MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Dr Strange did the right thing - BIG SPO...

Dr Strange did the right thing - BIG SPOILERS

When he was running all the scenarios he said there was only one in which the Avengers defeated Thanos, and that's why he gave the time stone to Thanos..he knew that giving it to Thanos would bring about his defeat eventually, but it won't happen in this movie...whatever effect giving up the time stone to Thanos to cause his eventual defeat will be revealed in the next movie.


Boy did you earn your screen name here




I think that was the point. At least, I hope so.


I hope so as well. If true, it's a pointless yet amusing thread.



And one of the things I disliked about the movie was now everyone caved to Thanos and just gave him the infinity stone, instead of trying to save the galaxy or anything. At least Strange caved because he'd reviewed all possible futures, not because he couldn't bear to watch one person suffer instead of untold billions of billions.


IMO it was not that simple and really nothing to fault. Yes Loki gave Thanos the Space Stone to spare Thor while Gamora gave away the location of the Soul Stone to save Nebula. Loki's priorities are always mixed as we have seen so many times so that does not seem troublesome. The Power Stone was taken by force at Xander as was the Reality Stone at Knowhere. Strange gave up the Time Stone for the aforementioned purpose. Finally of course the Mind Stone was taken by force from Vision. So in the end I would say the critique could only really be applied to Gamora.


Loki was the only other person to surrender a stone and he was doing it as a ploy to double cross Thanos. And while Gamora gave the location of the Soul Stone, she thought Thanos couldn't get it because she didn't think he loved anything. It didn't work out for either one of them, but they weren't just handing the stones over for nothing.


What you write about Loki is true, but not Gamora. She did not know when she revealed the location of the Soul Stone that there were any parameters involved in retrieving it.

Personally, I felt Loki handing over the Space Stone made sense. He was saving Thor's life, and likely felt he was saving his own as Thanos would torture him next. Gamora's change of heart was less convincing. If she was willing to die to protect the Soul Stone, I think she'd understand that Nebula would feel likewise, and would have been willing to sacrifice her sister to protect the location.


I too felt it weird that Gamora had ample opportunity to take herself out and didn't .... for reasons ...

She could have jumped off that mountain climb at any stage.


I think he foresaw Tony Stark's role in the fall of Thanos and used the time stone to bargain for his life. So it had less to do with the time stone and more to do with Ironman.


He did but StarLord is still pretty stupid.


There is a difference between "stupid" and letting your anger take over. StarLord let his anger take over, IronMan was stupid in leaving his post of helping Spiderman get the gauntlet off.


I don't think stupid is the right word. More like "human" or "realistic." I've known many, many people who are unable to control their emotional outbursts, especially in times of great stress or sorrow, even in moments where an outburst jeopardizes their freedom or their life, or the lives of others. Everything we've learned about Starlord leading up to that moment has shown us that he is such a person, so finding out that Thanos murdered the woman he loved would undoubtedly trigger such a response. It would have been far less believable, and utterly out of character, if he'd stepped back and chilled out and said "well, you'll get yours in a moment, as long as we're able to remove your gauntlet before you come to your senses."


Not really as he could have opened a portal round Thanos' head and closed it so decapitating the guy.


He's never demonstrated an ability to open a portal around anyone. It's also highly likely that the Space Stone prevents such a beginner-level spell from being used against Thanos.


Just because we haven't seen it done deliberately doesn't mean it isn't possible. Wong took off an arm earlier on the film by shutting a portal so showing portals can cut things off.

Also it might be such simple magic it is possible it could work against something complex. Brute force isn't complicated and it was getting there when starlord freaked out


We're both assuming a lot... maybe it can be opened around a living being, maybe it can't; maybe it can work against an Infinity Stone, maybe it can't. I think the safest assumption is that Dr. Strange immediately considered the strategy and attempted to create a portal around Thanos' wrist, or in front of one during a punch, and realized it was futile.


THe fact that Wong can close one round a living being kind of suggests there aren't 'safety' features with the thing.

But the fact it we saw that happen meant the concept was introduced but never fully explained why it wouldn't work. Even if Stark just said why don't you open one of those portal things and cut his hand off and Strange goes 'Seen it, it doesn't work' that is all it would have taken.


Wong created one, and closed it as someone reached through it. That's not the same as creating one around a living being.


Yes but it didn't suddenly stop closing when that arm reached through.

So logic kind of dictates if a portal lets you close it around a living being, you should also be able to open one around a living being.


That I don't buy. I think you have to open it from nothing, in which case it would chop whatever you are opening it around as it opens, and wouldn't need to be closed to accomplish any chopping. It would be a very deadly weapon, and one that I'd imagine Strange and his adversaries would be using against one another 24/7 if it were that easy. That no one has ever been shown to do it suggests it can't be done, or it's easy to magically defend against it.


Well right before that arm got chopped off, Strange opened a portal that cut a stationary taxi in half and sent it through to the other side (with Banner, I think).


I can't recall if the taxi was moving or not, which really only leads one to wonder if it does or doesn't work on a living being. It's like I wrote earlier-- we're wondering what made-up rules the made-up magic in the made-up story adhere to. It's all speculation, in which case one typically defers to the narrative. Since Strange didn't do it, he probably couldn't do it. Or, it was so simple an idea it never occurred to him.


None of the cars were moving, everyone had abandoned them and ran away. As for Thanos, he does a lot of punching, so a quick portal right in front of his swinging left arm could easily catch him off guard.

But the movie is already a bit too full of people handing Thanos his victory, selling out half the universe to help one person, upsetting their own plans, Thor failed to kill Thanos when he could have, etc. Then again, Thanos also did his part of under-using the gauntlet's powers after showing them off, particularly the reality stone.

One thing that got to me was the idea of Captain, Widow and Falcon doing better against two Thanos thugs than Scarlet Witch and Vision! Especially considering how much Scarlet did later.

I guess Vision got hurt too quickly when the fight came to him and that negated most of his powers, because he really didn't seem powerful.

Maybe something happened to him in Civil War? I didn't catch that one yet.


Well, my belief is that Stranger either tried it and it didn't work. Hard to imagine in 14 million futures, or however many, he didn't come across one where he did something so simple.

Captain America is a bad-ass, and with Black Widow and Falcon, is part of a trio that has worked together before with great success, so their victory over Thanos' thugs wasn't surprising. I'd also put forth that the two aliens were prepared for, and using, tech along the lines of the Mind Stone, which powers Vision, and gave Scarlet Witch her powers. Tactical combat, especially against Cap, caught them off guard, and probably isn't their forte to begin with. And, Wanda may have been distracted by trying to save/ worrying about Vision to fight as effectively as she is capable of doing.

As for Vision, he's maybe the most powerful Avenger of all, but the sneak attack stab wound did major damage and left him barely able to fight.
