Sequels ruined this movie

I remember everyone really liking this movie when it first came out with many acknowledging and understanding that it had to play it safe (ie redo the plot of the original) and expected its story flaws to be fixed/resolved in later films. Then the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker came out and failed on a creative level and did not address the flaws of The Force Awakens leaving it hanging and now known as terrible because it is a part of The Sequel Trilogy, which has proven itself to be the worst era of the franchise.


Oh yeah, people loved this when it first came out and most were duped by the story line. They liked it because it was similar to another movie. But thats another discussion. People said "Star Wars is back" "Disney knows how to make a good Star Wars movie" "This is better than any Lucas movie". Now just 5 years later, no one talks about this movie or even acknowledges it.


And yet here you are talkimg about it lol


talking about how bad it one talks about good it is, like with the OT and the Prequels.

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Its decent, most people enjoyed it hence the high scores, if George lucas directed the exact same novie you would praise it


yeah, because it would have been a Real Star Wars Movie. he wouldnt have rehashed the same plot and resurrected Palps.


I agree. This movie had a lot of potential but the following two films ruined it.


Daisy Ridley ruined this movie.


How so?


In my own humble opinion, I find her to be a terrible actress. Her constant growl face thru the movie was incredibly annoying and I just don't care for her.


What are you talking about? Her great acting was one of the few consistent things throughout the trilogy.

Here's a good example of her brilliant acting:


Like Hayden I felt her acting was underused. Indeed the interrogation was a great scene showing her acting capabilities yet we never really got a scene like that again. It was a bad idea to have her be split from Finn and Poe in TLJ. TROS is what TLJ should have been with the whole revelation of her true identity which I thought made perfect sense opposed to her coming from nothing.

Anyway TFA did set up so much potential. If only Rian and JJ didn't have such conflicting story ideas.


I disagree. Rey was one of the best characters in the trilogy.


Most liked it but I came out thinking it was really average, but I had hope the next would be an improvement.. how wrong I was.


Compare to "the last Jedi " the force awakens is a masterpiece.


It was banal. Disney made no effort to do something interesting or even to connect the three films in any meaningful way.

They knew they didn't have to. Fanboys would lap up whatever crap they served up.


Disney and their garbage sequel trilogy ruined the whole franchise for me. After 40yrs of being a fan.


Just do what I do: disregard them as canon. Sure, Disney bought the rights, but without Lucas's involvement, I think it's perfectly valid to view them as nothing more than fan fiction. So they don't ruin the franchise for me, because to me they are no more real than all the other fan fiction out there.


Agreed. I just have to step away from it long enough to forget how it's been cannibalized.


Thats not easy as they exist, they have the opening yellow crawls etc, and star the OG actors (TFA was even cowritten by Lawrence Kasden) and grossed billions of dollars (TFA is up there with Avatars, Avengers as one of the biggest movies of all time)


For sure. It is weak film, always was. But it did the job it needed to. Established the new characters and updated the setting. It was the job of the sequels to run with that and strengthen the story beats by delving further into a deeper more meaningful story. Good character development covers up plot holes and logic inconsistencies every time. If you love the characters and story, you'll forgive any nonsense. The sequels intentionally shy away from any sort of character bonding, like they were afraid to put off any section of the fanbase or something. Everything is kept as superficial as possible. And the story skips over the parts it should be focusing on. So we can get back to the action I guess. So we're left with three stand alone movies that have little to do with each other. What makes both the previous trilogies so enduring is they strengthen each other. The only movie that really works alone is the original Star Wars. The Phantom Menace sucks, but the trilogy as a whole makes it at least worth a watch. The Ewoks are dumb as hell, but we don't care cause we've already been on some epic adventures, we'll put up with it. Anyhow, Disney bungled the whole thing. Best just to close the door on that chapter of Star Wars and start fresh with something entirely new.


I sorta liked it until someone pointed out online in the weeks after release that it was just a copy and paste of A New Hope.

However, the book Star Wars Bloodline, featuring Princess Leia, makes this a MUCH better film.
