MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jaimie should break Bran’s neck

Jaimie should break Bran’s neck

Seriously, the vast majority of fans prefer Jaimie, who has had character development. As opposed to Bran, who had ... a quest to a magical tree while riding the back of a man with Downs Syndrome.

Bad enough Bran already cost us Littlefinger.

If Jaimie suplexed Bran from the highest parapet of Winterfell, I’d be like “nice one”.


Please...Littlefinger overstayed his welcome. It was nice seeing him get his throat slit.


Nah, Bran is great. And so convenient! He must have been the one who knew about folding space so ravens and dragons could warp around Westeros.


How would you surprise someone who knew what you were about to try, and probably knew last week? What would it accomplish anyway? Jaime would be the prime suspect even if he succeeded. Look who shows up, it's the Kingslayer - and then Bran mysteriously gets murdered right after that. Hmm ...

Somehow I don't think revenge is the first thing on Bran's mind. He's known Jaime was coming for some time. Even said to Samwell that he was waiting for "an old friend". It'll be an interesting conversation, that's for sure! But I think the Three Eyed Raven is going to trump Brandon Stark when it comes to dealing with the man who crippled him.
