MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > What are some episodes you can't stand (...

What are some episodes you can't stand (apart from newer ones obviously)

I mean like, ones from the good days...

I cannot stand that Colonel Homer episode. The concept isn't nearly as funny as the writers thought it was (yeah... colonel homer instead of Colonel Tom Parker... amazing... he's a .... music manager. I'm dying here.)

Plus that annoying singer woman's voice for 30 whole minutes. Just awful. Anyway... also I can't stand "Call of the Wild" from the 1st season. The RV salesman was entertaining then when they actually went on their trip I almost died of boredom. Just such a primitive episode (and I actually LIKE a lot of the eps from season 1)


I never really rated Marge Be Not Proud.

The plot wasn't particularly interesting. Bart stole a game, everybody was angry at him and thought he'd gone too far, then they made up. And I don't really remember any of it being in any way amusing.


Oh well I disagree with you a lot. Maybe you should watch it again I found it funny.

To me it's just a slightly lesser version of "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace". It's still good though.


I never liked those Halloween episodes, even going back to the old days.

I thought the episode where Troy McClure married Selma was dull (outside of the “Dr Siess” song!). Because Troy McClure and Selma don’t have enough comedic value to serve as the main figure of an entire episode.


I never liked those Halloween episodes, even going back to the old days.

OMG, Love those!!


I love the Treehouse of Horror episodes too! They’re a lot of fun, especially if you’re a horror movie fan.


Yeah, I was never as keen on the Halloween episodes either.

It just feels a bit too stop/start/stop/start fitting three smaller episodes into one.


I was not too big on "Krusty Gets Cancelled", I thought it was a weak way to end Season 4 (which is IMO the best season of The Simpsons).


I feel every episode centered around Krusty was weak.


I did love the episode "Kamp Krusty" though


Interesting choice. I was having trouble identifying any episodes I actually notiably disliked when the Simpsons was in its heyday in the 90s but I was always pretty "meh" on Krusty focused episodes who I never particularly liked as a character.


Some of the musical episodes are quite boring.


This! Any episode that has the cast singing song throughout the episode, not really a fan of that whatsoever.


I had been watching from the older seasons and one I didn't care for was the one from Season 3 where Homer decides not to go to church anymore. Just didn't find it as funny or enjoyable as some of the others. There's also the one from Season 2 where Bart and Lisa try finding either Patty or Selma (can't remember which is which) a boyfriend and in the end they can't find the right guy for her to be with. That one was also meh.


As an atheist I always found Homer the Heretic (the espiode where Homer gives up church) to be dogmatic, and I found Marge's hectoring irritating. Makes me almost wonder why conservatives hated the show in its early years.
Nevertheless it's still a great and funny episode for its material.


Have you bothered watching the latest seasons? They're pretty damned good.


I hope ur joking.


No, they're pretty damned good. Not great, but way better than for say 6-7 years ago.


Interesting. Can you do us a favor and pick one of the ones that are funny from the latest seasons? I'm as big a critic of anything post season 15 that there is but I'm willing to go on another fan's recommendation here. I'm willing to give a newer episode a shot if someone picks a good one.


There's about 2 or 3 watchable episodes since 2010. At absolute best. That's probably even including Halloween specials which are easier to write.

Don't listen to this guy, he's nuts.


I was hoping for some nuggets, but would prefer someone to point them out and not require me to pan for them myself.


um hellooo? Im the OP not the other guy..



Read it again from naDaht down. *He* said there were good episodes the last few seasons. I asked him to point out a few. He didn't (not yet anyway). You said don't listen to the guy (naDaht) because there are no good episodes recently. I said (to you) that I was hoping for some nuggets, but didn't want to waste my time looking unless someone (naDaht) pointed out specific episodes to try.



It's not my fault this board is so primitive.

When you get banned you can still edit your posts, can you believe that.


When you get banned you can still edit your posts, can you believe that.

I'll go on your say-so. I haven't been banned yet...


Presumably because like 99% of people you're too much of an easily led sheep to be against Islam. If you haven't at any point in the last 10 years been banned from anything by one of the internet's many psychotic, terrorist-swooning hall monitor geeks you definitely can't say you have an intellect.

No particular offense at you of course, just saying.


"When you get banned you can still edit your posts"?

That says so much about you.


riiiiiiiiight? The fact you expect me to care or feel bad says something about you.... I'm not sure what it is though, and whatever it is will probably send me to sleep.


There was a phase in the back half of the seventh season where it got a little too dry for me as a kid and some of these (e.g. Bart the Fink, Lisa the Iconaclast) are still not my favourites.

I think the second half of Homerpalooza is pretty bad. Might have been the start of celebrity guest appearances on the show being really cringe-inducing.


Homerpalooza? Oh yeah I've avoided that episode like hell. Only one that is more past its 1996 use by date is the "Poochie" episode ugh.


I was never that bothered by the ones that involve baseball, or American football, or any other American sport, simply because I do not care for American sports. Funnily enough one of the first times I realised the show was going downhill was during a sport-related episode, when Homer and co. go to the Super Bowl. I noticed how lazy the celebrity inclusions had become. They randomly shoehorned Dolly Parton, and I think Vincent Price, just for cheap laughs.


I think "Homer At the Bat" is one of the most horrendously dated episodes. If there's anyone going around still saying that episode is "must watch" they should be euthanised. So unfunny. I'd rather be forced to sit through "The Fugitive" again than that.

The rest of the sports-based episodes, sorry I disagree, I can definitely enjoy even though I'm British and I dont care for American football at all.


Was that the one where Homer becomes a mascot? If it is then yes it hasn't dated so well. It was from the very early seasons when The Simpsons hadn't really got into their stride yet so I forgive it.


No, that was a different ep.... it's the ep where they form a softball team and Burns hires a bunch of pros (yaaaawn) (im just dying already typing it)


Wow you’re a complete moron, the episode is hilarious and an all time classic. Get a life troll.


Are you talking about "Homer at the bat"? No you see the "all time classic" means... it's still entertaining after a lot of time has passed. It may be funny to you but to people who are too young to know who Jose Canseco is it's just awful.

It's dreadful. The only funny thing is where Burns does the over the top hand signalling, I can just look that up on youtube

I hope that episode dies, I hope your cat dies.


So the episode is bad because people don’t know who Jose Canseco is? You’re an complete fool and if someone didn’t know who he was the they are complete idiots like you.


Not just that, it's bad because it's way too dry and unfunny and it centres around a sport very few people care about.

Baseball: America's past time...


You’re right a sport that millions watch, no one cares about. A billion dollar sport that makes more money in a day then you will in your lifetime. Also, clearly the humor went over your head silly child.


"Also, clearly the humor went over your head silly child."

Oh, good news for you, I've suddenly decided to change my mind just because you suggested I was "not smart enough to get it".... good job there!




Nice to get shouted at by someone called "kowalski". LOL. it's like living in a trailer park.

How could you be so attached to something that crappy after nearly 30 years? Jeezus get a life! I'm absolutely BEGGIN' the both of ya's to do so!




Hahaha. You're awesome. Are you holding a shotgun in one hand and a beer in the other right now?


"Vincent Price" is indeed in it, but it's an impersonation rather than the actor who had died a few years earlier.


I liked the Super Bowl episode it was hilarious. Come on..

(I didnt spot that part of his post at first)


It's definitely one of the stronger episodes of Season 10 for me.


I know he had died by then but it was actually still supposed to be Vincent Price right? It all felt quite random with little context to why he'd suddenly appear like that.
