My only beef with the ending...

I don't mind the music. It didn't matter that much to me either way. I liked both. I also didn't mind the revisit to earlier planets. I thought it to be a good way to come full circle. What BOTHERED ME THE MOST was Hayden Christensen at the end. Let's set aside for a moment that I just can't stand the guy. But I thought it should be "neither or both" on Anakin and Obi Wan. I don't even necessarily care which way they went, young or old, as long as they used them BOTH young or old.

But I still can't stand the sight of Hayden Christensen.


They should have done a young Yoda ghost too, I think. I wonder what he would look like young? I'm picturing Kermit the frog with Spock ears.


Good point. A young Yoda would look a lot different.


I would have rather seen a green Ernie from Sesame Street as young Yoda than Hayden take the place of the kind fatherly Anakin. The original scene of the three of them was about the only thing I liked about the entire film back in the day.


Mandalorian's Baby Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi as a 9 year old! I wanna see that in a future edit! HAHA


Yeah no idea why they did that, or at least give him an 'old man' makeover if they were worried about bone structure or something?


Maybe the ghost appear on the last state when they were still good? In that perspective, it MIGHT make sense.

Still, I don't like this change neither. I think it's an insult to the original actor (even though actors playing Vader changed from movie to movie).


Yeah no idea why they did that, or at least give him an 'old man' makeover if they were worried about bone structure or something?

That has nothing to do with it. Lucas wanted to make a forced connection to the prequels which is why he changed Old Anakin into Hayden Christianson. I hate that the did that on the DVD release but it looks like it will never ever be undone. George Lucas aggrivates me with his stupid, "I didn't like the way I originally made these movies." thing. I like the special edition and have been watching that version since it came out. But his middle finger to fans of the original versions irritates me. And although he did release the original versions on DVD, from what I remember they were in fullscreen format! All this because he hates the original versions of the films he made and doesn't care what anyone else thinks! I doubt Disney will release the original versions even after Lucas dies.


There is no excuse for replacing Sebastian Shaw at the end of Return of the Jedi. George and company were definitely taking something when they made that decision.


Honestly this is one of the changes that I didn't mind at all & the explanation behind it largely makes sense. I'm just not of the mind that any and all changes/edits to the original OT films were bad. I suppose it helps that to begin with I don't have anti prequel bias nor was i ever overly attached to the original actor and his 2 minutes or so of screen time.

I thought Hayden Christensen was fine & I felt more of a connection with his Anakin & for me at least it adds to the feeling of the saga coming full circle.


Yeah I never understood why used one young and 2 were old. Luke didn’t even know what his young father looked like either. At the time 1983 we didn’t know how bad Vader’s past was but after seeing episode 2-3 and Rogue One we saw how bad Vader was in the past. Sure Vader threw the Emperor in the hole doesn’t erase all the bad stuff he did leading up to that. So seeing Vader up there with the good Jedi’s didn’t make sense.


I guess the excuse is that Anakin's ghost reverted back to when he was still a good guy. Doesn't work, though.


I like your explanation. For me it's the only one that make sense. The representation of the 3 most significant Jedi in Luke's life, using the good side of the Force.


There is one movie called Shattered Glass that I like him in where he plays a pathological liar.


I hate that change. I wish they'd release the original Special Edition that didn't have that change. I have to watch that version cause it's the only one available on DVD. And while we're at it get rid of Vader saying, "Nooooooo!" before killing the Emperor.


I have ROTS on VHS, as close to original as you can get.


Not all of us want to have a VCR though. I quit using VHS over 10 years ago.


The quality sucks but not sure what else one can do. I wish Disney would release the OT theatrical release on 4K. That would be awesome.


The reason I don't want to use a VCR is because I have an 1080P HD TV and nothing SD looks good on it. Except for when you put DVDs into a Bluray Player. But anything SD you plug into an HDTV looks like crap on it!


I still have the original trilogy on VHS AND still have a working VHS...They are my most valuable possessions and will probably cry when the machine eventually dies, lol
