MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jaimie should break Bran’s neck

Jaimie should break Bran’s neck

Seriously, the vast majority of fans prefer Jaimie, who has had character development. As opposed to Bran, who had ... a quest to a magical tree while riding the back of a man with Downs Syndrome.

Bad enough Bran already cost us Littlefinger.

If Jaimie suplexed Bran from the highest parapet of Winterfell, I’d be like “nice one”.


Why is it either/or?


You lost me on Littlefinger, I’m glad that asshole is dead & here you have some troll (you) that’s pining for him & upset that he got his.

Bran may or may not tell everyone what happened about Jaime pushing him out the window but if he ever does, he’s going to say “This is not the time to do anything, this man is honorable, he’s telling you the truth, he came here to help”.

So we’ll see how that plays out if ur ever comes to pass.


You're telling me Littlefinger wasn't your second-favorite character?


Jamie has committed incest, crippled Bran for life, and was the father of the psycho King Joffrey. If anyone deserves to suffer it's Jamie, not Bran.


Trouble is you have a lot of liberal snowflakes today that think one good deed Trumps any evil in your past. If Hitler had helped an old lady cross the street they would swear he was a good guy no matter the number of dead he was responsible for prior to the good deed.


One good deed of Trumps?

Name it! I dare you!


He kept Hillary out the White House. No matter what else he does or doesn't do that's the one good deed.


Not worth it!


Bran can see essentially he knows that Jaime is a different man.
Being the non emotional tree hugger that Bran now is he'll accept the new Jaime. They don't really have the time for anything else.
It's Jaime that needs to forgive himself by proving himself..


Bran is a boring and weird character. LF & Jamie much more intriguing.


Bron is so weird.


You must not like cripples or people with "special needs".

Of course, Jaime is absolutely complete with his body and mind. Oh wait, no, he isn't.


while riding the back of a man with Downs Syndrome

If I had a dog I'd name him Syndrome. So when he jumps on someone, I'd say, "Down, Syndrome!"


You're sick.


SJW can't take a joke. What a surprise.


lmao, stealing that thanks :D :D


You got the intonation wrong.


Jaimie *sees Bran*

Bran: Can you give me a push?

Jaimie: HUH??!?

Bran: I meant my wheelchair - been sitting here for 2 days while everyone's having reunions and catching up...

Jaimie: Oh.. of course


Maybe Bran will push Jaime out of a window this time, perhaps a window of time.
