MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Miyagi didn’t seem concerned about Krees...

Miyagi didn’t seem concerned about Kreese’s death

After learning the tragic news of Sensei Kreese’s passing, in which he hypothetically played a major role, Miyagi barely pauses to reflect on the damage he’s caused. What a sociopath.


What I noticed as well while rewatching this scene is that Miyagi doesn't give a bow with an upper body inclination of more than 20° to Silver (Silver's bow was lower on both occasions), which based on what I have read pertaining to the etiquette on bowing in Japan, may suggest that Miyagi regarded himself as being of higher rank in this situation, perhaps due to Silver's young age. Elderly people are very respected in Japan.

I would like to think that Miyagi had forgiven Kreese by that point and he did exchange a shocked glance with Daniel when hearing the news, so he must have felt quite sad, but he could have been even more expressive, offering further condolences. Maybe he didn't find the right words, especially given that English was not his first language.


Miyagi was the elder. In Oriental culture, it would have been expected for Silver to acknowledge him a lower bow.





When Daniel tries to talk about it to find closure, he quickly changes the subject. He just didn’t care.




Sorry to say but you're mistaken. I just rewatched it. Not only did he react, he sympathized with Terry on Kreese's "death" and about the circumstances behind it. He also expressed his condolences.


He pretends to be compassionate to Silver’s face but the moment he’s gone he brushes the issue aside (“Come, we continue kata.”). He clearly has antisocial personality disorder.

According to “Perhaps one of the most well-known signs of ASP is a lack of empathy, particularly an inability to feel remorse for one's actions. “Many people with ASP do seem to lack a conscience, but not all of them,” he explains. Psychopaths always have this symptom, however, which is what makes them especially dangerous. “When you don’t experience remorse, you’re kind of freed up to do anything—anything bad that comes to mind,” says Dr. Black.“


He pretends to be compassionate to Silver’s face...
You mean like Silver pretends Kreese is dead?
You're one of these hypocrites who does something but complains if somebody else does the same. Fuck off back under your rock and lick our wounds.


He didn't know Kreese. He only met him twice. There was no reason for him to "experience remorse". He acknowledged his death and gave his condolences. He moved on.


Silver mentions Kreese’s downward spiral began when he lost his students. Miyagi was directly responsible for this. He didn’t seem to care how his actions affected other people’s lives.

You mean like Silver pretends Kreese is dead?

It doesn’t excuse Miyagi’s lack of remorse for causing a man’s death. He almost seems to take satisfaction hearing in the news.


Kreeses downward spiral was caused when he lost his students....because he tried to throttle his star student and slapped another. Miyagi was not responsible for Kreese being unable to accept defeat.
Try harder, you are looking foolish here.


There was value to Kreese’s lesson in the parking lot though, sadly, we will never know its ultimate message. Kesuke was out of line interfering in a private moment between teacher and student. As it’s been pointed out, Johnny later used the same head lock technique during Miguel’s training, which would go on to prove useful during the cafeteria brawl.


There was no value to Kreese as it cost him all his students. Furthermore, Kreese apologises to Johnny in Cobra Kai, ergo he knew it was wrong. As for private moment, erm... it was in full view of the public. If Kreese wanted to (ahem) tutor his pupil privately and in such a manner, then the Cobra Kai Hombu would have been the place do that.


It’s a combat sport with its own unique methods of training. There’s a sacred trust between teacher and student and Miyagi had no business attacking Kreese mid-lesson. As an instructor yourself, you must have held one of your students in a submission hold at some point. How would you have felt if a stranger had misread the situation and accosted you?


There is a difference between holding a student to submission and common assault. What Kreese did was the latter. As an instructor I know the difference. As an instructor, as I suggested, were it a lesson it would have taken place in the appropriate place. The sacred trust you talk about was lost because of Kreeses actions, hence they all left.


Each dojo had its own customs and Miyagi should have respected theirs. Imagine if some nosy do-gooder had intervened in Johnny’s rehabilitation exercises with Miguel.


Each dojo may well have its' own customs, but those customs are practiced in the confines of that dojo.
Miguel would have told anyone intervening that Johnny was his sensei and helping him with his rehabilitation. If that were the case between Kreese and Johnny then the students would not have left would they?


Because of Miyagi’s interruption, he was not able to finish the lesson and reveal its ultimate message.


Are you deliberately being obtuse?
Any lesson Kreese wanted to teach Johnny SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAUGHT IN THE DOJO!!!!!


Who the fuck are you to determine that? It’s America. He can give a karate lesson wherever he wants!


And who the fuck are you to determine he can.
There are protocols and procedures that say he can't. There is the lack of liability insurance to perform such lessons in public and private car lots. The list goes on, but then an ignoramus like you wouldn't know that would you.
Now scuttle off back under your rock and stop digging up old posts to try and prove what you cannot prove you dickhead.


You're such an obtuse fool who contradicts himself at every turn.

You can only teach karate in a dojo... yet a bum on the street who has never set foot in a dojo can be a legit black belt just by claiming to be?

I think you got hit one too many times in the head in your karate fights.


Exactly. He’s fine with Miyagi flat out stealing a black belt but an outdoor karate lesson? That’s crossing a line. Wears has no moral compass.
Wish Kreese had caught Miyagi in the act when he nicked the belt and disciplined him accordingly.


A) Stop answering and agreeing with yourself.

B) That is not what I am saying at all. Instead of trying to see something that isn't there, read what I actually put. You on the other hand are happy to excuse an adult being violent to kids who have put their trust in him. It is a betrayal of not only the kids trust but also their parents. Nobody expects their kids to be throttled and slapped by the person they have entrusted their kids to.
Furthermore, you seem to be happy to accept Terry Silver breaking and entering Miyagi's property yet twist on about a blackbelt being stolen. Where's your moral compass ? Hypocrisy at its' finest.

C) We have already seen what happens to Kreese when he crosses Miyagi.


It’s a combat sport! The idea of an instructor not being able to get physical with his students is insane. You don’t understand the basic principles of karate training. They all became better fighters.
Personally I’d be more concerned about the unpaid child labor Miyagi had Daniel perform around his house.
Terry Silver did not steal anything while there. He was a World War II buff simply curious to learn more about the 442nd.


It's a combat sport.
The sport was in the venue not the car lot.
Getting physical in a sparring sense during a lesson in the Dojo is fine. Assaulting him in the car lot is not.
It would seem it is you who doesn't understand the principles of Karate.
They didn't all become better fighters, they quit or did you forget that?
You would be more concerned about the unpaid labour Daniel did? He was paid, he learned Karate and won the tournament.
Terry Silver still trespassed unlawfully on Miyagis property. If he was such a WW2 buff and wanted to learn more about the 442nd he could have simply asked Miyagi instead of breaking and entering.

I'm glad to have cleared this up for you.


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You’re applying British social customs to an American movie with an embarrassing lack of awareness. You’re a David Brent type character, clueless about basic social norms yet full of confidence and swagger.


Your ignorance knows no bounds. You have nothing left to offer on the matter other than uninformed insults.
Your tacit concession is noted.


The sport was in the venue not the car lot.
Getting physical in a sparring sense during a lesson in the Dojo is fine. Assaulting him in the car lot is not.

You don’t know how things work in America. An impromptu karate lesson following a tournament is not frowned upon. You make yourself look like a fucking idiot when you argue this point.

Terry Silver still trespassed unlawfully on Miyagis property. If he was such a WW2 buff and wanted to learn more about the 442nd he could have simply asked Miyagi instead of breaking and entering.

Some people’s passion for learning cannot be quenched. He was an explorer at heart.


Your tacit concession is noted


You’re saying Kreese’s post tournament karate lesson was out of place though you excuse Miyagi for assaulting the Kai on Halloween night. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Try watching that scene again. This time without your bias glasses on.


He assaulted five teenagers, leaving them for dead, before kidnapping Daniel.


Like I said, watch the scene again. This time without your bias glasses on.


You’re going after Kreese for not being woke while excusing Miyagi’s criminal acts. People like you sicken me.


Woke has nothing to do with it. Stop trying to be trendy.
You're going after Miyagi whilst excusing Kreese, Silver and Barnes, so it's a bit hypocritical of you there.


They did nothing wrong. You lack a moral compass and are out of touch with reality.


Your post proves you have no moral compass and are out of touch with reality.
Either that or you're a wanker. I'll let you decide which.


Daniel has an entire YouTube trilogy dedicated to listing his crimes. You are completely delusional.


Wanker it is then


Walking around like your David Hasselhoff because England beat Ukraine. Big wow.
Denmark is going to crush you overrated Poms.


Do you even know what a Pom is?
As for England vs Denmark, I was happy enough we finally beat Germany in a knockout round. Every thing after that is a bonus. Furthermore, with the exception of Italy, Spain and England, the whole world is most likely behind Denmark because of what happened to Eriksen. In true English fashion I will say good look to Denmark. If we can't win it hopefully they can.


Pretending to be gracious because you already know that defeat is a foregone conclusion. You’re so transparent.


Not pretending at all. As for defeat, I happen to believe we will beat Denmark. Not so transparent eh?


Care to wager?


How does that work then?


If Denmark wins, you leave the boards and never come back.


and if denmark loses?


Vice versa.


If by vice versa you mean you leave the boards and never come back


You can always go and annoy people on the Next Karate Kid boards. Think you’ll be more welcome there.


I like this bet.


You haven't answered my question


Lets see how the usa get on in the world cup next year.

You stick to rounders


After inventing the sport, you’ve managed to win the World Cup a grand total of one time. Meanwhile, America’s women have four trophies out of eight. America’s best male athletes tend to gravitate towards other sports, allowing people like Daniel to get playing time.


Once is better than not at all, plus we have the best league in the world, the premier league.
Why you so against England anyway.


The league is the best in the world because of foreign investment and players. I’m not against England. The Thick of It and The Office are two of the funniest shows of all time. Mike Leigh is one of the best modern filmmakers. I’m just anti-Wears.


Nothing wrong with investors or foreign players.
Still our league whatever you may think.


I’m just anti-Wears.

Really? It doesn't show.


I have been reading this back-and-forth between NRC123 and wearsalan, with both morbid fascination and incredulity. Never have I seen someone so obviously completely wrong, and yet so pig-headed about defending an obviously indefensible position, as this NRC123 head-case. This really is something else. Hats off to wearsalan for his extraordinary patience and stamina.


At what point did I stray from the truth?


The moment you posted.


I hate to say it, but wearsalan is right: you were wrong from the get-go. I explained in my first post here (somewhere else in this thread) that contrary to your observation, Miyagi did show empathy towards Kreese - it was evident in his voice. Furthermore, you go to extreme lengths to paint Kreese as an innocent victim who did nothing wrong and everything right, while jumping through similar hoops to paint Miyagi as the opposite. But when you try to present an outright assault from sheer rage as a "valuable lesson" that Kreese supposedly taught from the goodness of his heart, that's when you really crossed over to bizzarro-land.


You must be new to the films. Frankly, I don’t think you’re qualified to make that distinction. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the lore before making ill-informed comments in a public forum.

Never have I seen someone so obviously completely wrong, and yet so pig-headed about defending an obviously indefensible position

Thought you were talking about Wears.

contrary to your observation, Miyagi did show empathy towards Kreese - it was evident in his voice.

The second Silver turned his back, there is a distinct change in tone. The rapidity with which he changes the subject (“Aye, too bad Daniel-San….. Come, we continue Kata.”) is telling. He did not care to give the issue any further thought, nor consider his own hand in causing the man’s personal downfall.

But when you try to present an outright assault from sheer rage as a "valuable lesson" that Kreese supposedly taught from the goodness of his heart, that's when you really crossed over to bizzarro-land.

He ran a karate dojo, not a knitting class. His brand of tough love prepared his students for the brutality of the real world. Having been to Nam himself, he knew the dark side of life.

Like Daniel to California, you are new to these boards. Don’t make the same mistakes he did.


The rapidity with which he changes the subject (“Aye, too bad Daniel-San….. Come, we continue Kata.”) is telling.

The only thing telling about that is that you are clearly new to films. It would have been a complete and utter waste of the audience's time to dwell on this. You'll note that Daniel doesn't dwell on it, either. And why should they? They were busy training. Should they interrupt their training and do... what? Light a candle? What would that do to the pacing of the movie? Miyagi said "Hai, too bad, Daniel-san" - and you could clearly hear the sadness in his voice. That's all Kreese's death warranted. They weren't bosom buddies, they weren't family, and Kreese got a lot more sympathy from Miyagi than he deserved.

Let me ask you this: if Miyagi had died, how do you think Kreese would have reacted? Be honest.

Edit: I just watched that Youtube clip. That's not "lore", you dumb SOB, that's a parody montage. Just like the ones portraying Daniel as the bully and Johnny as the victim.


Edit: I just watched that Youtube clip. That's not "lore", you dumb SOB, that's a parody montage. Just like the ones portraying Daniel as the bully and Johnny as the victim.

They were all legitimate clips from the movies. How can you be so blind and ignorant?


They were all legitimate clips from the movies. How can you be so blind and ignorant?

Selectively edited, ripping them out of context.


You said "Miyagi barely pauses to reflect on the damage he’s caused."

But as PaladinNJ pointed out "Not only did he react, he sympathized with Terry on Kreese's "death" and about the circumstances behind it. He also expressed his condolences."
So you're wrong.


He acted that way to Silver’s face but the second he turned his back Miyagi had mentally moved on, refusing to accept responsibility for his role in another man’s death. Daniel was visibly shaken but Kesuke could not be bothered to give the issue any further thought. Out of respect, he should have cancelled training for the rest of the day.


As PaladinNJ pointed out:

He didn't know Kreese. He only met him twice. There was no reason for him to "experience remorse". He acknowledged his death and gave his condolences. He moved on.




FACT: A person should not feel remorse unless they have done something wrong and Mr. Miyagi did nothing wrong. Prove me wrong.


“After he lost all his students, it just broke his heart.”

Miyagi’s actions theoretically played a direct role in the downward spiral which led to Kreese’s death. Had Daniel not entered the tournament, Johnny would have won and Kreese wouldn’t have lost his students. Daniel seemed shaken by the gravity of the situation but Miyagi simply didn’t care.


FACT: Kreese's thuggish actions was the sole reason for his problems. Prove me wrong.


Miyagi was the catalyst. He barely paused to reflect.


He did manage to muster 'Too bad' before going straight back to wasting his time with kata. He's still a good guy right?


Wish Silver had scolded him about the uselessness of kata right then and there.


He pretends to be compassionate to Silver’s face but the moment he’s gone he brushes the issue aside (“Come, we continue kata.”). He clearly has antisocial personality disorder.

There is no pretence. When Silver has departed, Daniel says "that's too bad". Miyagi replies, "hai - too bad, Daniel-san." And the tone in his voice clearly suggests he means that. And then he says to continue with the kata, because what good is there to dwell on it? Life goes on.

Say, if you had any empathy, you would have picked up on the sincerity in Mr. Miyagi's voice. Perhaps instead of making a diagnosis you are not qualified to make, you take a minute to reflect upon your own reading of the situation?


It would have been a complete and utter waste of the audience's time to dwell on this… That's all Kreese's death warranted.

Excuse me? It was the passing of a titan. Sensei Kreese risked his life in Vietnam to protect America’s freedom before opening a dojo and mentoring hundreds of young people in the Valley area. He was a great man. Miyagi should have at least cancelled training for the rest of the day, perhaps even made a pilgrimage to the dojo to reflect on his legacy.

Let me ask you this: if Miyagi had died, how do you think Kreese would have reacted? Be honest.

In Cobra Kai, Kreese tries to bury the hatchet by offering his condolences to Daniel, who responds to this gesture of good will by childishly taunting him about his knuckles.


Excuse me? It was the passing of a titan.

No it most certainly was not. It was the passing of a disgraced and unrepentant bully.

Sensei Kreese risked his life in Vietnam to protect America’s freedom

What does that have to do with anything? His service in Vietnam was what it was - his life after Vietnam was what that was. Being a veteran does not entitle you to infinite respect and privileges.

before opening a dojo and mentoring hundreds of young people in the Valley area.

To their ultimate detriment. He was not a good teacher. He could teach people how to fight, but he did so as if they were soldiers fighting in a war - totally inappropriate for civilian life.

He was a great man.


Miyagi should have at least cancelled training for the rest of the day, perhaps even made a pilgrimage to the dojo to reflect on his legacy.

What on earth for? Kreese was not Miyagi's sensei. They were not friends. They weren't even rivals, they were enemies - Kreese made that clear. And do you think Kreese would have done the same for Miyagi? Not on your life.

In Cobra Kai, Kreese tries to bury the hatchet by offering his condolences to Daniel, who responds to this gesture of good will by childishly taunting him about his knuckles.

Are you for real? Kreese mocked Daniel by an overtly fake offer of condolences. You couldn't possibly have read that as genuine.

"Well, whaddaya know - the gang's all back together. Well, almost all of us. My condolences [smirk]"

I have two options regarding you. To conclude you are a troll, or to conclude you are demented. I prefer the former, but keep it up and you might just convince me of the latter.


It’s long been established that Daniel was the actual bully, provoking others and then playing the victim when they responded. Observe his interaction with Kreese in the above-mentioned scene. Kreese was being a good sport, perfectly willing to let go of the past and turn over a new leaf (“the gangs all back together.”). He had obviously grown as a man and developed a healthy sense of perspective. It was Daniel who instigated the conflict by taunting him about his knuckles.

You disrespect the troops when you slander Kreese, downplaying his contributions to the war effort. Like your new friend WearsAlan, you don’t understand the nuances or complexities of the storytelling and are presenting long-debunked theories that have no place in the current discussion. I suggest you rewatch the films with a closer eye or at least view the following video essay to get up to speed.


It’s long been established that Daniel was the actual bully,

No. A jerk, yes. An idiot, yes. The bully? You are definitely taking the piss!

You disrespect the troops when you slander Kreese, downplaying his contributions to the war effort.

And you do the same regarding Miyagi. See how that works?

You are an idiot who has taken what was started as a joke to levels of paranoia not seen since the McCarthy witch hunts. You are so entrenched in this fantasy that you have invented a whole new personality (cruisin109) to back you up because none of your old gang (of which you were the Jimmy) visit the KK boards anymore. You attack anyone with an opposing view and call them Daniel/Miyagi lovers just because they don't agree with you. Either that or you accuse them of being me simply because you can't accept that someone else disagrees with you other than me.
You've had your time, maybe it's time you just left eh?


A jerk, yes. An idiot, yes.

No argument there.

And you do the same regarding Miyagi. See how that works

The facts surrounding Miyagi’s war record are hazy at best. We have no way of verifying the authenticity of his Medal of Honor, which, given his history in the opium trade, was likely procured through barter.

You are so entrenched in this fantasy that you have invented a whole new personality (cruisin109) to back you up…. Either that or you accuse them of being me simply because you can't accept that someone else disagrees with you other than me.

[Curb your Enthusiasm music begins playing.]


The facts surrounding Miyagi’s war record are hazy at best. We have no way of verifying the authenticity of his Medal of Honor, which, given his history in the opium trade, was likely procured through barter.

Another fantasy, most likely made up by your alter-ego cruisin109. Or perhaps just another out and out lie.

[Curb your Enthusiasm music begins playing.]

Very apt considering your stance on things eh?


Summing up. Miyagi played a major role in the series of events leading to Kreese’s downward spiral and eventual (hypothetical) death. The apathy with which he greeted the news was, considering the context, quite disturbing.


It's funny that in summing up you overlook Kreese being THE major player in his own downfall and being party to the lie about his (let's be honest here) death.
As for his apathy on hearing said lie, Miyagis only experience of this man was Kreeses bad attitude, bullying and attempt to punch Miyagi (twice).
Not sure why you expect anything other than utter contempt from Miyagi. As it is, what you perceive as apathy is much more than Kreese deserved. Turns out though that it was a lie anyway. Kreese was alive and well and receiving gratification from a tranny in Tahiti.


You excuse Miyagi’s sociopathy because you too are a scoundrel lacking a basic sense of human compassion.
Leave Mamona out of this. I guarantee she is more attractive than any woman you’ve ever been with.


You excuse Miyagi’s sociopathy because you too are a scoundrel lacking a basic sense of human compassion.
I think you are lacking a mirror as well as lacking human compassion. Try to acquire both....soon.

Leave Mamona out of this. I guarantee she is more attractive than any woman you’ve ever been with.

Not sure how you would possibly guarantee this seeing as you have seen neither Mamona or any woman I have ever been with. Either way I can guarantee you are wrong.


Mamoa was a beautiful woman and I won’t have you tarnishing her character with transphobic jibes.


Seeing as we never see Mamona your assumption is presumptious...pretty much like most of your posts really.
Her being a tranny fits in with Silvers (and Kreeses) sexual preferences so don't know why you feel the need to get uppity seeing as you support every thing regarding them.


She was a Tahitian goddess and licensed masseuse. She buried Judy.


and you know this how?
Oh that's right, you don't. You are confusing your personalities here and descending to fantasies reserved for your cruisin109 persona. Careful now.


WA you're an idiot we DO see Mamona.. she was giving Kreese a massage! You only WISH you had a girl like Mamona!


We see Mamona do we.
You know for a fact that the person (whose face we don't see) is Mamona. And based on seeing her (mans ) hands you believe I only WISH I had a (ahem) girl like Mamona. If like Kreese and Silver, trannies float your boat then you are welcome to a (ahem) girl like Mamona. Me? I prefer a real woman.
Btw, my wife would bury Mamona...and Judy.


You should be thrown down Devil's Cauldron for your attacks on women and the LGBT community.

Hopefully a good samaritan like Snake will pull your heavy wimp ass up... but I doubt it.


You should be thrown down Devil's Cauldron for your attacks on women and the LGBT community.

What attacks on women?

Hopefully a good samaritan like Snake will pull your heavy wimp ass up... but I doubt it.

You do right to doubt it.


What attacks on women?

You attacked Mamona.

Have you finished building your bunker yet? Season 4 drops in just a few months heralding the glorious return of Terry Silver... the walls are closing in on you.


What attacks on women?

You attacked Mamona.

Not a woman.

Have you finished building your bunker yet? Season 4 drops in just a few months heralding the glorious return of Terry Silver... the walls are closing in on you.

Newsflash. It's not real life, no need to build a bunker.


Not a woman.

Like the woman you sent into the bar in Jamaica to confront me because you yourself were too afraid to?


You weren't in Jamaica, so stop lying.

Da plane boss, da plane!


You sent a woman to fight your battles and yet you disparage women like Mamona online.

You're going down Devil's Cauldron... hope you know how to swim.


You sent a woman to fight your battles and yet you disparage women like Mamona online.

I sent a woman to prove you weren't there. She did just that, you weren't there. Oh, and like I said, Mamona is not a woman.

You're going down Devil's Cauldron... hope you know how to swim.

Da plane boss, da plane!


I sent a woman to prove you weren't there.

I said I was there and I was. You sent a woman to fight in your place.

She was probably a better fighter than you though.


I said I was there and I was. You sent a woman to fight in your place.

No you weren't. Your lies/fantasies are overtaking your real life.

She was probably a better fighter than you though.

If that were true then she most certainly would have knocked seven sorts of shit out of you had you been there.


If that were true then she most certainly would have knocked seven sorts of shit out of you had you been there.

I didn't respond to her sad attempt to call out "Where's Cruisin109!?" It was to shocked and embarrassed you sent a women to fight me. Cobra Kai warriors protect women... we don't use them to fight our battles.

Maybe she would have beaten me..... and you would then have to declare me the winner for getting knocked out! LOL


I didn't respond to her sad attempt to call out "Where's Cruisin109!?" It was to shocked and embarrassed you sent a women to fight me. Cobra Kai warriors protect women... we don't use them to fight our battles.

It took this long but hey, we got there in the end. YOU ARE LYING! Sharon was not there as she was in England at the time. Had you actually been there you would have said nobody shouted for you.


Maybe she would have beaten me..... and you would then have to declare me the winner for getting knocked out! LOL



It took this long but hey, we got there in the end. YOU ARE LYING! Sharon was not there as she was in England at the time. Had you actually been there you would have said nobody shouted for you.


I know you're embarrassed that you sent your female friend to fight your battle but you can't walk this back and now pretend that it didn't happen. You even acknowledged on the board you were doing this.. or was THAT the lie lol. You will forever be known as then karate man who sent a women to Jamaica to fight his battle while he hid in England like a coward.


You have been caught out. You said you were in Jamaica and you have been shown to be a liar. Just like your alter-ego NRC123 who said he was coming to my dojo to beat me up in front of my students. Pure fantasy.
Have you ever kissed a girl? Guess not seeing as you spend all your time in the basement.
This is done now. Further replies will be da plane boss, da plane!


You lose! Good day sir!


Da plane boss, da plane








Why should he be concerned


Why should he be? Kreese beat kids.


He didnt repeatedly hit them in the nuts like Miyagi did


Oh, well that's alright then!


I usually dont give a shit about the death of an enemy...why should myagi?


Miyagi was the catalyst for a series of events leading to Kreese’s (hypothetical) death. The dismissiveness with which he greets the news, when considering the context, is disturbing.


No, Kreese was the catalyst for a series of events which led to his (lied about ) death.
Out of commission comment.
His behaviour leaving the venue
'You're off the team' comment to Johnny (which we now know means he told him he was no longer a Kai)
Head lock on Johnny, throttling him in front of a packed car lot.
Slapping his other students.
All of the above causing no students to come through the doors in six months.
Wake up and smell the coffee Mr NRC123! This was no ones fault but his own.


Out of commission comment.

It was in the heat of competition. These things need to be placed in their proper context.

His behaviour leaving the venue

Miyagi, Daniel and others were blocking the exit, creating a fire hazard. Kreese politely said “Excuse me” and was on his way.

'You're off the team' comment to Johnny (which we now know means he told him he was no longer a Kai)

It was a motivational tactic used to bring out the best in Johnny and sharpen his focus.

Head lock on Johnny, throttling him in front of a packed car lot.

We’ve already settled this argument. He was showing him a new move.

Slapping his other students.

A gentle tap. Karate is a combat sport.


It was in the heat of competition. These things need to be placed in their proper context.

It WAS placed in its' proper context

Miyagi, Daniel and the others we’re blocking the exit, creating a fire hazard. Kreese politely said “Excuse me” and was on his way.

No. Watch it again, he could have gone around them.

It was a motivational tactic used to bring out the best in Johnny and sharpen his focus.

No. It was a headlock used to hurt him

A gentle tap. Karate is a combat sport.

Except at that moment they are not taking part in that sport. Kreese is hurting Johnny and the others are pleading him to stop.

Poor from you. Really poor. You've basically become an apologist for Kreese.


You don’t understand the nuances of the storytelling. As we see in the new season of Cobra Kai, Kreese is a classic tragic hero. As Terry Silver correctly points out, war does things to a man. You’d have to have been there to understand.


Actually it's you who doesn't understand. Yes, war does things to a man. But that doesn't make what that man then does is right. That's why Rambo goes to prison at the end of First Blood. He may have been justified but he was still wrong. Kreese wasn't justified and he was also wrong.

You’d have to have been there to understand.
You weren't there and you don't.


John Kreese served his country in Vietnam, saving Terry Silver’s life countless times. He deserves our respect. Pussies like you don’t know how it is in the real world.


You've never been in a fight in your life, dickhead.
Keyboard warrior tapping away in the safety of your cellar and acting the big man. You haven't got a clue but are happy to preach.
Wax on, fuck off!


You’ve never experienced the horrors of war, yet you’re passing judgment on a Vietnam veteran. Kreese risked his life to protect our freedom only to have ungrateful draft dodgers like you harass him upon return.


You’ve never experienced the horrors of war,
Neither have you

Kreese risked his life to protect our freedom only to have ungrateful draft dodgers like you harass him upon return for not being politically correct.

Not old enough to be draft dodger. Your non sequitur is dismissed.

Furthermore, Kreese is not the only person to have survived the horrors of war. Him turning psycho on his students 10 years later has more to do with being a bad loser than anything else.


Neither have you

At least I have the decency to show respect to war veterans.

Not old enough to be draft dodger. Your non sequitur is dismissed.

You didn’t answer the call during the Falklands War. You turned your back on your country when it needed you.

Furthermore, Kreese is not the only person to have survived the horrors of war. Him turning psycho on his students 10 years later has more to do with being a bad loser than anything else.

Everybody deals with PTSD differently. You’re not a psychologist and not qualified to make that assessment.


At least I have the decency to show respect to war veterans.

Really? You've shown none to Miyagi.

You didn’t answer the call of duty during the Falklands War. You turned your back on your country when it needed you.

There was no call as we already had the troops to deal with it. Oh, and I was too young.

Everybody deals with PTSD differently. You’re not a psychologist and not qualified to make that assessment.

And neither are you.


Miyagi’s war record has never been properly verified. It’s been suggested his Medal of Honour was either a replica purchased in a toy store or bartered in exchange for opium.
You find excuses to not serve your country while passing judgment on a three-time US Army National Karate Champion who’s been in the shit. You suck Wears, and your karate’s a joke.


Miyagi’s war record has never been properly verified. It’s been suggested his Medal of Honour was either a replica purchased in a toy store or was bartered in exchange for opium by one of his customers.
Actually yes it was. Perhaps you've never seen the Next Karate Kid.
Epic Fail.

You find excuses to not serve your country
Being too young is not an excuse, but then you already know that.

while passing judgment on a three-time US Army National Karate Champion who’s been in the shit.
A bit like you with Miyagi eh?

You suck Wears, and your karate’s a joke.
And you would know how you lazy sack of shit?


NKK was not written by Kamen and was not part of his original vision. It was a cash grab which did not properly respect or understand the mythology.


Because it doesn't suit your argument you mean.
Cobra Kai wasn't written by RMK either but is considered canon.


We all enjoy Cobra Kai as fan fiction though we take it with a grain of salt. Kamen would agree that while entertaining, the show has taken the characters in a different creative direction. Academically speaking, it should not be cited in discussion of the original films.


It's just your excuse isn't it?
Your tacit concession is noted


You’ve lost another argument to the Kai. Guess you’re used to that by now.


Never lost to you guys when you guys were a force so it is not going to happen when all that is left is the dregs am I?
Your tacit concession is noted.


LOL, these people can't seriously be arguing with you, can they? They've gotta be satirizing too. I can't imagine reading more than two of your posts on this thread and not realizing that you're just posting in fun.


I’m not being facetious. Miyagi displays sociopathic tendencies throughout the series. That they’re siding with him reveals deeper truths about themselves.


People die all the time, Daniel-san. Wax on, wax off.
