took his gun out for self defense which saved his life.

Martin was also out past curfew and wearing a hoodie on a warm Florida day which is the tell tale sign of a criminal. Unluckily for Zimmerman he made the mistake of killing a black person while being a mixed white man (a huge no no in the United States) so it became a huge story. Well that’s my take on it for what it’s worth.


"saved his life" from getting his ass beat.

How dare you turn the tables on your stalker.



America was decided between those who believe in the right to self defense and those that do not.


"Zimmerman and Martin were both losers in this confrontation."
I said that from the beginning and still maintain my opinion.
Punk on punk crime.


You might think it's only the closet & open white supremacists who feel that way but really there is surely equal blame to go around. Trayvon should have known better than to be black in the wrong neighborhood at night with a gun wielding sociopath stalking him. Totally blame to go around on this one.


Bull. Martin simply picked the wrong person to attack.


Exactly. Should have known what being black in the wrong place was going to lead to him stalked accosted by a gun wielding sociopath. Blame to go around.


Exactly. Should have known what being black in the wrong place was, [lease pre going to lead to him stalked accosted by a gun wielding sociopath. Blame to go around.
You keep injecting race into this.

If there is evidence that race was a substantial factor can we see it please?


What's funny is that Threadkiller responded to his own reply like he was another poster. Probably thought he had logged into his sockpuppet account Keelai.


One might say that race was injected into this by the murderer who profiled, aggresively stalked, confronted and shot dead an innocent kid who was walking home, minding his own business. Of course that's just crazy talk though.


You are just repeating yourself. Again, where is the evidence to support your statements?


Yeah that's the sentiment these days.


*Ugh* Forgot about this thread

What's funny is that Threadkiller responded to his own reply like he was another poster. Probably thought he had logged into his sockpuppet account Keelai.

LOL@ this confused SWS, apparently too clueless to recognize sarcasm & the comment it was quite clearly a direct response to.


There was no written or verbal confession by the killer that his targeting of Travon was motivated by race. Clearly only crazy people think that about this case and the oh so coincidentally numerous others like it.


You have yet to present evidence to support what you say and seem to be posting just to get reactions. Fine; post away.


It may be that any & everyone who harbors white supremacist sentiments were all quite happy with the results of this case & many others like it. It may be that the view of those in possession of such degenerate sentiments tends to be that any killing of a black person is justified but maybe that's neither here nor there. Zimmerman was just a decent guy protecting the neighborhood & well you know stuff happens.


It's very hard to infer, based on antics and public rap sheet before and since the trial, that Zimmerman is or ever was a "decent guy". He sounds like a hothead prone to violence. His self appointed role as "neighborhood watch" guy was due to being a hardcore wannabe cop repeatedly having his application rejected when he tried to apply to be one. He even went so far as to pose as a security guard for a gun store that denied hiring him.


Yeah and Trayvon Martin got bad grades, did drugs, skipped school, and beat up his girlfriend....see I can pull hearsay out of my ass too and pretend like it means something.


Not hearsay, I'm talking about his rap sheet ... specifically his arrest record and documented history. I never said anything about Martin. I was responding to the idea that Zimmerman was just "a decent guy protecting the neighborhood" even though I think the poster I said that to was saying that sarcastically being it's just bizarre. Regardless of whatever you think of Martin, Zimmerman sounds like a douche.


Martin was a thug with a wrap sheet already as long as his arm. Zimmerman's preemptive killing of him saved the the community and the cops a lot of trouble down the line.


Wtf are you talking about? HE HAD NO CRIMINAL RECORD!!!!!!!!!!


He was a thug and would have ended up dead before 30 anyway like most inner city thugs.


Yeap, he was a thug. But he was their thug.


To a white supremacist generally any killing of a black person can be justified. Thug = Popular white supremacist code word for the N word.


You're right. He was an average black guy :-)


You're the kind of person who ignores the hundreds of black on black deaths in Chicago and then brings out the pitchforks and torches when a black person is killed by a cop.


white supremacist starter kit talking points: 1. what about black on black crime? 2. affirmative action. 3. race card


white supremacist starter kit talking points: 1. what about black on black crime? 2. affirmative action. 3. race card

That feels incomplete. I would suggest:
- high crime rate
- low IQ
- low self-discipline
- no law abiding
- inability to cooperate
- inability to work for the common good
- lack of business or scientific initiative
