MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Spoiler Most epic scene in the entire sh...

Spoiler Most epic scene in the entire show

For me it was tonight. Tyrion watching as Jaime is flying towards the dragon queen with spear in hand.


That was a good scene...for me it was Dany flying in on Drogon and that first shot of dragon fire at them. I only wish Cersei could have been there to see it.


Yeah that was awesome. I also liked when bronn hit the dragon with the crossbow. I was like nice shot kid that was one in a million


I was hoping Bronn would miss. My favorite scenes were each time the dragon incinerated Lannister's soldiers. I'm relieved that Bronn and Jaime survived, though.


Yeah that's a bit psycho to enjoy watching people burn to death. I did not like that


If enjoying watching people die in movies/on TV is psycho, then I guess most people are psychos.


Umm. Burning to death is different. Also it wasn't an evil character like Ramsey. It was soldiers just doing their job who we have seen this season are pretty regular dudes. So I'm pretty sure most people were rooting for bronn to hit the dragon by that point


The Nazis were just "doing their jobs" too...


the only people who burned people alive in ww2 were nazis. So interesting you chose to bring them up


Yeah but I mean.....they were just doing their jobs...


True. I guess if that's the only statement you were making. True. Soldiers are doing their jobs and generally it's accepted should not be burned alive


I don't know anyone in their right mind that would argue that the Nazis shouldn't have been burned alive. I think most would consider it poetic justice.


Wow. That's quite a delusional statement. There are old nazis still sitting in prison because the people who won that war understand humanity much better than you. Burn em alive huh. I'm betting quite a few viewers turned from rooting for danaerys tonight


I was never rooting for Dany. Tonight's episode has confirmed my fears I've had all along about her, that the taste for power will grow as it did her ancestors. But at the same time, I'm not rooting for the Lannisters either. Infact rather than burning them alive, I'm hoping the white walkers just turn the world into an icy grave.


Except when their job is sacking cities, raping and murdering civilians. Which the Lannister army happened to do in King's Landing at the time of Robert's Rebellion. Ed Sheeran's platoon may have been cool, but marauding armies in Westeros are not known for their mercy, so don't shed any tears.


sounds as if you are trying to convince yourself. I already know the dragon queen is mad. Do you?


Convince myself that enemies in Westeros shouldn't be incinerated? Oh yeah, because it's illegal here in the 20th century Western world. Except that it's NOT. Incendiary weapons are only prohibited in civilian concentrated areas, not on the battlefield.

Her potential madness is irrelevant on the battlefield. Whether you're incinerating troops, perforating them with arrows, hacking them up with swords, or crushing them under weight of numbers is not a measure of your sanity. Westeros is a world where human sacrifice is practiced and enemies are flayed.


"the only people who burned people alive in ww2 were nazis. So interesting you chose to bring them up"

You seem to be forgetting the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden and many other cities as well as the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That napalm and those atom bombs burned more people alive than Danaerys' dragons ever will.

It's kind of interesting actually. Daenerys using dragons to kill some (maybe one or two hundred) fictional soldiers in combat in a medieval fantasy series makes her evil and insane. But those real-life American and British airmen who rained fire on cities full of innocent civilians, real human beings who lived in the real world and whose only crime was living in "enemy" countries, burning hundreds of thousands alive in firestorms across Japan and Germany, are treated as "the good guys" whose acts are regarded as justified by default.


The main difference of course being that USA and Britain were not trying to conquer and take control of Japan. Only to force them to end their aggressions against the pacific and china. Moral relativists always seem to miss that part. Every. Single. Time. But this goes to something I have been saying. That once war gets to the point of Japan vs the allies there are no longer innocent civilians. We haven't seen a war like that. There weren't American sympathizers in Japan. There weren't Japanese sympathizers in America. Every. Man. Fought. Every woman helped the effort. In both countries. Japanese hospitals were used to experiment on American pows. Japanese medical students excised Americans livers while they were alive to see what would happen. Etc

Yes (twirls mustache and sniffs his own fart) yes.


Danaerys seeks to conquer westeros. danearys is the aggressor in this situation.


My issues with the Atomic bomb (I never could've made that decision) made me delve into the Rape of Nanking...a very personal slaughter of mostly civilian Chinese by the Japanese in 1938 that arguably was even more brutal and personal because the deaths were one on one and treated like sport (including pregnant women and babies) and the numbers right up there with the bomb death estimates in Japan.
And I'm not saying that the Japanese civilians deserved being bombed but I've always believed that's why you never hear a peep out of Japanese themselves about what happened during the war. It's always someone else that speaks up. It's like they (the Japanese) feel they deserved it.


One of my best friends is Japanese. He outright says they deserved it. Most nationalistic people to ever exist. That's what he says. They were fighting to the last man to conquer the globe. They were insane. That's what he says. About his own people.


No worries, it's all make believe.

I cheered Lannister's army getting whupped by Dany. Anyway, fire is less gross than people being chopped up by swords/knives for me. Cersei already won three battles and killed off Oleanna, one of my favorites. It's payback.


I watch this show completely differently. I could care less about who wins. But I don't think the dragons are fair


That's interesting. I've been taking sides since the show started.

The fear was that the dragons would kill innocent people. But, Dany targeted the dragon at only the soldiers. Next week, she could target Euron's ships which again would spare innocent lives while winning ground against Cersei.


True. And if bronn had been burned alive or yara burns alive on eurons ship you feel the same?


I wrote earlier that I like Bronn and wanted him to live. I like Yara, too. I was wondering if Euron kept her at King's Landing and if so, she could be part of a prisoner exchange if Jaime is captured by Dani.


So I'm trying to understand. You cheer the dragon burning the Lannister soldiers. But not bronn. Who is a Lannister soldier. The only difference being you know bronn personally. Interesting


I want Lannister's army (aka:Cersei) to lose which can be done with Bronn and Jaime alive.

Bronn is a mercenary so he'll fight for the highest bidder. Jaime is interesting because he becomes noble and good when he's around Brienne, but Cersei brings out the worst in him. Jaime's days are probably numbered.

Do you really want Cersei to remain on the iron throne? If Cersei had just one legitimate heir with King Robert then there wouldn't be a civil war. And if she's not removed, Westeros won't be united to fight the white walkers.


Cersei is powerless with no children. Lannisters will die out with her. And danaerys could rally the entire realm by helping John defeat the white walkers. Instead everyone on the fence will be terrified of her now. And cersei still got her gold. Imo danaerys guaranteed she will not wind up on the throne tonight. Maybe missandei. But dany permanently instilled fear throughout the realm by attacking with the dragons.


"Instead everyone on the fence will be terrified of her now."

Probably. Tyrian warned that Cersei would use rumor and gossip to incite fear against Danaerys, but Dani had to use the dragons since Oleanna, Greyworm and Greyjoy failed. Jon could change their minds later.

The Lannister line can still continue through Tyrian and Jaime.

Jon already said Westeros needs to be united against the white walkers which can't happen with clueless Cersei fighting against them. Cersei's days are numbered too according to the prophesy - she'll lose everything she holds dear - probably power and Jaime.


I like Bronn as much as anyone, but since he is fighting for Cersei I have no problem if he goes down.


I wonder if he'll team back up with Tyrion now that the Lannister army has been defeated and he and Jaime will be taken prisoner. The preview of next week's episode shows Daenerys telling the defeated Lannister forces to join her.

Funny to think that Tyrion and Bronn were on opposite sides of a battle this time.


So many hate cersei on here. I find her a brilliant leader like her dad. Much smarter than dragon queen. I don't get the rooting against cersei


Cersei has a sadistic streak in her and she only recently became semi- smart.

More reasons to hate her:
1) She has no right to the throne. No royal blood and nobody voted for her.
2) She killed about 30 babies and children (King Robert's children).
3) Indulged Joffrey which helped to create or at least enable that little monster.
4) Unfair hatred of Tyrian and falsely accused him of murder.
5) Most of her previous plans were based on emotions and had backfired. She gave more power to the High Sparrow (than the king) in order to arrest Margaery and her brother, but it backfired on her. She had a plan to use wildfire against Stannis which would've destroyed the city if Tyrian hadn't intervened. She killed Margery which caused Tommen to kill himself. Talk about the mother-in-law from hell.
6) Civil war is her fault. One legitimate kid would've prevented it.
Cersei killed her advisors. Tyrian hasn't been good at advising Dani, but Oleanna's advice to use the dragons was a good idea.


Yeah yeah but the way she enunciates her words is sexy


Cersei does have a very unique way of speaking.

Jimmy Kimmel asked the actress to say some lines a la Cersei. Very funny.


" 1) She has no right to the throne. No royal blood and nobody voted for her."

I don't see this as a reason to hate her, to be honest. Leadership should go to the best leaders, the most capable and just leaders, not the ones with the strongest blood claims. Of course I don't think Cersei is the best leader, but putting that aside. It's one thing to acknowledge, in the context of this medieval feudal setting, that Cersei has no blood claim to the throne (but on the other hand, who does? There are no Baratheons left), but it's odd IMO for us viewers from the modern world, the post-French Revolution world, to actually hate her for it.

" 2) She killed about 30 babies and children (King Robert's children)."

That was actually Joffrey's doing. Tyrion had originally suspected Cersei, but when they talked about it, it was made clear that Joffrey did it and he did it without even consulting her.


You may want to rewatch earlier episodes.

Cersei was aware of her husband's whoring and knew where his children were. She saw them as a threat to Joffrey's claim to the throne since she knew he wasn't a true Baratheon. It was Cersei who had the children killed. Joffrey thought he was a true Baratheon so wouldn’t be threatened by illegitimate children if he were even aware they existed. Doubt that.

One remaining Baratheon is Gendry, but he has no claim to the throne unless he's made legitimate which happened with Ramsey.

There is nothing just about Cersei. She's a psychopath. Remember how she enjoyed watching Joffrey attack and harm others with a smirk on her face. It was her idea to kill Bran. She interfered in Tommen and Margery’s rule. In time he could’ve grown to be a good king. Margaery had love and support of the people and showed compassion. Notice the disdain Cersei has for Tommen when it was her fault he killed himself. Presently, Cersei is just a dictator.

Daenerys is intelligent, strong, has compassion and listens to her advisors before making a decision. Her strongest quality is that she learns from her mistakes. Notice how she changed course when she realized Tyrion's advice wasn't helpful and listened to Oleanna which allowed her to destroy Lannister's army. She is also the rightful heir to the throne which was stolen from her family unless Jon’s parents married which would make him the rightful heir.


He's not fighting for Cersei. He's fighting for money.

Cersei just happens to be paying him right now. But that could change tomorrow.


I'm surprised he didn't ditch them after Cersei reneged on giving him the castle she had promised him. "Lannisters always pay their debts" indeed.


Yeah that's a bit psycho to enjoy watching people burn to death. I did not like that

Oh my god, that was a horrible sight to watch... And it wasn't even necessary! I absolutely HATED Daenarys for looking so damn proud watching those soldiers burn to death!

Yes, someone like Cersei is cruel, but at least people acknowledge it and don't try to sugarcoat it! I'm tired of people constantly sucking up to Daenarys when she's spoiled, entitled bitch who just happens to be Mary Sue Squared with plot armour to the nth degree!


I think Jon snow agrees. He better not bend the knee


"And it wasn't even necessary!"

It was necessary to kill the soldiers in order to win the battle. The dragon was the most efficient way to do it.

Cersei is spoiled and entitled. She and her kids had no right to the throne. Dani has compassion and ended slavery. She is also willing to listen to her advisors and learn how to be a good leader which was Tywin's definition of "what makes a good king".


Hon, killing people is very necessary in wars, both here and in Westeros. Killing enemies before they kill you is how you win. And yes, dragon fire is horrible, and if given a choice between dying by dragon fire and having a Dothrakus hack me to pieces with a sword, I'd probably choose the sword. But the fact is, there's no nice way to win a war, once a war is started the only thing you can do that's even close to ethical is not kill any more enemies than necessary, something that Danerys consistently does and Cersei does not.

Funny how people only seem to criticize the realities of warfare when Danerys wages it. Do you realize that Tyrion's burned many, many more people alive than she has? Yes, when Stannis's fleet was invading King's Landing and Tyrion blew it up with a motherlode of wildfire, tens of thousands of men were blown to pieces or burned alive at Tyrion's command. Yet everyone still likes him.


These two have plot armor so thick it'd take thousands of whitewalkers to actually kill them )))))


True but so does danarys. Even so, part of me still wondered if they would let Jaime kill her because no one would have seen that coming


I mean, it is GoT where anything could happen at this point, but even I think that there's a zero percent chance that would ever be the case. I did imagine she would be clipped by an arrow, or something more dangerous than Jaime running at her would happen. I wonder why Jaime didn't just try to chuck the spear at her, the dragon blocks it and then starts to heat up a fireball, where THEN Bronn saves him. I think that would have been more intense. Oh well!


To be fair, Jaime only has his left hand now, and it's been demonstrated that he's far from proficient with it (though he may have improved somewhat with training, it'll never be quite like his right hand was). If he threw that spear, the result would have been less epic and more farcical and somewhat embarrassing as the spear would have flopped five feet away from Daenerys.


Fair point about him being a lefty. Nothing is believable while everything is believable in today's GoT.


Anything could have happened when there were fully fleshed out books to make a perfect script. Without GRRM's material they are too afraid to kill off the main characters now and will compensate as much as possible with secondary characters deaths )))
Just wait for the next week's episode. Say bye-bye to Tarly's))


Still with only 9 episodes left total, anyone could die. If Jaime had killed danaerys, you'd have rogue dragons and lost their help against the white walkers. Unless John tamed them. I thought it would have opened up the story a bit of danaerys had died. It would have been so GOT to do that. Just end her story in utter failure ala stannis


My favorite scenes were any with Drogon spewing long range fire beams with laser precision at Lannister forces & convoy & armaments, including Qyburn's Extra-large Crossbow.

So much fun, and the special effects were ILM/Weta Workshop quality.


Yeah, best episode ever. by far.


I liked the face of Lannister after he said "we can hold them",in that moment Drakarys appeared in the sky...I saw that episode twice only to see his shocked look.


There was a small lingering shot of a Lannister archer poised but shaking. That was a very humanizing moment. I also loved how Drogon curled his neck around Danny to attack Jamie. It was a great moment that hit: Dany is absorbed in trying to pull out the harpoon; Drogon is in pain; but he sees the danger and moves to protect his mother despite his pain. An intense moment of devotion from both him and Dany.


Dany surely sees Lannister coming for her,she could've done something,but Drakaris acted first.
