

Uh that scene was hilarious why would anyone edit it out?

"Excuse me can you give me directions back onto the freeway"
"Man f-ck yo mama"
"Thank you"


Since to me TLJ has an Anti-male agenda does that mean that we should ban Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Or do my feelings not matter because of my race and gender but I still have to tiptoe around everyone else's feelings?


That scene in Vacation just as much stereotypes Clark as a dopey white guy, clueless and trying to be "down".

The suggestion that scene be removed suggests black people don't have a sense of humor. If white people can laugh at "Joe Dirt", "Dude where's My Car", "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", "White Girls", "Valley Girl" and a thousand other movies that goof on stereotypes, I'm certain that black people can laugh at similar tropes.

Should black-produced comedies like "Fridays", "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka", "In Living Color", and virtually every rap video ever made....go back and censor their work as well?

Should most of Spike Lee's work get censored and watered-down as well?

Should "Casablanca" get censored? How about "Gone with the Wind?"
What's next....burning books??

People, please.


Exactly but to SJW's white men can be stereotyped and mocked but on the other hand white men have to tiptoe around their fragile little feelings. It's hypocrisy at it's worst and actually a racist attitude.

I didn't even take that scene as poking fun at black people, I took it as poking fun at Clark who was totally out of his element and in over his head.


What's so offensive about it? It's supposed to be comedy. Take a breath.


I'm almost positive that's the point of what the original poster was trying to convey. That the movie is a comedy and the scene was funny, but with the current Zeitgeist (see I'm really smart cuz I used that word!) of everyone being offended by everything, he is worried they will tamper with the film.


That’s why you need to own the film like I do. I still have a physical movie collection with a ton of classic films and comedies that the spineless society of 2020 would want to ban, edit, and put “sensitivity warnings” on. The offended brigade can never edit or ban movies that you own.

But you are right, it’s just a matter of time before they start doing that to all of the classic films, especially the comedies. They’ve already gone after Gone With The Wind, Blazing Saddles, and many others. We live in an era that’s all about banning things that some people might find offensive...it’s sickening, and dangerous...yet the people editing and banning things seem to like to portray themselves as “heroes” instead of the fascists they are.

Look what Netflix did to Back To The Future II. Did you see that story??!



They already did a test run of editing Blazing Saddles. It was 6 minutes long.




ROFL good one 🤣


But what was offensive in that scene that they felt they need to edit it?


To many of the people in today’s society who love to generalize EVERYTHING and can’t take a joke, it supposedly shows African Americans in a negative light, because it involves urban plight, prostitution (the one man is dressed like pimp), random gunshots implying violence, and theft, as several of the men are stealing the rims off of the Griswold’s car.

It’s a great scene and funny as hell seeing the Griswolds in that “fish out of water” moment, but today’s censoring and banning “cancel culture” will want to remove that from the film at some point. That’s why I’m happy I own a physical copy of this movie.


I'm sorry but this would be ridiculous.


Well America still got ghetto places all over the states why be so sensitive and offended because a film was making fun of it 40 years ago. Can you go there today and still walk out safe in the middle of the night ?

Reality bites.


Please don't give them ideas


Eat crap and die you progressive wanker


Read my entire thread you A.D.D sufferer.


You stated it was an offensive scene


Big deal you find it offensive. What happens. Nothing. You wake up the next day and carry on with your life to find something new to be offended over.

So what if the scene is offensive to you? Does that mean other people who don't find it offensive are not allowed to watch it.

You stating this offends me does that mean you should be censored from saying anytiing.

If you want things to be banned and censored it would only be a matter of time before something you like gets done.

Here is a novel idea, if you don't like it, don't watch it, simple really.

Offense can only be taken, never given.
