MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Supe's Black Suit is stupid, makes no se...

Supe's Black Suit is stupid, makes no sense and unearned...

C'mon Hack! At least show us that Red and Blue suit was torn to shreds and unfixable, so that it would make at least SOME SENSE within the movie.
I counted at least 2 instances where it was displayed in perfect mint condition.

PS.: In the comics/cartoons, the black suit at least served a purpose to absorb more solar radiation to speed up his healing.


I didn't care for the black suit either. It was included just as a nod to the comics. But there is a species of fanboy out there that just has to see everything he ever saw in the comics put on the screen. Hell, back around the time Man of Steel came out, some idiot photoshopped the suit black, and even added a stupid mullet on Henry Cavill, because in the comics back in the '90s, after his resurrection, Superman had long hair for a while (which I absolutely loathed BTW), and so of course some people wanted to see that on screen as well. Thank God they didn't go that far with this movie.


i read an interview somewhere with Synder just the other day saying they almost went with the mullet and beard


What gets me is he keeps using it after taking down Steppenwolf. Frankly i don't think Snyder cares about the Comics. He probably just used it because it looks cool. I think he dose everything because it looks cool.


What do you mean? Steppenwolf fight was the last scene where superman wears a suit, there is no "after Steppenwolf."


There is. The dream scenes.


He's using the normal suit there, though.


Didn't pay attention to that so you might be right.

Just pointed out that there are scenes with superman after.


He's using the black suit in the scene where he's running down the alley, ripping up his shirt.
Lazy tacked on dream sequence/future-to-be doesn't count.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I don't remember the color of the suit but I remember the scene now.

Whatever happened to Clark Kent, though? Would he use different identity now?


I liked it. As a fan of the comics, it gave me good memories.


Oh, yeah...! Anyway -- the OP have made excellent points about the suit. We got to agree about that.


Everything in this movie about Superman bothered me. I can't stand Zack Snyder. You had three movies with Supes and you failed everytime.

Say what you will about Whedon but at least he got the character right


Does everything in a movie require an explanation?

Or is this just an expectation from comic book culture?


Now - as expected - they are trying to find a weak point in every single frame of the movie.
I mean, they are even moaning because of the ratio? Which allows them to get nearly twice as much of the scenery than in a wide screen version?


No need to search for weak points when Hack Snydurd's shit is overflowing the toilet bowl that you call a movie and seeping on the floor.

Pretentous, Loud, Noisy, Dull, Boring, Lifeless and Colorless shit - now 4 HOURS LONG!

I swear you nimwits would eat up anything.


Nope, nothing that boring like Endgame.


I swear, you snydertards are like a broken record - "MCU dumb...hurr...durr".
No one in this thread was comparing Hack's turd to MCU in this thread before you brought it up.


Yeah, "you nimwits" was so very subtle...




You gotta be oughta your fucking mind to think that something as iconic as Supe's Black Suit does not require an explanation.
In a movie 4 hours long, there's no fucking excuse to not include it.


He would have had to cut the half a dozen 10 minute long slo-mo shots of aquaman having water splashed over him to fit it in, so it had to go, sorry. It was a really good explanation though; I swear.




Didn't know it was featured in the comics.Didn't like at all.I'm sure the director thought it looked sleek and cool but i missed the classic Superman colors.


Butthole buzzin'
Butthole buzzin'
Let's buzz each other's buttholes tonight.


absolutely right


Stupid. Makes no sense. Unearned.

You could take these three words and apply them to pretty much any of Snyder's movies.


