MovieChat Forums > Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Discussion > Another movie people only praise because...

Another movie people only praise because of nostalgia and not because it is really that good

Getting tiring to see the number of movies like this


This movie is a blast, you are nuts.


Yeah, well, ya know, that's just like, uh, your opinion man.


Not really. Most fans can’t even explain how this is really a good movie or how it holds up on Amy way. Hell, even at the time it was mostly bashed by critics and bombed


critics are a bunch of fart smelling farters who care what the fuck a dumbass sheltered journalist critic has to say nobody gives a fuck.... a methhead who lives in a trailerpark has a better understanding of movies and i trust their opinion a million times more than any lame ass propaganda critic lol. this movie is a cult classic, one of the most fun and enjoyable movies to watch ever made. i never was alive when they made it but man did it make San Francisco look cool back then. best san fran movie ever made really captured the cities feel and look at its peak time in history. i have been there in 2019 and 2021 and holy smokes it is way shittier than this movie made it out to be. this movie did great job promoting san fran and i have nostalgic feels of the city soley based of my watching of this movie as a child and adult many times. so funny and the crazy special effects were some of the best in movie history aswell. now with cgi everything looks fake and bullshit but in the 1980s they still used practical effects and in my opinion it looked so much better than the new stuff. the practical effects of this movie are only ecplised by the thing 1982 they are some of the best in cinema history. aaaaaand this movie is super fun and light spirited aaaand super funny!!! i put it on as background noise when i am playing videogames all the time it is soooo great. this is one of the best movies ever made it is not overrated in any way what so ever. the critics can sniff a fart this movie kicked fucking ass


Critics didn't get it, among other things. There was also a bit of controversy at the time that BTILC was culturally insensitive, foreshadowing the more extreme PC nonsense belched out today by bigots in social justice drag disguise. Even in this way John Carpenter was way ahead of his time.


I recall the "cultural insensitivity" for this film - specifically insensitivity to white folks

The critics were complaining about how unheroic Jack Burton was, completely missing the point that he's NOT the "hero" -- he's the comic relief sidekick.

Wang, the ASIAN guy, is the hero ... but back then the notion was SO alien that even supposedly "liberal" movie critics missed it.

EDIT: note that Jack IS the "protagonist" and point-of-view character

Just not the hero

And, again, I cannot overemphasize how many people MISSED that point back then


You're right. In fact, on my first viewing when I was a kid I was disappointed that Kurt Russell played such a buffoon. I was accustomed to his spin on the anti-hero as Snake Plissken and RJ MacReady, two ultra cool dudes if nothing else. It was only on subsequent viewings that I understood BTILC to be a comedy, and central to that was turning its heroic protagonist upside down. I didn't "get" this aspect either initially, although being young I didn't have the requisite frame of reference to appreciate how Carpenter was playing with the idea of a hero. It goes to show that this film can be enjoyed on many levels. Once you get the comedy it's pure gold, assuming you don't get caught up in the cultural appropriation nonsense. I rank this as my fourth favorite in John Carpenter's filmography.


What are your top three John Carpenter favorites before this one being the fourth? I can make a good guess that The Thing is number one?



Aha, just what I thought too, Jack!


I bet you're fun at parties,

no wait:
Go watch Transformers !

no ,this it
why do you come here to write about movies you dont like


Nostalgia only works if people enjoyed it the first time around, which many people did. Your argument makes no logical sense.


How about “illogical sense”?

How about redundancy, asswipe?


How about logical nonsense?


Nostalgia is certainly one of the reasons I like it, but I'd disagree it's the only one.

Maybe it's one of those "you had to be there" kind of deals, but for me, this movie is a shining textbook example of that particular 80's brand of dumb, schlocky and thoroughly enjoyable action flicks.


I think it's a great action-comedy with elements of the supernatural and martial arts. I loved it as a kid and I still enjoy it. Kurt Russell and Kim Cattrall always do a great job. While there have been formidable Asian villains in the past, I thought this film did a good job of showing Asians in heroic roles.


It’s John Carpenter’s martial arts movie, and it has Kurt Russell channeling John Wayne. Fucking period. If you don’t get that, boy!, wait for you to hit puberty and grow a pair of balls.

I see from your posting history that you like to whine and bitch a lot, Dave.


People liked it at the time it came out, too. It didn't do well at the box office, but it's one of those movies that did better in rentals and really gained its following after it played at the theaters.
