MovieChat Forums > Gary O.

Gary O. (1001)


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<blockquote>They didn't butcher the novel. They just took the title and made an entirely different story and used some of the same character names.</blockquote> I have to disagree with you. To me, their making too many changes in the source material is butchery. You can call it what you want; I call it butchery. I've wondered the same thing. having a bad day are we? To me, it was annoying rather than confusing. Agreed. The way they did it in this series could be confusing to anyone who hasn't read the book. Agreed. While I respect Doss' zeal and commitment to his faith, I don't agree with his belief that the Scriptures advocate absolute pacifism, as the Israelites were commanded by God to go to war and also to execute the death penalty against persons found to have committed certain crimes. Scripture also provides for killing in legitimate self-defense. Also, as you so ably point out, many modern translations of the Bible render the Sixth Commandment as 'You shall not murder.' To hold otherwise, that is, that ALL taking of life is prohibited, makes absolutely no sense, as we all kill to live, even those who hold to absolute pacifism. My point, and I believe yours is as well, is that the Scriptures make certain logical exceptions to the Sixth Commandment. Kudos. Did the court-martial ever take place or was this something made up for the movie? <blockquote> hates Candace because she's black.</blockquote> She's a Black that is not enslaved on the Democratic plantation. A-B could recover at least some of their sales numbers if they would apologize for this horrible mistake. Granted, they won't completely recover their lost customers, but they would, I believe, persuade at least some of them to come back. A-B, please, for your sakes, apologize. <blockquote>But yeah, every few years I get a strong urge to revisit The Stand. Weirdly, I start to get dreams about it and have to fire up my blu-ray. As soon as we get ‘Don’t Fear The Reaper’ over those opening credits I’m all-in for the next six hours. One day I’ll have to read the book…</blockquote> I believe that you would enjoy the book. It is my favorite SK book and one of my favorites by any writer. View all replies >