MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) Discussion > Leslie Jones outraged over this! (and il...

Leslie Jones outraged over this! (and illiterate)

Leslie Jones @Lesdoggg
Replying to @SarahBillsMafia @melissamccarthy and

So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice)”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!

2:13 PM - 19 Jan 2019

I remember when it came out imdb deleted critical posts. Like Jones is not funny, but she is very racist.


What about brides maids


Funny movie! 🤣


Most of her skits or roles involve her screaming like a loud blabber mouth for some reason. I wonder why... Then again she did title herself as 'Problem Child: Leslie Jones'


Leslie is a 51-year-old woman behaving like a 14-year-old girl - my apologies to mature 14-year-old girls. At this point she's just baiting Trump voters because she knows it'll rattle them. But keep this sort of thing up and come 2020 Trump won't need a campaign!


She's complaining that the new film is doing to the crap remake exactly what the crap remake did to the original?


The '16 Ghostbusters just wasn't a movie the majority wanted to see. Yes, there were those upset that it seemingly was made just to be politically correct with women and there were some that refused to see it because of that. However, you HAVE to take into account that it also just looked really bad. Somebody I saw pointed out that it looked like one of those Scooby Doo movies. Melissa McCarthy fatigue is real. Personally Kate Mckinnon annoys me and I cannot stand Leslie Jones on SNL. I am not alone there. I was never for a remake, no matter what. Ghostbusters is just one of those movies for me, and countless others that just shouldn't be touched. Going back to the original series for a sequel is what should have been done in the first place. Also, Halloween just did it with great success. This makes sense. Equating it to a Trump thing? Whatever. That's ridiculous. She and whoever else agrees with her can just be upset about it. Let them.


I'd of gone to the 2016 version if it was a comedy.


she nasty


So it's insulting that this movie will ignore that godawful atrocity that she was in, but the fact that her abomination ignored the original classic (and the fans) isn't insulting at all? Wow, she's a moron!


One that didn't make any money and it was a film that fans didn't want and didn't play in China.

And the new movie is gonna be a mixed cast not all men.


She's ridiculous and bitter. I am a woman and I had absolutely NO desire to see the remake with her and the other women in it because it looked stupid. And from what I have heard I was right.


It wasn't misogynistic that it flopped women didn't love it either. Most women would pay to go see male driven films anyway.

The trailer showed how bad it was due to it being so badly cut, the lack of tonal congruenty was pretty obvious in the trailer.

A female Ghostbuster can work if you got different actress and writers.


"A female Ghostbuster can work if you got different actress and writers."

I completely agree with this.


If you were to ask me who should be a female Ghostbuster ideally Krysten Ritter, if it was 25 years ago Janeane Garofalo. If you want a male Chris Pratt.

And the right way to do it is a boy/girl team not a gimmicky female parody.


I LOVE Janeane Garofalo! She was and is still one of my favorite actresses. I could totally see her as a Ghostbuster.

I dunno about Chris Pratt, I like the whole team of geeky, average guys from the original and kinda think that's why the movie worked. They were all average everyday guys. I'm not sure Chris Pratt fits that role being so hot and all :) Not to say the other guys weren't hot cuz they were for sure but I think you know what I mean.

Of course I wouldn't complain about an all beefcake ghostbusting crew either Lol XD


Pratt would be like a Venkman type, a lazy womanizer.

Another ideal for a male team member Adam Brody.


I could see him playing that :) Adam Brody is awesome! I just watched Shazam and saw him in it towards the end. Love that guy.


You're a woman with stinky poopy pants? Kinky.


Lol, I let my 8 year old son pick my username. Big mistake, haha! It's all good though. It's just an online name right? XD
