How disturbing is it?

I've never watched it. But I'm interested to know how disturbing the film is. I've heard a lot of hype. But I've watched a ton of films that were considered disturbing. So how would you rate this movie, as far as disturbing content goes?


not even in the top 50.....


Worth watching? And if so is it worth paying for or is it more along the lines of something worth watching once it makes it to Netflix, Hulu or Prime?


Seems like it’s been done


i never pay to watch movies unless it's at the theater, or i purchase a DVD/blu-ray....

i can say it's worth watching for Matt Dillon's performance, he's really incredible in this,

& i would also say this movie would have worked a lot better if it were a straight-on serial killer perspective film like "Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer"


'Ichi the Killer' is waaaay more disturbing. Also 'The Antichrist'.


Dang, that's not saying much. lol


In my opinion - it's not disturbing at all! Nothing like the scene with cutting off the nipples or ejaculating with blood. Just some frozen dead boy with a bloody mouth for a couple of seconds.


Not disturbing at all. Too much hype really but then maybe I'm depraved. Either way, worth a watch.


Well said. I sort of feel the same way about so called 'disturbing' movies. I've watched so many messed up movies, that I've definitely become desensitized to horror, blood, and violence. I have a difficult time grasping what other people's definition of disturbing is. At this point, I'm not even looking for a movie that's particularly disturbing. I just want it to be an improvement over the lack of substance in horror films nowadays. I'll give it a watch.


Yeah. Sometimes I wonder if I've just been desensitized to horror and gore etc due to watching films and stuff or just that as a normal, functioning Human being it's not a struggle for me to determine between real life and fiction.

I wouldn't really call it disturbing but I think the last film I watched I found difficult to watch/uncomfortable was 'Raw'.


Really? You thought Raw was disturbing? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie. But I didn't think Raw was even slightly disturbing.


See I said not disturbing. Just somewhat difficult to watch. There was just something about it for me. I can't remember exactly as it's been ages since I've seen it. Like watching needles pierce skin for instance, despite not gore or whatever, I'm not a fan of. Like for me, Antichrist was not a pleasant film but I didn't find it disturbing. Now when you get into the necrophilia stuff, that's a bit more on the way to disturbing.

I don't think there's much out there really that tops Begotten, A Serbian Film or Salo unless you start down the road of genuine Snuff films or real life nasty stuff that I'm in no way into.


I recommend watching the German film, Angel's Melancholia. It is by far the most twisted film I've ever laid eyes on. I also thought The August Underground films were super disturbing, but overall, mostly gross. As in for Salo, I've watched it so many times that it doesn't really have an effect on me anymore. Out of all the disturbing flicks, I'd say Salo is actually the most well produced and seems to have some class to it. But still, it's messed up. I really did enjoy Raw though. I didn't think much of Begotten or A Serbian Film.


I've not heard of The Angel's Melancholia. Will check it out. Thanks.


It seems like no one has heard about it. Its truly an underrated overlooked exploitation cinematic masterpiece. I highly recommend it.


You think Salo is well produced? It’s a great film, the cinematography is tops as are the special effects (the tongue scene, eiiiiiii!), but the editing, sound and acting are terrible! I laughed my a$$ off during the poo scene.

The production on A Serbian Film is far superior to Salo. I prefer Salo, but everything about A Serbian Film is more believable. Over the top as hell, but a much better production.


Compared to some films of similar nature, yes, I do believe it was at least somewhat well produced.


Let me put it this way- If you find yourself enjoying the movie and like to watch it again, then I suggest you go to see a shrink or a priest ASAP.


^^^Now I'm looking forward to it.^^^


Is it worse than Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom?


Objectively? I don't think so.


Salo is hardly disturbing; it’s more disgusting.

The House That... is both disturbing and more disgusting so yes.


I was greatly enjoying the film until they showed animal torture. It was cgi I'm sure but still, it just ruins everything for me.


UGH I hate this too!


ahh the «animals are better than humans» trope


watch the lars von trier short film "occupations" - that's how disturbing it is:


It’s certainly on the more disturbing end of Von Trier’s films, which I generally find troubling because they’re very intelligent, considered and brilliantly crafted, with great acting. It’s easy to detach from trashy splatter movies, but when the level of filmmaking is this good, and the psychological observations so piercing, you can’t dismiss it so easily.

So as well as force-feeding your brain with horrific imagery of cruelty to children and animals that you’d rather forget, Von Trier also leaves you with a deep unease about the human mind and the awful places it can go.


The subject matter and tone are definitely disturbing without a gratuitous amount of blood & gore. The film often cuts away from the most gruesome acts of violence but is still very disturbing. That being said I've seen more disturbing imagery in other Lars von Trier films.


Which of his are crazier? (I only saw melancholia)


I've only seen a few of his films but I'd say that while the overall tone/theme is certainly more disturbing in The House that Jack Built, there is probably more actual disturbing imagery in Antichrist and Nymphomaniac.
