Sequels ruined this movie

I remember everyone really liking this movie when it first came out with many acknowledging and understanding that it had to play it safe (ie redo the plot of the original) and expected its story flaws to be fixed/resolved in later films. Then the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker came out and failed on a creative level and did not address the flaws of The Force Awakens leaving it hanging and now known as terrible because it is a part of The Sequel Trilogy, which has proven itself to be the worst era of the franchise.


I remember everyone really liking this movie when it first came out

You remember wrong. The Force Awakens board was a war zone from day 1. As I watched it in the theatre, it felt like really cheap fan fiction. It was essentially a remake of A New Hope, and I was annoyed that they got the original hero cast back for this tripe. It did inspire me to go back and watch the prequel trilogy again, as I was duped into thinking "maybe they weren't as bad as I remember". Alas, they are still completely unwatchable. But that still does not excuse Force Awakens. I have not seen any of its sequels, nor do I intend to.


I never saw any of the sequels to this. After Force Awakens, I abandoned all hope.


There was never a consensus that they had to rehash a New Hope. Because they didn’t. That was probably the biggest criticism of the movie, along with the whole Rey is a Mary Sue thing that dominated this board.

I think there was a consensus that they did a decent job building a story around the old cast, that everyone wanted to see, while also introducing the new cast. Even if you just came to see Hans final adventure, it still works.

Personally I thought it was a great setup. But there was not long term plan, so the Last Jedi failed to capitalize on the setup, and then the Rise of Skywalker, tried to do too much to fixed the previous movie.


Look, if I were in charge of making The FORCE AWAKENS all over again?? This time out, Han Solo doesn't get killed off in the most ridiculous ways, not to mention, all of the Heroes would've reunited in this movie because THAT's what the fans wanted, at least older fans such as myself


In other words. Star Wars movies should be all about fan service?


STAR WARS at the end of the day was Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and Princess Leia and when they 1st announced they were making this movie and showed the trailer, it crashed the internet and for a damn good reason because this is what the older fans dreamed of seeing after the Prequels and it's true
